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Jul 19, 2021 86 tweets 31 min read Read on X
@JeremyCorbell The "Mysteries of the UFO Occupants" - Data Dump 1
@JeremyCorbell 1-The "ET" wanted to TEST "The Implementation" of importing knowledge into a human mind.

They wanted an asset (human|hybrid) to gain pre-processed knowledge on any task without having gone through the steps of a traditional learning curve.
@JeremyCorbell 2-I will water down and simplify the common everyday understandings that almost all ET should know.

This knowledge you'll gain, will help you in understanding how other experiments worked.

Just be advised some of these explanations are gross oversimplifications.
@JeremyCorbell 3-There are two distinct component in the ET sphere of understanding over what is consciousness.

Consciousness has two basic components.
A lower consciousness, which is from the body.
A higher consciousness, which is generated separate from the body by a "Spirit" element.
@JeremyCorbell 4-The next basic understanding is that our universe has three basic layers that combine in complicated ways to form what we know as reality.

Inanimate objects only operate on 2 layers. Living objects on 3.
@JeremyCorbell 5-The First layer is spacetime, the one that everyone knows very well.
The Second layer is "Influence" space.
The Third layer is "Spiritual".
@JeremyCorbell 6-The third layer "Spirit"; penetrates through living things in exact locations in spacetime. Like a pin cushion, it is affixed to a Human or ET body in spacetime.
@JeremyCorbell 7-"Influence" space main function is to act like a very flexible sheet.

An intermediary layer that allows "Spirit" functions to affect physical systems.

It also allows for "Probability Space" and non-linear dynamics to exist.
@JeremyCorbell 8-Your Lower Mind is what everyone knows of as their conscious awareness. The ongoing processes in the physical layer (your brain) dominates what can and cannot happen.

It is a a composite mind of what is going on in your physical body.
@JeremyCorbell 9-Your Higher Mind is composite of your "Spiritual Mind". It influences what the Lower Mind does in physical spacetime. It generates the first impulse

It is hidden from direct perception of your Lower Mind. Most have to undergo extensive meditation to even perceive it is present
@JeremyCorbell 10-Between the Spiritual and Physical mind; there is a lattice work of invisible systems in "Influence Space".

It is called "Influence Structures".

This provide a living thing with dynamic range of thinking and body maintenance.
@JeremyCorbell 11-This can be thought of as a "Spirit" that moves a "Physical body" through attachment strings in "influence" space.
@JeremyCorbell 12-This "lattice" in "influence" space attaches to a physical mass (your body) via anchor points.

These anchor points are inset across different points along your physical body.

These "anchors" have programming that filters out "noise" from other versions of you in spacetime.
@JeremyCorbell 13-"Influence space" is non-linear.

It contains embedded data that describes reality. It is said by the ET, that it is the "Shadow copy" of physical reality.
@JeremyCorbell 14-Though it, you can retrieve information from past events, present events, future events and...through extensive tampering...even from locations distant from the locality of the body.
@JeremyCorbell 15-Now that you understand this aspect. The next aspect is what actually happens in your "Influence Structures", what their purpose is, how you can damage or repurpose them to perform "psychic" phenomena.
@JeremyCorbell 16-The "Influence structures" inside your body are considered "Non-Physical" structures.

You can only approximate their locations with your physical senses by forcing influence through the structures.
@JeremyCorbell 17-The structures when active distort the properties (the code) that defines spacetime.

You don't actually "feel" the structures themselves in such a scenario, but only feel the disturbance in physical space.

ET's who operate near electronics with their structures tend to...
@JeremyCorbell 18-...cause spacetime "noise", which disturbs how electrical circuits operate.

This "spacetime noise" can be developed and structured into useful "phenomena" and through this create wanted "Psychic phenomena".
@JeremyCorbell 19-When you are born.

These "Influence Structures" are normally used to inject influence into your tissues. Like an "antenna", your entire physical body is infused with a pattern that is unique to you.

The purpose of this "infusion" is to relay all ongoing event data to your...
@JeremyCorbell 20-...spirit through the "influence structures".

