I know this has been debunked thoroughly. Sharing my thoughts anyway.
Will comment only where I disagree. Hope it will add some fresh insight for readers.
Claim - Rajput ladies,...set up stalls of fabrics...
Her own screenshot says that ladies of the court (which might include some Rajput ladies) were only purchasers. The stalls were set up by merchants' ladies. Comprehension comes before paraphrasing?
By the way, the content quoted is not in pages 274-75 as shown in citation. It is on pages 116-17. Mistake, I know. Reason I mentioned is, it suggests that someone didn't care to verify by reading the very sources they speak of.
Lets get to the root of this. Tod has done two things here. 1) He quotes Abul Fazl on Noroza festivities and 2) He claims that Abul Fazl has distracted us from the real object of this festival.
Basis that Tod gives for this charge are some Dingal letters supposedly exchanged between Prithviraj of Bikaner and Maharana Pratap. In fact these are just folklores that first made appearance in the 18th century and were written only in the 19th.
Premier historians of Rajasthan such as G. H. Ojha and Gopinath Sharma have discarded these lores (jana-shruti) as later creation, and not of the pen of dignitaries (Prithviraj and Pratap) claimed as the writers.
Because no contemporary or near contemporary source on either sides corroborate the content of these lores.
Here is Tod's confession to providing material that he felt was interesting, without subjecting it to historical scrutiny.
So again, what basis to take Tod at face value for events of 250 years before him?
If Tod is considered authority for events of 16th century just because of some late folklores. Some of our friends from Deccan will be unhappy should we quote him for events of the 18th century.
Screenshot doesn't support the narrating (paraphrasing?) tweet. Putting that aside. Firstly, as Manucci didn't overlap with the events by place due to lack of consistent access. In this matter, he depended on hearsay prevailing in the street.
Check out Manucci's own words from the memoir. Even if we for a moment imagine this tale to be true. He categorically states that no honourable woman would go to that place.
There is no such incident mentioned in Abul Fazl's Akbarnama. Even Oak doesn't say it is from Abul Fazl. Someone else's imagination kicked in while paraphrasing I think?
Let me put the quotation of translated Ain that Oak gives us. Will also give directly the same Blochmann translation that Oak uses and which has been given as source in the thread as well.
Notice any difference?
Yes, the - other women "of chaste character" - part. Oak has removed it. Didn't fit well with his objective of Oak to insinuate that all these women wanted to have endless intercourse with Akbar the alpha male.
This is how subtle propaganda works and people without due diligence not only fall for it, but spread it everywhere.
There's no lecherous prodigious lust showing in quoted part anyway. And it doesn't support the charge of Oak that even the Mughal courtiers' wives were not safe.
I am no fan of that Jihadi, but if you want to expose him. This FireVeer type perceiving soft porn everywhere is a ridiculous tool to use.
Here's Badayuni, a non-hesitant contemporary of Akbar describing the Mughal Emperor in Noroza days i.e. Mina Bazar.
Badayuni also states that Akbar gave offerings in havan, prostrated to Sun (most likely Surya Namaskar) and uttered daily verses that were taught to him by Brahmins.
Are we going to call Akbar a Hindu now? Or are we saying that after doing all this, Akbar scoots to lecherously run after courtiers wives and suceeds in defiling them?
Bottomline - Oak's own sources don't support his assertions.
If you rely on unsubtantiated assertions of people separated from the events they narrate by 250 years. Then start a 'Did you know that' thread. And then claim that your sources are accurate. It will obviously not stand scrutiny.
हाल ही मिला जालोर का एक शिलालेख इतिहास के रुचिवानों के सोच विचार के लिए।
स्थान :- पातालेश्वर महादेव मंदिर परिसर में एक पुराने देवल अवशेष पर
ग्राम :- सेवाड़ा
जिला :- जालोर
संदर्भ :- जालोर चौहान शाखा के चाचिगदेव के शासन काल से, उनके नामोल्लेख सहित। Via @soh
पहले लेख देख लेते हैं।
पठन का प्रथम प्रयास:-
१. ॐ ॥ संवतु १३०८ वैसाष वदि ३ शुक्रे श्री श्रीमाल महाराज चाचिगदेव कल्याणे विजयराजे तनयु(क्व/क्ष)महं० सीहा प्रजति पंचकुल प्रतिपतौ र(धं/वं) काले प्रवर्तमाने सां श न म जि लिखते (य/स) वाः
२. यी (श्री?) माल देशे जाजडाउलि ग्राम _ _ भाभा० दोसरिउ० (री/रा)ल्हाऊदाउ ० से(द्रि/डि) डाया चा उ ० अ भी आ वु य जा उ ० लु णा प्रजति स(क/क्ष)म प य के ले ने न _ प्रे दि वर्ष प्रति _ _ _ _ ० _ ती ज _ शर
After the infamy of Quint's recent review, there's yet another history hit job from the eminences, or their minions? This time published in the Wire.
Blog version of our rebuttal is at - agrippedsoul.wordpress.com/2022/07/03/the…
Given below are some pearls of wisdom from the Wire article that we must contemplate upon.
Wrong, forget about Tod & British. Prithviraj was a popular figure outside medieval Rajasthan even before Mughals arrived. The Hammir Mahakavya of Nayachandra Suri was written by the inspiration of a challenge laid out in the Gwalior court of a Tomara ruler from central India.
Vandalising the History by motivated forceful reviews.
Blog version at - agrippedsoul.wordpress.com/2022/06/08/van…
There was a ill-informed six point review from Quint, of the recently released movie on Prithviraj Chauhan.
It's a coercive critique done just because you want to do it. Let's poke more than 6 holes in so called 6 pointer review.
1st, why would you go looking for "historical accuracy" in a B'wood film, that too when it makes no such claims. Need of making a video for social media?
2. The "academic" reviewer in video claims that the movie has omitted a battle between Prithviraj & Jaichand where Prithviraj was badly defeated & fled to Delhi.
Fact? There was no battle "between Prithviraj & Jaichandra Gahadavala". Not in any other text & not even in the Raso.
He who won the regions from Vindhya to Himalaya while on pilgrimages.
He who was happy to see the Kings of these regions before him.
He who uprooted the mlechhas and restored Aryavarta as the abode of Aryas.
May that lord of Shakambhari city be always victorious! 3/n
Let's settle this once and for all.
Gurjara means the land which enterprises to suppress its enemies. Accordingly, due to residence in Gurjaradesh, its citizens are called Gurjara and Gurjari. (ShabdaKalpadruma, in turn citing Shabda Rantavali a late mediaeval source).1/4
Next one confirms the fact that the Gurjara identity flows from place to people. Author (Abhaytilaka Gani) was a Jain scholar. Him, his ancestors, his literary tradition. Everything lived & breathed in Gurjaradesh. So, best authority. Writes soon after Prithviraj Chauhan 2/4
He says Gurjaranam (i.e. Gurjara people) means Gurjara deshodbhava nranam.
Meaning the people who are born in Gurjaradesh, who are its natives are known as Gurjara people. Just as a native of India would be called Indian. 3/4
Cherry picking of the worst kind. This genius wants us to forget that official literature of 17th century North India was dominated not by Sanskrit. But Persian & Apabhramsha based languages like Dingal, Bundeli, etc. Vernacular was dominated by Pingal, Braj bhakha, Awadhi etc.
This is from an official letter in Dingal, written by northern contemporaries of Shivaji. It talks about Aurangzeb's orders on how and who will proceed to receive Shivaji in Agra. Notice "सेवाजी"?
Another instance, from Maharaj Kumar Ram Singh and Shivaji's first meeting