वीरेन्द्र सिंह राठौड़(मेड़तिया)卐 Profile picture
Author: Prithviraj Chauhan-a light on the mist in History, Gurjardesh-Itihas aur Mithakon me Ghamasan, & The Sharp Mile(fiction) History Geopolitik Jyotish RKBA
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Mar 10, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
हाल ही मिला जालोर का एक शिलालेख इतिहास के रुचिवानों के सोच विचार के लिए।
स्थान :- पातालेश्वर महादेव मंदिर परिसर में एक पुराने देवल अवशेष पर
ग्राम :- सेवाड़ा
जिला :- जालोर
संदर्भ :- जालोर चौहान शाखा के चाचिगदेव के शासन काल से, उनके नामोल्लेख सहित। Via @soh Image पहले लेख देख लेते हैं।
पठन का प्रथम प्रयास:-
१. ॐ ॥ संवतु १३०८ वैसाष वदि ३ शुक्रे श्री श्रीमाल महाराज चाचिगदेव कल्याणे विजयराजे तनयु(क्व/क्ष)महं० सीहा प्रजति पंचकुल प्रतिपतौ र(धं/वं) काले प्रवर्तमाने सां श न म जि लिखते (य/स) वाः
Jul 3, 2022 19 tweets 5 min read
After the infamy of Quint's recent review, there's yet another history hit job from the eminences, or their minions? This time published in the Wire.
Blog version of our rebuttal is at - agrippedsoul.wordpress.com/2022/07/03/the…

thewire.in/history/chali-… Given below are some pearls of wisdom from the Wire article that we must contemplate upon.
Jun 8, 2022 24 tweets 6 min read
Vandalising the History by motivated forceful reviews.
Blog version at - agrippedsoul.wordpress.com/2022/06/08/van…
There was a ill-informed six point review from Quint, of the recently released movie on Prithviraj Chauhan.
It's a coercive critique done just because you want to do it. Let's poke more than 6 holes in so called 6 pointer review.
1st, why would you go looking for "historical accuracy" in a B'wood film, that too when it makes no such claims. Need of making a video for social media?
Apr 14, 2022 12 tweets 2 min read
Were Chauhans not the rulers of Delhi?
Not only the Bijoliya inscription but multiple other evidence are relevant to this question. 1/n
1164 AD, Shiwalik Pillar Inscription, Vigrarah Chauhan IV
आविंध्यादा हिमादैर्विरचित विजयस्तीर्थयात्रा प्रसंगा दुद्ग्रीवेषु प्रहर्ता नृपतिषु विणामत्कन्धरेषु प्रसन्नः |
आर्यावर्त यथार्थं पुनरपि कृत्वान्म्लेच्छ विच्छेदनाभिर्देवः शाकम्भरीन्द्रो जगति विजयते वीसलक्षोक्षोणिपालः || 2/n
Jan 7, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Let's settle this once and for all.
Gurjara means the land which enterprises to suppress its enemies. Accordingly, due to residence in Gurjaradesh, its citizens are called Gurjara and Gurjari. (ShabdaKalpadruma, in turn citing Shabda Rantavali a late mediaeval source).1/4 Next one confirms the fact that the Gurjara identity flows from place to people. Author (Abhaytilaka Gani) was a Jain scholar. Him, his ancestors, his literary tradition. Everything lived & breathed in Gurjaradesh. So, best authority. Writes soon after Prithviraj Chauhan 2/4
Dec 19, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Cherry picking of the worst kind. This genius wants us to forget that official literature of 17th century North India was dominated not by Sanskrit. But Persian & Apabhramsha based languages like Dingal, Bundeli, etc. Vernacular was dominated by Pingal, Braj bhakha, Awadhi etc. This is from an official letter in Dingal, written by northern contemporaries of Shivaji. It talks about Aurangzeb's orders on how and who will proceed to receive Shivaji in Agra. Notice "सेवाजी"?
Dec 10, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Khokhars were a wild tribe of obscure origin (1) inhabiting northern Af-Pak region (2). This is before the arrival of Turkish tribes. Their association with castes like Jats and Rajputs are all a late development. As the Mughal revenue records show (3)(4), even up to Jahangir's time the Khokhar settlers were counted separate from Jats and Rajputs.
In the British era, Khokhars co-habiting the Pathans and Balochs dumped Hindu ancestry claims and began to claim Qureshi ancestry. (5) Image
Nov 16, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Thank you for pointing out that I used Hammir Mahakavya. I also used Kanyānayanīya Mahāvīra Pratimā Kalpa, Prabandha Chintamani and the muslim sources like Taj-ul-Maasir, Jawami ul Hiqayat - all of which predate the mafluzats you've used. They cover the events and yet make no mention of any Moinuddin Chisti clashing with Prithviraj Chauhan
Jul 25, 2021 22 tweets 7 min read
I know this has been debunked thoroughly. Sharing my thoughts anyway.
Will comment only where I disagree. Hope it will add some fresh insight for readers.
Claim - Rajput ladies,...set up stalls of fabrics...
Her own screenshot says that ladies of the court (which might include some Rajput ladies) were only purchasers. The stalls were set up by merchants' ladies. Comprehension comes before paraphrasing?
