For those who are talking about employers forcing employees to get the jab:
Please know that it's actually pretty complicated legally, and employers have a lot of steps they must follow to try to accommodate people who can't or choose not to get the shot.
"The EEOC issued guidance stating that employees may be exempt from employer vaccination mandates under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII) and other workplace laws."
"California's guidance noted that the FEHA prohibits employers from discriminating against employees or job applicants based on a protected characteristic—such as age, race or sex—"
and requires employers to explore reasonable accommodations related to a worker's disability or sincerely held religious beliefs.
"If an employee has a medical condition or sincerely held religious belief that would prevent them from being able to be vaccinated..."
"...their employer must go through the interactive process to determine if a reasonable accommodation is available," Welch said."
"She recommended that employers have accommodation forms available to employees to begin the interactive process and document the steps the employer took to attempt to arrive at a reasonable accommodation."
Then check out the history of Professor John Bell of #Oxford...he has had all kinds of titles bestowed on him. You know what THAT means…
Turns out that he has been under scrutiny in the UK for his financial ties and conflicts of interest, but he is being protected - of course - and no FOI requests have been honored…