Your "influence structures" act as a data connection between your physical body and spirit.

When someone senses physical reality outside their physical body, it's called "ESP" by humans.

Extra Sensory Perception.
@JeremyCorbell 21-
Remote Viewing is simply sensing remote locations using your "Influence Structures".

Telepathy is simply creating crosslinks between bodies to facilitate "communication".

Telekinesis is the art of creating controlled distortions in spacetime.
@JeremyCorbell 22-Pre-Cognition is the art of targeting and reading information (from yourself or others) and retrieving that data and importing it into the present day.

Now I will discuss "importing data" through "Influence structures". The original point of this series.
@JeremyCorbell 23-The ET wanted to test implementations of copying/editing an entire skill set from a donor consciousness and making it accessible to a foreign body.

Simply speaking, it's like taking everything Jeremy Corbell knows about Film, copying that processed "influence" data...
@JeremyCorbell 24-then placing it invisibly into an accessible state for someone like me to access.

While my physical body (brain) doesn't know the Film techniques. The non-physical system will "leak" the processed data into my lower cognition.

I'll suddenly sense (accurate) knowledge...
@JeremyCorbell to how to grip the camera. What the procedures are for editing etc.

The physical mind "will reel" from the data because it is not encoded in the physical brain, but also treat it as if it were my own.

The tests were how quickly the dataset becomes encoded in physical
@JeremyCorbell 26-...tissues.

How long does it take and is it functionally operable in human beings.

Therefore, they could import knowledge such as how to speak languages or understand them. Or processed knowledge on how to deal with crowds or security without having to train assets...
@JeremyCorbell 27-...long in advance of their required roles.

I sensed the nefarious use of it as it could be used for almost anything. Including giving people misunderstandings over how and where people got this knowledge from.
@JeremyCorbell 28-For example, why would an ET not want you (the public or an Experiencer) to know this.

The reasons are self evident.

By this knowledge, you could understand that people who go through an abduction experience and were later wiped...

(getting chills and remote staredown)
@JeremyCorbell 29-...the data of the experience is accessible and telepathically retrievable.

Everything you experience in your life. Every moment, every status state your body undergoes all of it is copied to "influence space".

But more importantly, your influence structures retain about...
@JeremyCorbell 30-...90 days worth of "cached" information in it's structures.

Therefore, if public human beings had access to Telepaths, they would be able to know who did what and when.

According to the ET, It is the same reason that "Human Groups" wanted to reproduce synthetic ETs.
@JeremyCorbell 31-The same reason why a Human Group repurposed cloned "ET"; used them to go after abductees after the actual "ET" were done with them.

To put them in front of a Telepath, extract the information as a form of espionage, then release them.

Causing the victim to go through it...
@JeremyCorbell 32-...twice.

I am currently typing under duress. I'll be back in a little while.
@JeremyCorbell 33-How the unseen communication networks works behind the scenes.
What you as a human being will not know unless it is disclosed and put in front of your eyes.
(This knowledge is not for public consumption)
@JeremyCorbell 34-Crowd control, information management, profiling:
At some point, a while after the future disasters are established, the "ET" will hold a public stage for people to witness them.

First you need to know what happens in the back of their mind (including human assets) as they...
@JeremyCorbell 35-..engage in any activity. You've heard of scripting, but you don't know how it works inside and among "ETs".

The first thing you should know, is that the "ET" use those aforementioned psychic structures to shuffle volumes of data between each other. It is unseen communication
@JeremyCorbell 36-You as a normal human being gathered at a plaza, won't detect the back and forth shuffling of data even if you are standing in front of one holding a conversation.

This unseen communication is silent and imperceptible unless you have these structures in a functional state.
@JeremyCorbell 37-The speed at which your average ET thinks and depth is a completely different scope with the cognitive functions of a regular human being.

They are much fast at thinking.

They don't necessarily have to shuffle data between one another with audible representations.
@JeremyCorbell 38-(I am already being suppressed)
They regularly exchange conceptual data without words. They usually do it at such a high speed that this entire thread could be reiterated in it's full breadth is probably less than 4 seconds.

