I get the sense today that most Americans believe that all other Americans hate them.
Ever since the widespread disapproval of sex “out of wedlock,” I’ve never gone wrong assuming that most people think their crowd’s creeds and practices are right and mine and my crowd’s are misguided or even evil.
And vice-versa. Who cares? Why do so many people care if other people believe they’re racist or immoral or or ungodly or simply wrong?
The most disturbing parts of TikTok, incl the old Claudia Conway vids, remind me of Samuels Richardson’s Pamela (1704), one of the first novels in English. In it Pamela is repeated sexually assaulted & somehow keeps real-time notes under her pillow & gets them out to the world.
I was going to post TikTok screenshots of bruised women hiding in bathrooms & bedrooms making TikToks but the images are too sad & terrifying.
That would be 1740. Robinson Crusoe came first. Mea culpa. 18th-cent English Twitter, if you exist, check out epistolary / hiding / fleeing corners of TikTok and see if you see similarities to Pamela & Clarissa. @AaronRHanlon?