🧵Long Covid in Children, the UKs impact on the global debate on schools and covid.
Today we see a perfect example
The Zoe study comes out and hits headlines, many outlets are stating this is proof we don't need to worry about long covid in children
2/ Its interesting to see studies and statements make it into the headlines and which don't.
When ONS data said the long covid rate was around 8-12% depending on age, that didn't recieve the same level of attention and those who reported it cast doubt on the numbers.
3/ Some UK studies and stats gain a lot more attention than others, some are treated as fact others are presented with doubt.
Most international research on schools and children seems to be wilfully ignored
Remember hearing about a 2 day science summit on long covid?
4/Well there was one, the level of research and detail presented at the conference was of the highest quality, evidence was carefully studied, limitations of different research were pointed out.
This doesn't happen with the headline studies in the UK
5/ Seriously take a look, it's amazing how much the scientific community is learning after such a relatively short period to study this virus, but a lot is still unknown, particularly around Delta.
7/ This comes off the back of reports last week that a trial into daily contact testing showed transmission didn't occur in schools and that contacts who would have gone on to isolate didn't end up testing positive.
This was a reheat of headlines covering the DCT the week before
8/ The DCT were riddled with issues, participation was patchy, there were gaps in the data, the study itself concluded that it only referred to low transmission and this was during delta
9/ Another study with multiple issues heralded as a "major study" the usual characters coming out to say how brilliant it is while not addressing the flaws.
10/ What then happens and is probably happening right now is
Ppl come out to criticise the report
Certain group defending the report then accuses the critics of criticising them
The debate degenerates, public get confused and flaws in the study go unaddressed by its defenders
11/ This is exactly what happened last month when child vax was debated, long covid was questioned and there was a lot of talk about unknown long term risks of vaccines
12/ When one of the takeaway arguments for defending the Gov/JCVI decision by some.of their advisors and researchers is that infection is better than vaccination for young ppl, you have to wonder what impact that has on hesitancy
14/ As JVT announces vaccination for 16-17 it will be interesting to see how those who defended the original decision respond, has the evidence changed that much in a few weeks?
Notice Green Book was mentioned, this is what it currently says about infections in children
15/ As predicted, criticisms of the report are being responded to with criticism of others like tgise done by the ONS which has come to a different decision.
16/ Listening to LBC and Nawaz is quoting Ladhani's recent piece in the Times "Parents do not need to worry, children will not be taking the infection home and won't infect family members"
17/ As I said its interesting which studies get the headlines
In winter pre delta, ONS found children were most likely to be the index case, this study was dismissed outright by usual characters and is never mentioned by the media
19/ The usual characters dismiss any evidence that we should be worried about transmission, while anything which suggests don't worry is sold as brilliant major studies, they appear increasingly reliant on their own studies
21/ But the bias of reporting has been constant throughout the pandemic.
Transmission data during lockdown shows classes of 30 will be safe
ONS data showing education staff were at increased risk presented ad though there was no risk
22/ I was in a meeting yesterday with representatives of mainly academic organisations from around the world
UK data collection, particularly ONS combined with NHS/PHE is considered world class, the same data the usual characters are so quick to dismiss in favour of their own...
23/ is really highly respected.
There was another study released in England that found that Delta risk to unvaccinated children shouldn't be ignored, how many headlines do you think this one will get in the UK?
24/ The UK political narrative is having an impact around the world.
Denmark are considering schools returning without basic measures, in Alberta and BC in Canada the same is occuring as are certain US states.
25/ And which studies are the "let's open up and live with high transmission" politicians and advisors quoting? The ones being produced here in the UK mainly coming out of the same group, a handful of studies are doing a lot of heavy lifting around the world.
26/ Yet outside the "just live with it now" areas, those taking a more cautious approach (which is the majority) are putting more trust in other things like ONS data coming out of UK
27/ Of course passions run high in a pandemic when the stakes are high, can think of times when I could have chosen better worlds, there will be genuine differences of opinion on things like ZC for instance.
