If you are a CPP and you think that our govt's actions have imprisoned you in your home, exacerbated you Pain and Despair to tortuous levels, deprived you of Human Rights (Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness), and are tantamount to a slow rolling genocide of us... (cont)
... then I ask you to take a few steps back and look at the MACRO here - understand that these things have been done to poor, desperate, and underprivileged in this country since the inception of the "War on Drugs" - If WE, as CPPs, can't understand & be appalled by this.. (cont)
.. then WE lack the Empathy that we are asking others to have for us.... WE'VE. BEEN. DOING. THIS. WRONG.
It's long past time to ask for HALF MEASURES, It's time to END THE WAR ON DRUGS, Prohibition DOESN'T WORK, and the excess DESPAIR it has created is destroying too many lives.
I was told about the effects of pain pills when I was a teenager, not by healthcare professionals, but by teenagers who took them to get high. I wonder why everyone seems to always assume a link between pills and legitimate use ? Prescription Heroin is used in many... (cont)...
.. countries, but I don't here Heroin use linked to legitimate supply chains in these countries... Street dealers do not depend on their steady supply coming from the 7 or 8 pills Bobby swipes from grandma every few months... Even if street dealers had a number of these (cont)..
.. "suppliers" lined up, there's NO WAY the dealers could get enough or consistently to keep users supplied, then there's the issue of getting these imaginary "suppliers" to see them to h for enough less than what he sells them for to make the risk worth it... (cont)..
@Orions3starz@APainPrincess What's utterly horrific about this is that the govt and important players in this (save a handful of moralist zealots) KNOW that they are lying by PROPagating this BS PROPaganda, but they don't care because it serves several of their purposes simultaneously: ..... (1/?)
@Orions3starz@APainPrincess (2/?)... 1st, it gets votes, political donations, & kudos from all who have known a "Little Johnny White Suburbanite Heroin Junkie" who OD'd, who would rather blame anyone but Johnny or his family, so they want to believe it was Doctors & big bad Pharma who are responsible (cont)
@Orions3starz@APainPrincess (3/?)..Secondly, it poisons the jury pool in favor of all the State, local, & Federal lawsuits that are targeting a few big opiod mnfgrs, & these govts are expecting a gross total of @ $450 BILLION (also the lawyers are salivating at their shares)..... (cont)...