It's usually so fast relay of communication that...
@JeremyCorbell 39-...a human mind is unable to resolve what is communicated between ET individuals as our mind can only resolve data (relatively) slowly.

You get used to it after a few years and are able to pick up the nuances in wordless communication.
@JeremyCorbell 40-The ET can signal to one another complex constructions of data via telepathy in a mere moment while simultaneously holding a conversation with a human being without pause.

They can coordinate scenarios such as crowd control and assistance while doing multiple things visibly.
@JeremyCorbell 41-Crowd control is easy to implement.
You have a primary ET who is going to conduct the speech through their mouth or via telepathy with the crowd. Normally, there is a primary and a secondary.

Behind them are the support teams, they are in charge of looking at every aspect...
@JeremyCorbell 42...of the "play" that they are about to conduct.
They assign themselves individual tasks such as monitoring ongoing event data in influence space to capture any irregularities or undesirable events in the short time of the scripted "play" for an audience.
@JeremyCorbell 43-The support team also looks through the human audience before the event takes place and monitors their thoughts a hundred at a time.

They are also responsible for targeting trouble makers or people of concern who may ask a question that would ruin the scenario.
@JeremyCorbell 44-If they find someone (like you) who has data they shouldn't have, they are tasked with directing human assets to pull them from the audience.

If the audience member begins to resist, they are mentally put into a state of compliance and walked away. Human assets can be...
@JeremyCorbell 45-Uniformed or not.
In this way the primary and secondary standing on stage conduct the scenario without disturbances or unplanned events.

The primary and secondary already know what questions will be asked and are mentally modeling the event/scenario for maximum effectiveness
@JeremyCorbell 46-If the timeline of events shifts in an unfavorable direction a few minutes ahead, they alter the real time ongoing dynamics and adjust it until it is favorable.

This is why if it "feels" like a scripted play, it is.
@JeremyCorbell 47-I am aware that this is "too much" for a regular public individual to fathom or believe.

But I know it to be true, as I was trained and executed such scenarios on real people.

I am mentally aware that revealing such a thing is bound to generate rejection or ridicule.
@JeremyCorbell 48-But I am not modeling my interaction with you for easy acceptance.

I am sure that these words will remain with you long into the future. When the "ET" show up, you will realize first hand whether it is true or not.

If you are lucky they will detain you if they profile you.
@JeremyCorbell 49-The information you are reading is going to be like spreading an ink inside you. You'll get noticed for your cognitive data if an "ET" notices you from the sky above.

That may actually be a good thing if you want to be noticed. It may not in other scenarios. (Fair warning)
@JeremyCorbell 50-In either case, Information Management.

If I talk about a story involving specific individuals, I unconsciously retain links with the "ET". (Lines of association)
@JeremyCorbell 51-If I retell a story with granular details and you focus too intently on it, the likelihood is high, you the reader will unconsciously focus on me remotely with your latent psychic ability.

That link once formed, the "ET" can see and use to profile an individual remotely.
@JeremyCorbell 52-Check to see who are you, what associations do you hold with other people, what are you planning on doing with that information.

That information can be detrimental to a foreign "ET" project. It can ruin relationships if a contactee or abductee learns about the ins and outs.
@JeremyCorbell 53-Other ET see it as an opportunity. A new "individual" is now informed enough to have a different level of conversation.

They can bend the rules and find entertainment in dealing with such an individual. Now that they can discard certain pretense from handling that individual
@JeremyCorbell 54-A "UT" stated to me before coming to twitter that they don't need my help, that I don't really realize the level of danger I am putting myself in by speaking out.

To allow events to transpire as they should. My help is not necessary; but they won't stop me if I insist.
@JeremyCorbell 55-In either case, my head is ringing like a bell.

I can only imagine how many "ET" groups are attached to the individuals in the audience.

It is one of the primary reasons I try to scrub details, names, people and places where possible. (not that I am trying to hide either)
@JeremyCorbell 56-The last bit about information management of the ET is "discrediting". They can remotely "influence" individual assets in the audience to act on directed impulse and say what best suits their agenda.

