Hey folks, I have added Fuga: Melodies of Steel to my Steam curator page.
This seems to be slipping under a lot of people's radar, which is a pity, because it is without a doubt one of the best I've played all year. I highly recommend checking it out.
If you've not heard of this game, it's an extremely anime game where you play as a bunch of kids in a furry alternate France who commandeer a mysterious Howl's Moving Castle-esque tank to fight the invading Berman army. Yeah, it's a fantasy WWII setting like Valkyria Chronicles.
It's hard to compare the came to anything else, but the closest thing I'd compare it to is actually a linear Darkest Dungeon, where your Howl's Trundling Fortress moves left to right coming across different enemies or bonuses along the way with some branching paths.
The combat is all fairly simple, kinda standard turn-based stuff, the kids use different weapons which are colour coded red, yellow, blue, and using corresponding attacks to break an enemy's guard will delay them and send them further back in the timeline. Simple, but engaging.
Then, during the intermission you can upgrade Howl's Trundling Fortress (It's actually called The Taranis, but...) increase the damage of the individual guns, or HP or SP, all fairly standard and simple. But that simplicity is why I'm finding it so god damn engaging.
Then it just keeps layering on the mechanics and little tasks that you can do between battles, like fish for scrap to upgrade your tank, plant crops, cook meals that will give you bonuses in combat. You can even do these little dungeons! It's all introduced at a steady pace.
Now, to address the elephant in the room...
One of the core conceits of the game, or at least one that features heavily in the marketing, is the Taranis' ultimate weapon; The Soul Cannon, which is *ahem*
So, if Howl's Trundling Fortress' HP gets low enough, it'll open up the option to use the Soul Cannon, and you can make the gut-wrenching choice as to which of the war orphans you wanna stuff in the soul crusher.
Mei, get a helmet, we're firing you at the enemy.
Now, I know quite a few folks found this put them off the game, but aside from the tutorial you don't seem to need to use it at all. I think it's a bit of a red herring to add some drama, which it is extremely effective at, but doesn't actually play a huge part in the game.
On the whole? It's thoroughly fantastic game that introduces simple mechanics that build on each other and make for incredibly compelling gameplay. It's out on everything right now, so I would highly recommend you don't skip this. It's really, really wonderful.
Fuga, a game about kids and their giant tank, you should play it. 👍
By the way, Shaun from Youtube uploaded a very good video about the absurd claims of the "GeNdEr cRiTiCaLs" that nobody knew about trans stuff before a few years ago, and that Terry Pratchett couldn't have known about trans people.
You should watch it.
Now, Shaun does a real good video, but something I'd add is that yes a lot of GCs think that trans issues just didn't exist until 2015 because (insert conspiracy theory here) and the reason for is simple:
The religious right lost on marriage equality and changed tactics.
Obergefell v. Hodges happened, and they immediately turned to trans people as the next target. They still wanted to stamp out LGBT rights as a whole, but just changed the messaging a bit. They even say so openly themselves: pinknews.co.uk/2018/12/07/ant…
Let me be 100% clear about this so there can be no misunderstanding. Trans women need access to rape crisis centers and shelters because trans women are raped and sexually assaulted and face intimate partner violence at alarmingly high rates, and for NO OTHER REASON.
If you are the kind of ghoul who'll make absurd charges that trans women are trying to access services they need for sexual gratification or predatory reasons? YOU ARE A FUCKING MONSTER. You are a god damn monster who is making a case for systemic violence against victims.
I can't tell you just how much I hate having to speak out and be vocal on issues trans people face, because it is just exhausting, facing cruelty stacked upon cruelty, vile and dehumanizing rhetoric from sadists who take glee in the suffering of others. I loathe it.
Incidentally, I really like writing these mini curator reviews, there's a challenge to getting across your best elevator pitch for a game in the strictly limited word count.
Then of course you have curators called wharrgarbl where every single review just says wharrgarbl
God damn, here's a game I wish I'd gotten to sooner, it's god damn bloody terrific, and has me exclaiming "what the fuck? you little shit!" at weird nightmare monsters that eat my agents.