Although "progressives" in PH sounds a bit odd to me
28/ Theres clearly a dislike of Independent SAGE, although I think political lobbying group is a bit of a stretch of a description The Citizens provide a platform for iSAGE, they don't get involved in interpreting data or writing reports
29/ I mean a real dislike of iSAGE, minimal transparency and accountability? Public broadcasts and q&a, iSAGE is very open, its not like they are having secret meetings with MPs behind closed doors, if they are annoyed by iSAGE they must be furious about UfT's activities
30/ After tone policing Deepti, likening her to anti vaxers for fear mongering, saying we need to look into iSAGE for what they see as campaigning, they surely wouldn't approve of a group proven to be coordinating in a network of disinformation groups...
31/ Even if they supported such a group they might not be aware of the organising between groups, they wouldn't be chatting with those groups and passing one of UfTs main coordinators any research that might fit the lobbyists narratives
32/ Because getting uptight and accusing a group that operates in the open of having an agenda while talking to groups with some very questionable links, views and tactics coordinating behind closed doors might make it look like attacks on others have an agenda of their own.
33/ I thought this was over after Johnsons "vectors of transmission" but then the DfE turned to ppl from the same group to justify its policies , they release more studies and somehow we are back to April 2020 narrative
34/ Without our paediatricians the Gov wouldn't have most of the evidence it needs to justify its policies, after all SAGE have been warning about the impact of schools on transmission and need for mitigations for a year+ now
Might have mitigations without these headline studies
35/ Isn't the whole reason we had to "go now" was because of the sweet spot of the "firebreak" school holidays?
Are we to believe that barely any of this transmission is occuring in schools?
Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm struggling to believe these statements
44/ CDC also says that reinfection is twice as likely if you haven't been vaccinated, this is going to make building up immunity in young people more difficult than many are making out, even if they ignore long covid
1/ So Toby Young, now a member of the house of Lords is directly receiving support from Musk, a member of a foreign government
2/ This is after the FSU jumped onto a case of a teacher appealing against a school for being dismissed for their online posts, the case was being backed by Christian Concern and FDU piggybacked as an intervener
3/ Worth noting the case centred around a petition from CitizenGo, an organisation identified as being part of a US/Russian network designed to undermine sexuality and reproductive rights
While much of the UK media has focused on DEI, tariffs and confirmation hearings there's been less focus on what appears to be an attack on the US constitution, purges of people and scientific information, and efforts to supress opposition and scrutiny
2/ First a quick look at the pardoned Jan 6 rioters as an example
Toby Young to join House of Lords
Ridiculous, consider the content of his Daily Sceptic which produces a daily diet of climate change denial and antivax stories
I bet he continues to complain about elites and the establishment whilst wearing his ermine
Consider how he set up Free Speech Union after Jordan Peterson and James Or (Edmund Burke Foundation/NatCon) went to Peter Thiel for support who then sent his chief of staff to help set up FSU
And then there is Toby Young’s support for "progressive eugenics" the belief that the rich are rich because they rich are genetically superior while poverty is a result of being genetically inferior
🧵The latest Republican Covid Oversight Committe provides a clear picture of the alternative reality that will soon be taking charge of US health institutions
It's worth considering the implications for the FDA when the grifters become gamekeepers
2/ It's hard to know which came first, claiming a cure for covid as a reason for removing all measures, or the grift, likely it depends on the individuals.
Lets look at a timeline of the promotion of alternative treatments that continued to be promoted once proven ineffective
3/ The first example of people producing an alternative treatment protocol that I know of is from the AAPS linked organisation that rebranded as Truth for Health Foundation
There has been ongoing attacks on the CCDH since they published their disinformation dozen report years ago on the biggest antivax promoters online, this named RFK Jr and others who have been embraced by MAGA appearing at a conveyor belt of conferences
3/ Despite their claims they aren't political this crowd and their ecosystem of overlapping groups is very close to the centres of power like Thiel who are driving the modern day Republican Party
🧵 Amazing when RW media decide to care about SEND students
When it comes to VAT on private schools they are suddenly worried about SEND pupils, but they backed austerity, the dismantling of CAHMs real terms cuts to school budgets, and loss of 20,000 support staff mainly TAs
2/ I think it was autumn 2017 we had a protest regarding SEND students being let down over 80,000 educators and SEND parents gathered outside Westminster, it didn't get a single mention in the media from any outlet
3/ 2016 ATL conference motions booklet
Look at the issues we were trying to raise, issues largely ignored, and only raised when suits a narrative