"A percentage change" or decrease or fall of - 74%
This is the lowest in 70 years - Say IFS
Hence, NHS was in crisis even before the Covid 19 Crisis!
Disgusted RT
#SaveTheNHS I wrote this for Tories who failed school to answer their question on health spending in real terms
Exposed! Kate Andrews From The IEA Employs A Commonly Used Statistical Trick To Exploits Tory voters ignorance on health spending link.medium.com/uGjg1crtygb
1 min read
#SaveTheNHS For Tories who failed school & so, do not know the difference between a:
1 Percentage change,
2 Percentage difference
3 A percentage of
This is a nice colorful graph to shows health spending fell under the Tories since 2010
#SaveTheNHS Finally, even as a "percentage of GDP" it shows health spending has fallen