Normally with those, they are so egregiously manipulated that they begin...
@JeremyCorbell display erratic behaviors.

As you can only take 2 stances when these are put into play like a proxy puppet.

1) Treat them well, read their mind, determine the intent implanted or urged and do the same as the ET.

Answering their questions with the audience in mind.
@JeremyCorbell 58-Which usually leads to the ET pushing the influence on the individual to such a degree that they become erratic in behavior. Only later realizing they weren't themselves.

2) Educate them and point out the typical symptoms of remote mental manipulation. After they realize it..
@JeremyCorbell 59-They resist the impulse and rather than disbelieve actually become aware that something is trying to compel them to do and act out something through them.

They typically notice...scary stuff...
@JeremyCorbell 60-I am gonna take a break, the pressure from scans is a little much...
@JeremyCorbell 61-The final segment.
How and Why do ET perpetuate disinformation/misinformation with their audience, victims and ongoing projects?
@JeremyCorbell 62-As in a previous series, I mentioned I was tasked with performance tests and experiments to learn how to read human individuals. Both individuals and groups/communities.

When I first got to see the UFO community and interact with them, I realized they weren't what I expected.
@JeremyCorbell 63-I asked the "ET", why are they thinking these bizarre ideas and why do they completely contradict one another?

Why are they so poorly informed and deceived?
Can I teach and correct them? (NO)
@JeremyCorbell 64-Over the course of time, they answered my questions and I didn't like the answers....

They told me, years ago (unspecified) the different "ET" community got together and higher authorities within the ET governing structures decided that they would develop "Core Templates"..
@JeremyCorbell 65-These "Core Templates" were about 12 to 20 Core Thematic Stories. These stories would be known by all "ET" and would be employed as necessary in their working relationships.

They could change the details when using them but they were supposed to deploy them in the human...
@JeremyCorbell 66-...communities. These "Core Templates" were useful to the ET to keep different contact/abduction and general public from coming to any definitive conclusions.

There was the scenario for the peaceful ET as well as the scenario of the malevolent ET. (and everything inbetween)
@JeremyCorbell 67-They explained that by doing this they could create social communities after their projects were done that would not adhere. Nor would these different sectors of affected individuals be able to take one another seriously.

They would not share information willingly nor would..
@JeremyCorbell 68-...working relationships.

They would remain separated and dysfunctional. The confusion was useful, they said, for the purposes of retarding developments as the "ET" would retain control through conflicting/incompatible storylines.
@JeremyCorbell 69-I was introduced in later training to the concept of the "Keys and Lock" system.

They stated there were individuals who would be seeded mentally with one storyline with an "expectation and need".

Another individual was then interfaced with psychically to believe a similar...
@JeremyCorbell 70-...tangent and would be brought together by "coincidences and synchronicity".

One was the Lock, the other the Key. One was compatible with the other via a Core Storyline.

The ET groups would then manipulate them into believing it was necessary for them to be near one another
@JeremyCorbell 71-They taught me that an incompatible "Key" would reject an incompatible "Lock".

Therefore, they could define social boundaries and gradients by "the contents" they leave behind from interactions with human beings during their projects.
@JeremyCorbell 72-The female ET handler also acknowledged the disturbing information from the other "ETs" and told me that this system also keeps different story lines perpetually at Odds with one another.

Therefore, it wasn't useful to correct the beliefs of people in front of me.
@JeremyCorbell 73-She said I could try a few times if it bothered me and they would reject my information.

So I did. At first, they were accepting, but as soon as I questioned their Core Template used in their case, they automatically rejected it.

They didn't want to hear any more.
@JeremyCorbell 74-A group "ET" Supervisor found out and chewed out the female handler for my attempts.

I didn't know how to feel about this. I just knew I was mystified and found it disturbing (25yrs+). I understood the implementation logic, but these were people.

They were broken people.
@JeremyCorbell 75-The "ET" were basically deceptive story tellers.
Bending peoples minds and notions on an ongoing basis.

