I am a McSpicy connoisseur, I ate my first one in 2000. I remember when McSpicy was introduced in Singapore, so I was excited when it came to the UK last week. A review thread 👇🏾
SG was where the McSpicy is born, bred and loved. It's so good that there's a Double McSpicy, too. The UK version is six week experiment. 3 things make the SG version great:
McChicken is a monotone chicken breast, but the McSpicy patty is a complex juxtaposition of chicken leg fibers layered imperfectly. These imperfections create air pockets. The Indian McSpicy version doesn't have them, and is decidedly subpar for this reason
Curry sauce is a sweet, spicy sauce available in SG. McDonald's can never seem to make enough, and its consistent shortages cause riots. justafatboi.com/mcdonaldscurry…
My preferred method is to fully integrate a box of curry sauce inside the McSpicy before I begin
I judge spice quality by its after-burn. This is a great heuristic for Hyderabadi Biryani: good biryani continues to burn from the tongue all the way to the food pipe, for an hour after eating. Bad (Hyderabadi) biryani's after-burn... what after-burn?
The SG McSpicy has a complex after-burn that lingers all over the mouth and throat. The UK McSpicy's heat comes from red chilli powder in the batter (I think), so the after-burn is just on the tongue and feels one-dimensional.
A thread for those who missed @neuralink live stream on their progress in building brain interfaces so far. While their progress is laudable, how they are approaching the problem is even more interesting
They have a device that you can implant in a day, and can read and write to neurons in the top few layers of the cortex
They demonstrated reading in pigs. The device "read" what the neurons connected to the snout were doing.