Anna Lembke, "expert" witness, making I believe$750/hr, has made many derogatory statements. Remember, she is a Psychiatrist, and not a pain dr. That doesn't stop her, though. I am going to add some of her quotes to this thread. 1/
Anna Lembke 6/15/17 said "But the poor and people of color have definitely suffered during this opioid epidemic.” “Disability insurance has become the modern social safety net. Disability became a very attractive way for people to simply earn a living.”
3/ “I have had many patients over the years whose primary identity is that of being a patient, maintaining that illness is not just crucial to their identity but also crucial to their income if they’re on disability. If they were to get better then they would lose that income"
4/ Illness as identity fosters victim narrative, victimhood has a right to be compensated n in the context of a victim narrative, people can’t get better. It’s not an adaptive narrative b/c it requires them to remain ill n always look outside themselves for somebody to heal them
5/ "The professional patient is that individual who completely identifies with being the patient as their core identity in the world but also relies on the disability income to pay their bills"
6/ "We eliminated welfare in the 1990’s and we largely replaced it with federally funded disability for medical problems. We are forcing individuals to be ill in order to secure an income."
7/ "Patients adopt the patient role for “psychological reasons, financial reasons. Being ill is a very attractive societal role. If you have to choose between being an ill person and being a homeless unemployed person, you would choose the illness identity.”
8/ "We have now medicalized poverty using a pill to fix it. Patients are incentivized to adopt the sick role.We have bloating disability rules, not b/c we have more people who are sick and need to be on disability, but b/c going on to disability has become a way to pay the bills"
9/ "Driving overprescribing is this idea about pain being dangerous. We now believe that pain can leave a kind of psychic scar that sets people up for future pain. This is not always how doctors conceptualized pain."
10/ "Doctors used to believe that pain was salutary, that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. We don’t believe that anymore about pain. Patients’ expectations are very high."
Slide 6: The real reason our country pushed the notion that addiction was a chronic broken brain disease: to sell Suboxone to the masses.
Slide 9: Remember how part of the litigation narrative against pain orgs and pharma was they used patient orgs as a front, called them astroturf orgs to push opioids like OxyContin? Remember how they named Key Opinion Leaders in these lawsuits? This is different how exactly?
1) Let's listen to just a few of the times #OIG, #DEA, and others have stated that their program #ORRP ensures pain pts affected by clinic closures are helped.
1) I posted about this yesterday, but I need to again. This letter was sent May 14 for ASAM, AMA, et al due to concern that Suboxone access would be affected by the suspicious order red flags. So they couldn't have included pain pts being harmed by the same thing? No?...
2) Daily we hear from pain pts in sudden w/d bc the pharmacy is out of their meds due to the same injunction and suspicious order red flag. It is leading to severe harm, suicidal ideation, and undoubtedly death. But, the hatred of Rx opioids in this country is more important..
3) than the lives of millions of pain pts. So ironic that this narrative that Purdue paid pain orgs to push for opioid access is still spoken daily - yet here is ASAM majorly funded by Indivior and nobody blinks an eye that their job seems to be simply remove all barriers for...
1) This thread is about a pain patient I've recently spoken with. She's close to 70 yrs. old. Retired Nurse Practitioner. CRPS and possible Lupus. Took opioids and did well for many years. Was flagged at one pt from pharmacy bc her dying dog got Ativan....
2) Took benzo and opioids for years. Dr. Retired. Found a new dr. CVS suddenly denied scripts. Pt found another pharmacy who agreed to fill all of her meds. Pt filled benzo at pharmacy. When she went to fill opioid, they denied it saying they changed their minds....
3) Said they had too many chronic pain pts and couldn't take more. Now she already had benzo filled there. So that's 2 pharmacies and 2 doctors. Now she had to find another pharmacy. Called another pharmacy and pharmacist yelled at her....
1) DEA is setting up prescribers and pts for being flagged. Here is a sentence from their statement on 2024 quota cut "Drug Administration (FDA), can utilize tools under the CSA to prevent or alleviate drug shortages and ensure that patients are able to fill legitimate...
2) "prescriptions for controlled substances without undue delay. Additionally, if a patient is faced with a delay in receiving their medications, the patient may request a one-time transfer of initial dispensing of an electronic prescription for Schedules II – V controlled...
3) "substances from one retail pharmacy to another retail pharmacy." Ok, so let's say the pt transfers to another pharmacy. That pt now is flagged as using multiple pharmacies. Risk score goes up. The dr. then can be flagged for giving rx to pt w higher risk score....
1) The following is a tweet from an ER dr. "On Oct 7, Hamas struck a blow in that fight, using creativity, cunning, and discipline, and the naked valor of their soldiers to make it clear that Israel could not torture Gaza w/o end in perfect comfort and safety.....
2) "In addition to bravely targeting the massive military might of a lavishly subsidized 21st century army, Hamas targeted civilians, and that was wrong. No qualifiers. But people being excited or exhilarated by what they did is not 'sick,' unless we are all sick whenever..."
3) "we give voice to patriotic feelings in wartime for an army that violates the laws of war." Now, you tell me, would a Jewish patient be safe with this doctor? The lack of push back on this thread is disgusting to me. But, sure keep saying nobody is saying Oct 7 was ok.