1/ We have partnered with Project Catalyst IdeaFest and @CatalystSwarm to recognize and reward the best presentations in the first edition of the festival. 104 attendees voted for their top proposal presentations and we had 3 winners with 14 votes each.
@CatalystSwarm 2/ The winners have received the preliminary award of a @trybbles NFT to recognize the excellent presentation of their Project Catalyst proposals.
We plan to extend the award system, so this is just a preliminary recognition.
3/ This has been the first iteration of what we hope will become an evolving and long-lasting process.
Thank you everyone for being involved and committed!
6/ Marcin Kugla @QuestPool has been awarded the Project Catalyst IdeaFest Cicero Award for Best Presentation & will be awarded the @trybbles "Trybbles SRE Playful 40/50" NFT. (Still waiting for your address Marcin 🙂) pool.pm/d05271dc4748d2…
Congratulations again @QuestPool ! Glad we finally managed to get in touch 🙂.
The preliminary @trybbles NFT award has been sent.