Cummings says @BorisJohnson texted those words in October.
We started that month with around 400 new Covid admissions daily to hospital.
We ended it with over 1500.
1500 beds is the size of an entire NHS hospital - every single day. (2/n)
Covid deaths at the start of Oct were around 60 a day.
By the end of Oct: 300.
By the end of Nov: 600.
By the end of Dec: 1000.
One thousand human lives lost forever. A jumbo jet falling from the sky, day after day after day. (3/n)
In October, NHS staff were frantic. We *knew* what was coming. We *knew* the deaths in store. We couldn't bear @BorisJohnson's callous complacency.
Patients spilled out of intensive care & ICUs tripled in size, taking over surgical, orthopaedic, paediatric, medical wards. (4/n)
And then the rationing began.
By January, the NHS was drowning. We couldn't treat everyone. There weren't enough of us to go round. So people did *not* always get the care they needed. The NHS was *not* protected. People died who shouldn't have. Despite our every effort. (5/n)
This horror was a consequence of a callous, complacent Prime Minister who prioritised his own popularity above saving the lives of the people he purports to serve.
Knowing that Michael Gove plans to “re-engineer the whole NHS” really does make my blood run cold. (1/4)…
Gove seriously claims here that “data analytics” are the key to addressing waiting lists of 5 million. No mention of 12 years of underfunding - which, of course, is what created those waiting lists. (2/4)
He wants to his theme. And technology is indeed wonderful. But underfunding, understaffing & a deliberate decade-long degradation of our NHS is what’s created those horrendous waiting lists. (3/4)
Today @matthancock will attempt to persuade the Commons that he's behaved impeccably throughout this pandemic - and that Cummings’ accusations of serial lying are, themselves, a lie.
But the fact is, @matthancock *has* lied during the pandemic - and I can prove it. (1/16)
At the end of March 2020, the government rhetoric was all about “protecting” care homes, even as care home workers appeared on social media reporting their terror at being provided with no PPE whatsoever. (2/16)
At the time, I was working as a hospice doctor. Although hospices are classified as ‘hospitals’ in terms of clinical governance, when it comes to PPE they are counted as ‘care homes.” I.e: in supply chain terms, we were the lowest priority, just like care homes. (3/16)
To those who (understandably) see the huge potential health benefits of mining a vast NHS dataset - yes, absolutely, this could do enormous good. But you simply cannot use individual medical data without informed consent. This is a rushed, sneaky, non-transparent data grab.
Of course we’re meant to be reassured by @NHSX that all data will be anonymised. But data breaches have occurred before, notably in 2014. And if it’s all so benign, why the rush, why the secrecy, why the lack of transparency? Harvesting health records on the sly is wrong.
The elephant in the room throughout Cummings' testimony is precisely how Whitty, Vallance & others were advising the PM last March. On 12 Mar they abandoned test & trace *and* said shielding was not yet necessary.
On self-isolation of elderly and infirm, Whitty stated on camera on 12 Mar: "While we will need to move to that stage, we do not think this is the right moment along the pandemic to do so. But that point will come."
Incredibly, on 12 Mar the *only* advice aimed specifically at protecting those over 70 & with pre-existing health conditions was not to go on cruises.
It's now perfectly clear that @BorisJohnson is bringing back local lockdowns. Only this time by stealth. Without even *talking* to local community & public health leaders first.
Oh - & by making the guidance advisory only - paving the way for future 'blame residents' spin (1/3)
Every behaviour scientist & public health expert will tell you the only way out of a pandemic is *together* - with public support of & buy in to the necessary restrictions (lockdowns, travel bans etc).
Mixed messaging is disastrous - it erodes trust & public confidence. (2/3)
Yet here we are, 16 months down the line, with a govt *still* spinning, *still* obfuscating, *still* putting its popularity above people's lives.
That isn't merely weak.
It's criminal.
It will *inevitably* lead to more avoidable deaths from Covid.