2) These spike proteins are produced in pre-fusion / open configuration, meaning they will probably act like super-agonists for ACE2 receptors (binds better than anything natural)
3) 75% of these mRNA strands do not stay in the shoulder and pass into the bloodstream, and are taken by entothelium cells of a variety of organs (expecially ovaries).
Source: rightsfreedoms.wordpress.com/2021/06/03/con…
4) Spike proteins are produced by endothelium cells. Some are sticking through the cells walls, some are released in the bloodstream, where they bind to ACE2 receptors, thus impairing endothelium function.
5) The spike proteins, even at minimal quantity, are sufficient to cause fusion of the cell bearing it with its close neighbor, causing both cells death
6) Anti-spike antibodies are produced by the immune system (no reference needed). Then comes the second shot of 10+ trillions mRNA coding for spike protein. Now the spike proteins protruding through cell walls are recognised by antibodies flaging these cells for destruction
7) The interaction of these antibodies with the spike proteins as antigens on the surface of endothelium cells cause cytolysis (cell destruction)
8) endothelium function impairment + cell fusion leading to cells death + antibodies/antigens interactions leading to cells death will arguably cause sufficient endothelium lesions to activate platelets, leading to microthombosis
Source: bmj.com/content/373/bm…
9) Once platelets have been activated a number of times, the coagulation factors depletion can be such you could be in a state of Thrombocytopenia (no more platelets in your blood)
Source: nejm.org/doi/10.1056/NE…
10) Concurrently, the spike protein including prion-like domains, and crossing the blood-brain barrier, it could cause the onset of a prion disease
11) The mRNA being distributed to the ovaries in non-negligible quantities, as stated in the Pfizer research documen (on mouse model, but still), it could lead to fertility issues
12) While similarities between spike protein and sincitin, a necessary protein for placentation, could have a potential link with the 82% rate of spontaneous abortion observed when the Covid shot is taken during the first trimester of pregnancy