I tried again and again, I even revealed the Keys and Lock system to them and taught them enough so they could understand it.
@JeremyCorbell 76-There were a few successes.
But they seemed depressed and down trodden rather than happy as a result. I felt regret at the result more than anything.

The "ET" kept chastising me and Foreign ET Groups would visit to "have a talk" with my own Groups ET seemingly threatening.
@JeremyCorbell 77-I realized that some human assets were more valuable than others to the ET. Certain kinds of detailed information could permanently divide an ET Group from it's asset.

Years of programming and behavioral control could be undermined in a matter of hours by someone like me.
@JeremyCorbell 78-The concepts and lessons themselves were disclosed. The ET were ordered to discredit my writings. I was ordered to tell people that I was a liar. That everything was a lie. (I refused)

So they manipulated people in front of me and overtime worked them over remotely to...
@JeremyCorbell 79-Convince them that there was nothing to see. Many though were convinced when I told them what was going down. out of every 10. Perhaps 2 or 3 reverted to their original belief system. 7 out of 10 remained vigilant.

(It didn't help the fact that I could display such ability)
@JeremyCorbell 80-The reason why I don't do that anymore is not because I can't. But because in or around 2017 or so, the ET were attacking my business relationships and risking my financial well being. (which was never that good)

A "UT" approached me and gave me lifeline by explaining...
@JeremyCorbell 81-...that the knowledge I was disseminating belonged to the "ET". That if I keep sharing it, they will keep coming at me and the people I tell the information.

The "UT" said, if I simply do two things, they will protect me from the "ET" by nullifying their contact access.
@JeremyCorbell 82-
#1 Simply stop relaying the information. It is the property of the "ET". Therefore the ET won't interfere with me as they won't have any ability in laying claims of ownership over me or the audience utilizing that property.
@JeremyCorbell 83-
#2 Tell others about the consequences of knowing that information and stay away from speaking about it.

Lead people away from the "ET", not towards them.
@JeremyCorbell 84-The "UT" also advised me to never use any of my abilities ever again. That they frowned on my activity of constantly agitating the "ET" groups.

The "UT" said as long as these two things continue they will reject access. I can live freely without interference.

• • •

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Jan 15, 2023
@OMApproach 1-Personally, I think the community is often misled and intentionally confused by the phenomena itself on this topic.

If I break it down into easy-to-understand segments, it's basically about two major branching topics.
--Sensation ("Vibrations")
--Perception (Extra-Sensory)
@OMApproach 2-First, I should talk about why the phenomena (in my prior personal experience) would want to mislead a person who experiences some form or manner of psychic activation.
@OMApproach 3-The main reasons are Secrecy & a willfully determined intent of maintaining a "Lack of Access" to these extra-sensory states by not divulging technical understandings of the access methodologies.

That means not getting into the nitty gritty of why it works and dispelling ideas
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Aug 11, 2022
@SyedAhmedAli91 @TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty 1-It is VERY different method than the way people normally do it.

They started off by showing me how to do exercises (age 5 onwards) that stimulate the release of living "influence" at a very early age. (You'd call it "psychic energy or potential")
@SyedAhmedAli91 @TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty 2-Initially, the "ETs" put their hand on your head to impart a sort of high potential "influence" from their own field.

That dense living "influence" is absorbed into your body and circulates throughout your system.
@SyedAhmedAli91 @TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty 3-As this foreign influence is absorbed, the potential causes latent psychic structures to activate and unfurl. Latent features become active.
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Jun 5, 2022
@Fortean777 @MicahDesch @prototyperspect @Munook @PostDisclosure @ExoAcademian @Deepfryguy76 @528vibes 1a-I wish I could just transfer the information directly into your mind.

There are people who say "Yes" to working with the "ETs". Some are far more ignorant than others.

To really answer your question, you have to understand the layout as seen from an ETs perspective.
@Fortean777 @MicahDesch @prototyperspect @Munook @PostDisclosure @ExoAcademian @Deepfryguy76 @528vibes 2a-In ET lectures they unload many thousands of subjects. The one that is relevant is the subject of how ETs can exercise control on the ground without necessarily being present.