Jun 15, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Ola/Olecha is near venue of a battle between Solankis & Chauhan forces. Solankis opened this far west front against Prithviraj when he ws mauling Parmardin Chandella at far east Kalinjar. Likely reason- Queen Naikidevi in Gujrat wanted to release pressure off her father Parmardin It seems to have worked as well, because the Chauhans' campaign was cut abruptly and Prithviraj returns home to engage the Solanki coalition. Later the Abu, Nagaur and few other sporadic clashes take place over the next years.
Jun 13, 2021 53 tweets 15 min read
This thread will be gradually appended with short clips of information on the famous Chauhan King Prithviraj III.
These are taken from the recent sessions done with Sangam Talks and Shri Kshatriya Yuvak Sangh. Maps & figures used can be accessed at our blog – agrippedsoul.wordpress.com/category/prith…
Jun 4, 2021 49 tweets 9 min read
Blog version at - agrippedsoul.wordpress.com/2021/06/04/und…
An article recently published at Op India in the context of Panipat 1761 AD, Marathas and Hindu politics says that: For the Rohillas(Najib) and Shias(Shuja) it wasn’t time to save Islam, but to save their own political independence and Kingdoms. To this real and main reason the author eventually tumbles:
“and protect their extensive jagirs in north India”
Jun 2, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
हम सभी ने सुना है, माना है कि महाराजा जय सिंह का शिवाजी के विरुद्ध अभियान जब शुरू हुआ था तब शिवाजी ने उन्हें एक पत्र लिखा था। कुछ समय पूर्व तक मैं भी यही सोचता था। किन्तु समीक्षा करने बैठा तो तथ्यों की पटरी कहीं और ही जा रही थी। पत्र में शिवजी ने व्यंग और कटाक्ष का प्रयोग करते हुए जय सिंह जी से इस्लामी शक्तियों को छोड़कर साथ आने को कहा, हिन्दू एकता के लिए और मुस्लिम शासन से स्वतंत्रता के लिए।
Jun 1, 2021 47 tweets 11 min read
Jai Singh didn’t defect. There was no reasonable side left to fight for. It was game over. Dara & Jaswant Singh ji were defeated. Murad and Shahjahan were jailed. Agra & Delhi were in Aurangzeb’s hands. All the commanders were 1 by 1 joining Aurangzeb.
But no, for some reason it is the urging need of the hour to pick and vilify one Jai Singh.
May 24, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
There was a dispute in a Hindu family A.
Someone in the family calls an outsider (Hindu) from another family B for help. What help? Counselling? Guidance? Mediation?
No, help was a mercenary who would sit in the camp of the highest bidder. So, he is hired with money, purely to do the bidding of the side who paid (or so it was supposed to be anyway).
Then another person in the family A pulls someone else from family B, obviously he also had to pay. And so on it happens.
May 20, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
This chhanda (#613) is from the large recension of Raso completed in the early 18th century. The copy it belongs to was edited by Mohanlal Vishnulal Pandya Ji and published by Nāgari Pracharini Sabha. 1/n The chhanda doesn’t exist in another well-circulated large recension copy edited by Kaviraj Mohan Singh. It doesn’t exist in the smaller recensions either. The less said about large recension’s credibility, the better. 2/n
May 20, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Chucking the acquisition of means of self defence, is a symptom of willful abdication of one's own fundamental right to life, liberty and honour. The only ones to actively abet that are lazy, short-sighted societies. Such head-in-sand societies want to falsely believe that they can somehow circumvent violence forever & everywhere. Guess what, you can't. There is literally no way to completely prevent or circumvent violence ever. Neither in wildlife nor in human societies.
May 19, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
सप्तम सर्ग श्लोक 50 में गुर्जर शब्द कहीं है ही नही।
दशम सर्ग श्लोक 50। जहां नाडोल के दुर्ग को गुर्जरों का दुर्ग बताया गया है वो स्थानसूचक प्रयोग है। कैसे?
वो ऐसे कि जिन पर ग्रंथ लिखा जा रहा है वो अजमेर का राजपरिवार और जिस नाडोल की बात हो रही है वो वहां का राजपरिवार दोनों ही..1/n चौहान वंश से थे। अब दो लोग जो एक ही वंश के हैं। उनमें से एक पक्ष यदि दूसरे को संबोधित करेगा तो शब्द ऐसा प्रयोग में आएगा जिससे दोनों पक्षों में अंतर स्पष्ट हो।
आप किसी को बुलाते समय अरे इंसान या अरे भारतीय तो नही कहेंगे ना। कुछ ऐसा जिससे आपके और सामने वाले में अंतर स्पष्ट हो।2/n
Mar 23, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
While the issue of Nayakidevi’s ancestry may be open for debate. I wanted to share some comments over the arguments furthered in the quoted thread. I’m not regular on twitter anymore so there won’t be a follow through. Claim: Paramardin’s age at ascension on throne has been given as 5 years.
Basis given? Parmal Raso. A text which is as credible as the Prithviraj Raso is on Prithviraj Chauhan (pun intended). Parmal Raso is a creation of 16th century or later which actually states that...
Nov 30, 2020 59 tweets 10 min read
I recently came across a random tweet (below).
Nothing fishy on the face, went through the video given in it. It barely had anything to relate with this tweet. So, will leave the tweet here & take you through what a so called scholar (Manoshi Sinha) has said in the video. 1/n It’s a speech on ‘Victories of Indian Warriors against Islamic Invasion: From 8th to 18th Century’ by Manoshi Sinha. Numerous things were said in the speech. We’ll go through most of them one by one in paraphrased manner.