Corporate life is not only about the work you deliver. The relationships you build and how you interact impact your journey - @rkabushenga#40DayMentor#TwitterSpace on How to Get Ahead.
To determine how to get ahead, you need to have an honest decision with yourself on:
✓ What ahead means for you.
✓ What ingredients you need to go ahead.
✓ Tools you need to get ahead are determined by what represents progress to you.
Remember one thing - develop people skills. If you are prickly and people cannot stand you, you will never progress beyond where you are.
If, however, you invest in being likeable, if you are personable and easy to relate to, that's a good beginning. @rkabushenga#40DayMentor
How do you relate to people? Do you accommodate them? Do you understand them?
Are you somebody people are drawn to? It is this attribute that people will then feel has to be rewarded with either recommendations, getting entrusted or elected to lead.
There is no point in being a hermit unless you want to be a monk. If that is the objective, you can stay away from people, live in a mountain and contemplate the rest of your life.
But, if you want to get ahead in a social setting, learn how to relate.