Not long ago, owner Paul Dolan hinted at the possibility that the new name might not be fully in place until the 2023 season but that 2022 remains the goal.
Senators Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) introduced the Protecting Access to Lifesaving Screenings (PALS) Act of 2021, a bill to preserve coverage for routine breast cancer screening for women beginning at age 40
Blackburn: “By making these screenings available during an age in which this disease can be most aggressive, it is possible to save the lives of so many sisters, daughters, mothers and even grandmothers."
Feinstein: “There was a significant decline in breast cancer screening during the pandemic. As we get back to regular doctor visits, our bill would ensure the cost of getting screened isn’t a barrier that further delays women from seeking preventive care.”
House Republicans press conference on Israel, border and other topics. @EliseStefanik condemns “socialist” Democrats for their on the Middle East conflict
@RepLeeZeldin says we need an Ambassador in Israel immediately. Some US citizens are unable to get passports at the embassy to come home
@chiproytx: “Stop talking about a cease fire…We should encourage the killing of terrorists, not negotiating with them.” He adds we should stop negotiating with Iran completely
NOW: House Republicans speaking on the fighting in the Middle East. @RepLeeZeldin says the US should go through with its sale of weapons to Israel and that the Biden administration should nominate an ambassador as soon as possible
THREAD: Sen. @RandPaul on Fauci, Wuhan lab: “Without question, NIH funds gain-of-function labs.” Says there are 11 in the US, one in North Carolina that “has been working with the Wuhan Institute for 5 years.”
More Sen. Paul: “Taking deadly viruses in a lab and trying to make them more transmitable to humans is a terrible idea. The NIH did fund the Wuhan lab. If you look at the money trail, it went from (EcoHealth Alliance) to Wuhan lab.”
Sen. Paul on Fauci: “If you look at the scientific description of what the Wuhan lab is doing, it’s gain-of-function. I do believe Dr. Fauci lied…He did this because he doesn’t want any blame attached for the possible creation of (COVID-19).”
THREAD: Just asked Sen. @BillHagertyTN, former US Ambassador to Japan, some foreign policy questions
On adversaries in general: “Nation after nation are attempting to test America under this new administration. They’re trying to see if we’ll hold our resolve. We had a strong foreign policy in the previous administration. There’s a concerted effort to test (Biden’s) resolve.”
.@BillHagertyTN on China: “They are predatory in their behavior militarily, diplomatically, economically and technologically. This should come as no surprise that they’re testing the new administration.”