1/x You have a right to protect yourself. You do not have a right to take away someone else's rights and freedoms to do so. Your rights end where mine begin and vice versa. This principle is the basis of ALL liberal democracies.
2/x 🇨🇦's Charter does NOT allow govt to suspend Charter rights and freedoms without FIRST passing the Oakes Test in a court of law in which ALL evidence is weighed. This was NEVER done. These public health measure are unlawful.
Ignoring legal principles does not make it right.
3/x Reasonable measures to protect health do not include:
- eliminating public debate
- media acting as a propaganda arm for govt
- suspending court access via evasion tactics
- limiting right to protest
- ignoring informed consent
- coersion
These are symptoms of tyranny.
4/x A new age of pandemics? This is pure fiction, a figment of fevered imaginations. There is no period in history without respiratory virus pandemics. This is not new or unprecedented. But the lockdown response is unrestrained medieval hysteria.
5/5 Solidarity is another word for tyranny when solidarity involves restricting evidence-based debate, govt propaganda, and censorship.
It used to be a liberal value to convince people through two-way evidence-based debate, not through one-way lecturing and brute force. #Tyranny
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One of the dirtiest tricks ever pulled by our Canadian govt happened just after Confederation out on the newly opened prairie and led to thousands of farmers fleeing Canada to rebuild their destroyed lives in the USA.
A thread 🧵
2/ As you undoubtedly already know, one of the conditions for BC to join Confederation was for a railway to link East and West, coast to coast.
The first attempt to build the railway collapsed after it became known that Sir John A. MacDonald had awarded the railway contract to his buddies in exchange for them funding his election expenses in 1872. This was known as the Pacific Railroad Scandal.
MacDonald was forced to resign, though he returned to power 5 years later and ruled for another 18 years. (He also had a habit of proroguing parliament to try to save his political skin).
But the next chapter of this story is where the scandal really heats up...
3/ After the Pacific Scandal, the govt started from scratch. A new company was founded, called the Canadian Pacific Railroad (CPR) company.
The project was funded by private investors (who owned the company), but was showered with taxpayer-funded subsidies and the company raised money by issuing bonds... that were fully backed by the govt.
In other words, the corporate-govt partnership that is the staple of how so much business is done in Canada goes all the way to Canada's earliest beginnings where private companies owned by politician's friends reap the benefits while taxpayers are on the hook for a part of the bill and to fund bailouts if anything goes wrong.
Furthermore, the CPR was given vast land grants that they could sell to farmers out on the prairie to help the railroad raise money (and achieve the govt's objective of settling the prairie).
The railroad immediately got to work... on scamming Canadians with a dirty real estate scam...
In politics, nothing is what it seems. This isn't because of a dispute with Trudeau over tariffs & spending.
She resigned because she's making a play for his job, while simultaneously outflanking Mark Carney.
Let me explain the elaborate game that I think is afoot... (a thread🧵)
The whole world can see Trudeau's star is fading. Even the 🇨🇦 dollar is in freefall. His own party wants him gone. Freeland, as his Deputy PM + Finance Minister, is tied at the hip to Trudeau's sinking ship.
Rumors were Trudeau was about to fire Freeland as his "fall guy".
And Mark Carney was being floated as her replacement, or possibly even his.
But here's where things get devious as she uses her resignation as a way to untie herself from Trudeau's sinking ship while simultaneously using it as a way to outflank Mark Carney in the bid for the Liberal leadership.
A brief overview of 🇨🇦Premiers (and a few mayors) with listings on the World Economic Forum's website or who have ties to WEF, or attended meetings in Davos.🤔
Having a listing doesn't necessarily mean they endorse the WEF nor do we know what their relationship is. But...
Ontario: Premier Doug Ford
(via the Internet Archive)
Surge in Omicron cases was to be expected given🇨🇦’s low natural immunity. Compare cases in🇨🇦(low nat. immunity) to South Africa (high nat. immunity). Yet low # of hospitalizations as % of cases illustrates how mild Omicron is even with low natural immunity 1/x
Incidentally, cases appear to have plateaued. Since prior variants had steep waves and Omicron also had short sharp waves in other countries, like South Africa, we may already be peaking.
At the rate Omicron is spreading, it’s looking hopeful that a majority of people will finally develop natural antibodies. Whether it's enough to reach everyone depends on whether lockdowns drag this out much longer -
A thread on the predator instinct, honey badgers, ... and bullies:
Once a predator spots you, the safest way to deal with it is often to master your fear by simply turning to face it and holding your ground.
To think of it from the predator's perspective, the most useful characteristic in helping identify whether something is "prey" or "not prey" is whether the thing shows fear or whether it simply ignores the predator, goes abt its business, & growls if anything gets too close
Tiptoeing, flinching, timidity, cautiousness, or running away all signal you're probably edible without a fight.
These behaviours trigger the predatory instinct to go for the kill.