Bev SchechtmanšŸ‡®šŸ‡± Profile picture
Wife, mom of 2 girls & an Aussiedoodle, Crohnā€™s, PsA, PTSD, sexual abuse survivor, chronic pain advocate. VP/Researcher for The Doctor Patient Forum/DPP
4 subscribers
Feb 25 ā€¢ 6 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
Now look at this Reckitt presentation from 2014 about Suboxone. Look at comments for individual slides of interest.ā€¦ Slide 6: The real reason our country pushed the notion that addiction was a chronic broken brain disease: to sell Suboxone to the masses. Image
Feb 13 ā€¢ 13 tweets ā€¢ 4 min read
1) Let's listen to just a few of the times #OIG, #DEA, and others have stated that their program #ORRP ensures pain pts affected by clinic closures are helped. 2) AAG Benezkowski
May 23, 2024 ā€¢ 5 tweets ā€¢ 1 min read
1) I posted about this yesterday, but I need to again. This letter was sent May 14 for ASAM, AMA, et al due to concern that Suboxone access would be affected by the suspicious order red flags. So they couldn't have included pain pts being harmed by the same thing? No?... 2) Daily we hear from pain pts in sudden w/d bc the pharmacy is out of their meds due to the same injunction and suspicious order red flag. It is leading to severe harm, suicidal ideation, and undoubtedly death. But, the hatred of Rx opioids in this country is more important..
May 22, 2024 ā€¢ 6 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
1) This thread is about a pain patient I've recently spoken with. She's close to 70 yrs. old. Retired Nurse Practitioner. CRPS and possible Lupus. Took opioids and did well for many years. Was flagged at one pt from pharmacy bc her dying dog got Ativan.... 2) Took benzo and opioids for years. Dr. Retired. Found a new dr. CVS suddenly denied scripts. Pt found another pharmacy who agreed to fill all of her meds. Pt filled benzo at pharmacy. When she went to fill opioid, they denied it saying they changed their minds....
Dec 30, 2023 ā€¢ 6 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
1) DEA is setting up prescribers and pts for being flagged. Here is a sentence from their statement on 2024 quota cut "Drug Administration (FDA), can utilize tools under the CSA to prevent or alleviate drug shortages and ensure that patients are able to fill legitimate... 2) "prescriptions for controlled substances without undue delay. Additionally, if a patient is faced with a delay in receiving their medications, the patient may request a one-time transfer of initial dispensing of an electronic prescription for Schedules II ā€“ V controlled...
Nov 13, 2023 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 1 min read
1) The following is a tweet from an ER dr. "On Oct 7, Hamas struck a blow in that fight, using creativity, cunning, and discipline, and the naked valor of their soldiers to make it clear that Israel could not torture Gaza w/o end in perfect comfort and safety..... 2) "In addition to bravely targeting the massive military might of a lavishly subsidized 21st century army, Hamas targeted civilians, and that was wrong. No qualifiers. But people being excited or exhilarated by what they did is not 'sick,' unless we are all sick whenever..."
Jul 25, 2023 ā€¢ 6 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
1) New webinar w Clauw. Cites OPAL as evidence opioids make worse. Except it didnā€™t get worse in either group. Aside from design flaws citing this study as evidence of OIH is inappropriate and fraudulent.From baseline to 6 weeks, pain pain via @YouTube 2) improved. Clauw didnā€™t read the study, clearly, bc he claims they gave them opioids for a yr. Also false. They have them for 6 weeks and then followed them again 12, 26, 52 weeks. This is the second ā€œexpertā€ claiming this proves opioids cause pain. So theyā€™re claiming thatā€¦
Jul 18, 2023 ā€¢ 12 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
1) Jan 28, 2016 CDC held a mtg to discuss the upcoming opioid GL. Let's look at Gary Mendell's comments "As all of you know, the CDC Guideline is not based on public opinion, or conflicts of interest related to the profits of opioid sales...." 2) "Rather, they are based upon an unbiased, exhaustive analysis of the best available research. The CDC can wait for years for further research, but if it does, tens of thousands of our loved ones will die, and tens of thousands of families will be torn apart..."
Mar 1, 2023 ā€¢ 10 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
1) I get this is KevinMD but this is infuriating. Quoting ACEā€™s saying chronic pain is often caused by untreated trauma or childhood abuse and saying theyā€™re higher risk of abuse so should maybe not rx opioids.ā€¦ 2) First of all, ACEā€™s was never intended to be used on an individual health basis, in order to make decisions about a patientā€™s pain treatment. Know what this didnā€™t mention? Of all of the adverse events in the ACEā€™s study, no one adverse event has a greater impact thanā€¦
Nov 12, 2022 ā€¢ 6 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
1) Thank you to everyone for your kindness during this difficult time. It has come to my attn that Shasta from CIAAG has also been discussing my childhood. She pulled my background check and thinks I have 2 identities. DMV messed up bc I was not married when I first movedā€¦ 2) to NC and then married when I moved back. She claims I am ā€œan addict.ā€ A pathological liar, a plagiarist, that my ā€œpain storyā€ about being denied opioids due to sexual abuse was a lie and I was only making this claim bc someone else spoke about it in media. She claims myā€¦.
