Rs killed the #SAFEAct, which wld have required robust manual audits 4 all federal elections & banned paperless voting machines & internet connectivity. Yet Rs are the ones complaining about election security & Ds are playing defense?! @TheDemocrats must get back on OFFENSE! 1/
Seriously. I will never understand why @theDemocrats haven’t reminded voters of Republicans obstruction re: election security every damn day. 2/…
I will never understand why Democrats refused to use talking points to promote the #SAFEAct. I practically begged them to! 3/
Republicans know that moral outrage motivates their voters. So they fabricate grounds for moral outrage about election security & all sorts of issues all the time. Democrats have legitimate grounds for moral outraged over election security obstruction but are squandering it! 4/
This Morton Blackwell whose Leadership Institute has taught generations of Republicans the importance of moral outrage. Except theirs is manufactured. Again, we shld all be outraged re the GOP’s election security obstruction. USE IT! 5/
Seriously. How dare the GOP complain about election security after pulling this sh#t? Call them out on it!! 6/…
Pls pls pls get ahead of 2022 by reintroducing a standalone election security bill. If Rs pass it, great! If they don’t, call their sorry asses out on it from now until eternity bc you didn’t do that last time and you should have. Use talking points this time too. TY:-) 7/ 👇
This is Morton Blackwell whose Leadership Institute has taught generations of Republicans the importance of moral outrage. Except theirs is manufactured. Again, we shld all be outraged re the GOP’s election security obstruction. USE IT! TY. 8/
Post 8 is a re-do of post 5 bc post 5 had a typo and it’s an important point. 9/
It’s not too late to be the party of election security. Real election security, not the lies spewed by the GOP. And we really need improved security! This may be your last chance. If you trust the GOP not to cheat, then I have a bridge to sell you. Everything is on the line. 10/
Offense, not defense. Go get ‘em. Thanks for listening. 11/
The Center for Renewing America—founded by Trump’s OMB Director pick Russ Vought, a top architect of Project 2025—has *explicitly* said that it wants the federal govt to “eliminate” Obamacare’s life-saving Medicaid expansion. Here are some stats on the expansion. 1/…
Pete Hegseth attends a church that belongs to the CREC, the evangelical denomination founded by Christ Church pastor Doug Wilson. This guy. 👇 h/t @ExaminingMoscow 1/
3/ Doug Wilson founded the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches, formerly known as the Confederation of Reformed Evangelical Churches (CREC). Pete Hegseth attends a CREC church as discussed in the USA Today piece.
“Something interesting has been going on with Tesla Cybertrucks. Tesla has been quietly replacing their battery packs, seemingly a lot of them.” 12/29/24 1/…
👀 Praxis is a Thiel-backed “network state” project that aims to build its own “nation”. In Nov, Praxis founder Dryden Brown wrote about wanting Greenland for Praxis. In Dec, Trump named Thiel partner Ken Howery as Denmark ambassador & said the US shld buy Greenland. Praxis & Dryden are thrilled…1/
2/ This is a reply to Dryden’s post (above). Note Dryden’s response.
3/ Peter Thiel backs Praxis through Pronomos Capitol.