Is anyone checking Turquoise Health? I think I know how hospitals can afford to buy doctors. My payment for a 99204 new visit is 200-ish dollars. What is it at local hospitals? I wonder what they get paid?
For those saying “that’s just the cash price!” Take a look at the tool for insurance charges.… That’s @Aetna payment to Hartford for that.
So 7x sorry. Why the price difference? Why? Aetna pays me in the range I said from the first tweet. EVEN NOW OUT OF NETWORK. Cui Bono? And watch who attacks the messenger.
Some dude like @dp_oneill is going to explain that’s why doctors deserve rate cuts when it’s actually hospitals and insurers colluding together to raise rates. Leading to increased revenue for both at the expense of private practice. How do you grow the 20% MLR CAP? This is how.
I’m happy to hear from hospitals, why they need that much revenue and from insurers as to why the large difference between an IPA and health system. And unlike the clickbait specialists @nytimes I’m happy to cover all sides on @MurphyMinute
$UNH United sued last week acknowledged they HAVE TO PAY FOR COVID TESTING PERFORMED BY PHYSICIANS. UNITED refused to pay physician labs for YEARS. Now they recognize that the FFCRA and CARES mandate they pay these physicians and their labs!…
This is precisely the problem. The lawsuit is about demanding proof of each & every test done. Then you submit this and they deny for “improper physician order” This letter is meant to stave off thousands of lawsuits from work in 2020. IT WONT WORK. Providers are getting lawyers.
Insurers are violating federal law. They know it. Cigna admits it, but says, so what doctor? You can’t do anything about it! @wendellpotter Instead they accuse of fraud because that’s their “loophole” here. It will cause massive problems when they just should’ve paid.