Not a lot of people know this, but I'm @Soundsaboutleft's biggest fan.
This is about the time he stumbled across my snowy retreat and we just...bounded over things.
You know. Writing. Drinking wine. Being hobbled.
This is another one of @StephenKing's amazing books/films that, honestly, the world is a much cooler place with them in it.
So understand this comes from a place of love when I do my stupid schtick.
We start out with some dude typing on a type writer with an empty wine glass. Pfft. Unless you just downed the bottle, what's the point of even living?
In a Galaxy...sorta far away and a long time ago which means everyone involved in the story has been decade for millions of years...comes a story about @Soundsaboutleft slayin' ass and Jedi skull-fucking people.
Before I begin you must understand I LOVE THIS MOVIE.
I technically love Empire Strikes Back more, but this movie is amazing.
That being said, I'm going to do my normal "Idiot makes dumb comments as a live review" schtick.
It stars the amazing @MarkHamill, the wonderful Carrie Fisher (RIP), the cool as hell Harrison Ford, Alec "So Badass" Guinness, James "Voice Lifts Your Soul" Earl Jones, know what. Everyone in this movie is incredible.
Not a lot of people know this, but @Soundsaboutleft and I used to be fighter pilots. Dare I say we were Top Gun pilots.
My call sign was James Garner and his was Ryan Gosling.
This 1986 film stars a couch jumper, a hallucination to a nerd on an island, a principal who calls people slackers, and Doc Holiday (played by the god-tier actor @valkilmer )
This movie is pure 80s action injected into your eyes and I LOVE IT.
It starts out with text, but I can't read. I assume it's about pilot school or a delightful recipe about turning gremlins into bacon.