To properly address it, you'd have to understand other core subjects that tie into the main subject
@Fortean777 @MicahDesch @prototyperspect @Munook @PostDisclosure @ExoAcademian @Deepfryguy76 @528vibes 3a-I'll try to constrain the subjects to the minimum so you don't experience mental fatigue from the array of extra subjects you don't know about.

The first subject is:
--ET cognition,
--It's level of perception modalities
--Cognitive environments
--Technology tie ins
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Apr 30, 2022
@FullStackLogan @_californio @adir1 @Fortean777 @WhitleyStrieber @Peter_Levenda @dwpasulka @Deepfryguy76 @TheUfoJoe @PostDisclosure @TUPACABRA2 @ITalkParanormal I know something went (very) wrong in my contact case, & the "ET" had to deal with me on the ground from age 4 ~5.

They never revealed what it was that went wrong.

What I did realize looking at the situation retrospectively, my PSI abilities were turned on at a young age. (4-5)
@FullStackLogan @_californio @adir1 @Fortean777 @WhitleyStrieber @Peter_Levenda @dwpasulka @Deepfryguy76 @TheUfoJoe @PostDisclosure @TUPACABRA2 @ITalkParanormal As part of my contract to work with the ET until my early 20's. They stipulated upon agreement that my memory from that day and back had to be suppressed.

As a small child, I thought it weird but I didn't really know what they were talking about. I agreed.
@FullStackLogan @_californio @adir1 @Fortean777 @WhitleyStrieber @Peter_Levenda @dwpasulka @Deepfryguy76 @TheUfoJoe @PostDisclosure @TUPACABRA2 @ITalkParanormal The Female Nordic who would later become my personal caretaker and later an Advisor in all things told me to lay down and go to sleep and she would make me forget everything up until that day.

She stated I would recall the [open-ended] agreement only "from this day" onwards.
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Apr 30, 2022
@_californio @adir1 @Fortean777 @WhitleyStrieber @Peter_Levenda @dwpasulka @Deepfryguy76 1-For the Paranormal [dead] types, I would say that they experience emotions/sentiments. Though, I would say they tend to skew towards the negative.

In my observation of them, I noticed they desire to live again. Being bodyless, like a parasite, they want to attach themselves to
@_californio @adir1 @Fortean777 @WhitleyStrieber @Peter_Levenda @dwpasulka @Deepfryguy76 2- ...a living host. To experience life again.

If they are deprived of living influence, which seems to make them ?feel better?

Then, their existence eventually devolves (or is always in a state of) one of tormenting toxic environments that appears to eat away at the projection
@_californio @adir1 @Fortean777 @WhitleyStrieber @Peter_Levenda @dwpasulka @Deepfryguy76 3-...of their body.

The longer ago they died, the more often they seem to live in a form of mental anguish or generalized pain.

From reading their minds & general Q&A's, I've determined that as the years pass on, they appear to forget their original identity ...
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Apr 26, 2022
@TomMontalk @Fortean777 @Deepfryguy76 @thomaslfessler @TUPACABRA2 @528vibes @OmniTalkRadio @ITalkParanormal 1-For 99% of Christianity. A simple handshake as the World assumes Demons are only spiritual presences without access to physical forms.

Think about it from their mindset. As a hybrid if you die, you will suffer endlessly with nothing to look forward to.
@TomMontalk @Fortean777 @Deepfryguy76 @thomaslfessler @TUPACABRA2 @528vibes @OmniTalkRadio @ITalkParanormal 2-You also exist in a society that is designed and founded by your [Fallen] Ultra-Terrestrial founders.

Having immense knowledge handed down to you from them. So much knowledge that Humanity looks at you and believes you are surely "ETs".
@TomMontalk @Fortean777 @Deepfryguy76 @thomaslfessler @TUPACABRA2 @528vibes @OmniTalkRadio @ITalkParanormal 3-How many resources and experiments would your founders perform on lifeforms, to try to extend life beyond one singular container?

"Re-incarnation", on your terms. Without God or an Afterlife.
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