I'm very happy that we (finally) got an acceptance for our submitted paper in the Journal of Open Source Education, JOSE🙂.
"An open source crash course on parameter estimation of computational models using a Bayesian optimization approach" doi.org/10.21105/jose.…
Parameter estimation is a crucial aspect of model development in science and engineering. In the proposed educational module, we have a look at the #Bayesian optimization processes in general and model calibration (parameter estimation) in particular.
For demonstration purposes, we implement a model parameter estimation process for a fitting problem step by step in Python such that the readers can adapt it to their own models and use-cases.
The whole process is documented interactively using #Jupyter notebooks. You can find more details on this choice as well as a general overview of the benefits of using Jupyter for this use-case in this short video:
Although the pandemic had a big impact on the review process of JOSE (this took 15 months), I’m still a big fan of open review. With good support from the editors (@LorenaABarba), we managed to solve the issues of delayed reviews and non-constructive comments.
And finally, special thanks goes to @LiesbetGeris for her great support and supervision. I hope we publish more papers in the open-review and community-driven journals in the near future🥰
I'm glad to say that our latest paper in the Corrosion Science is now available online.🙂
"Computational modeling of degradation process of biodegradable magnesium biomaterials" doi.org/10.1016/j.cors…
Biodegradable materials find important applications in designing supportive medical implants, but despite the advantages, assessing the uncontrolled degradation and release remain a challenge in practical use-cases.
Combining the insights obtained through several years of experimental research with computational (in silico) modeling approaches enables us to save lots of resources by studying the biodegradation of medical devices virtually prior to conducting any in vitro/vivo tests.💪