Oct 18, 2022 ā€¢ 48 tweets ā€¢ 11 min read
1) Childhood sexual abuse is a very difficult subject. Incest makes it even harder. It is no secret that I was abused as a child. I was denied opioids for this reason in 2017 which is what made me start researching and becoming an advocate. As passionate as I am aboutā€¦. 2) Pain patience and harm reduction I am even more passionate about speaking up for victims of sexual abuse and assault including incest. Unfortunately, I trusted somebody early on in my advocacy and Believed her when she said she wanted to help me. Since she has been postingā€¦
Jul 16, 2022 ā€¢ 9 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
1) After being treated horribly at hosp for kidney stones the hospitalist said ā€œcome back if your pain is worse.ā€ What I actually said in response ā€œIā€™d rather die at home from a heart attack from pain than ever step foot in this hosp again.ā€ What the hospitalist put in my EHR:ā€¦ 2) ā€œpt said ā€˜what would happen if I went home and killed myself.ā€ Ok so #1 why would I need to ask a dr what would happen if I killed myself? #2 why didnā€™t he 1. Get a new a psych consult 2. Contact any of my doctors with this concern? He also wrote I absolutely refused NSAIDā€™sā€¦
May 10, 2022 ā€¢ 10 tweets ā€¢ 3 min read
1)ā€¦ CDC posted a pre-RFP for a consulting firm to study why their opioid rapid response program (ORRP) supposedly in existence since 2018 hasn't been able to do what they set out to, which is the help local DOH to find continuity of care for abandoned... 2) CPP's when law enforcement shuts down a clinic. They've been shutting down clinics w ARPO since 2018, and they're just now wanting to study why doctors won't "absorb" these patients? They acknowledge these "legacy" pts go to the street and get laced pills or commit suicide...
May 2, 2022 ā€¢ 10 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
1) I need to address this issue with bupe for CPP's bc it seems like a point of contention right now. I agree that bupe should be an option to CPP's. If it were presented as an option then there wouldn't be an issue. It isn't. It's given to stable CPP's who have done well on 2) full agonist for years. It is schedule 3 and doctors seem to feel less afraid to rx it and I don't blame them. Once a CPP is given bupe, it's incredibly difficult to ever try a full agonist again. Doctors assume CPP was given bupe due to issues with misuse. If a CPP says it
Apr 19, 2022 ā€¢ 9 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
1) Listening to Sullivan say PTSD shouldn't be treated with benzos. I know my experience is just anecdotal, but here goes: I experienced severe childhood trauma that lasted until I was 14 and then went through the criminal court system that ended when I was 19. When my kids were 2) about the same age I was when abuse began, I started having symptoms later dx as C-PTSD. I went to therapy, which was truly brutal. Great counselor but difficult to work through. My counselor sent me to see a Psychiatrist, who gave me an anti-depressant and ativan...
Feb 12, 2022 ā€¢ 9 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
1) What it the people exposing gov orgsā€™ relationship w industry and how legislation is pushed though from lobbyists who represent industry are actually exposing them to actually further the agenda of others in different industries? Would you care? 2) or doesnā€™t it only matter if the industry is opioids for pain? What about the opioid soaring pharma or medical device industry? What if itā€™s interventional pain industry such as ESI or SCS? Or how about something like Exparel and shatterproof and their partnership
Dec 8, 2021 ā€¢ 8 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
1) The First Agency to Sound the Alarm - Dr. Tom Frieden | Listen to Frieden say how the CDC took a strict view of COIā€™s for the writing of the GLā€™s. He said Peopleā€™s opinions change if they have or will receive a paycheck.ā€¦ 2) Said CDC didnā€™t allow anyone who had any COI. Oh, like a paycheck for an expert witness, where they were being paid to convince a jury that rx opioids fueled this crisis? Got it. Good thing Kolodny, Ballantyne, Alexander, werenā€™t allowed to be part of the GL process. 2)
Aug 15, 2021 ā€¢ 7 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
This is a slide from Jim Shames, creator of the Oregon Pain Guidance. Want to know why women are treated as though pain is all in our heads? This is why. Itā€™s not just the ORT, but people like Shames and Dr Ling (psychiatrist) who push this idea. 2) More from Shames. You take women who have been violated and traumatized and also have kidney stones, MS, FMS, RA, cancer, EDS, and you gaslight them. You tell them even though they have a dx condition, their pain must be psychological bc they were abused or raped.
Aug 14, 2021 ā€¢ 4 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
Gaslighting of CPPā€™s is atrocious. #medtwitter- if you are scared to give opioids for pain, then say so. Stop telling a patient their illness shouldnā€™t hurt. Just stop. PSA for ER doctors: your line that kidney stones donā€™t hurt unless completely obstructing urine is a lie. Every day I read stories on the kidney stone page bc I get chronic kidney stones. The last year has been insane for people w kidney stones. Kolodny loves to say NSAIDs work better for them than opioids. @CDCInjury keep lying to yourself that this isnā€™t happening bc of your GL.
Aug 12, 2021 ā€¢ 5 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
An Anti-Opioid Panic Left New York State Prisoners in Needless, Agonizing Pain. #cpp ā¦@life_is_art___ā© ā¦@CMerandiā©ā€¦ Image
Jul 10, 2021 ā€¢ 11 tweets ā€¢ 2 min read
Anna Lembke, "expert" witness, making I believe$750/hr, has made many derogatory statements. Remember, she is a Psychiatrist, and not a pain dr. That doesn't stop her, though. I am going to add some of her quotes to this thread. 1/ Anna Lembke 6/15/17 said "But the poor and people of color have definitely suffered during this opioid epidemic.ā€ ā€œDisability insurance has become the modern social safety net. Disability became a very attractive way for people to simply earn a living.ā€