'We are at an historic moment in time when earth’s climate is about to change in dramatic and unthinkable ways. We are seeing a rare symmetry and synchronicity of natural weather cycles all pointing in the same phase and direction for the first time since the early 1600’s'
.. that preceded the worst weather century for the earth in over 1000 year’s called the Maunder Grande Solar Cycle Minimum'
'There are some differences but there are many
similarities. Please read on to delve further into these cycles and the implications to global food production and prices..
Why do we accept censorship, crony capitalism, loss of national autonomy and ever increasing debasement of money, as a normal development, towards a system called ‘technocracy’.
When the mass will wake up it will be too late (or did we past the point of no return already)?
Imho all part of the ongoing Big/Great Reset.
So much changing in so little time.
The WEF/IMF/BIS/EU all state many systems will need to change now, without ever asking the people about it in any election …
The West is move pretty fast towards a Technocracy, like China.
‘China’s growing diplomatic and military pressure against Taiwan is the main source of cross-Strait tension. Countries on both sides of the Atlantic are increasingly worried about the potential of a military conflict’
‘.. it is evident that a major crisis in the Indo- Pacific would have immediate repercussions for European security as the US would redeploy military resources from Europe and adjacent areas.’
‘In sum, convergence is real, but important voices have warned against Eu- rope taking sides in what some perceive as a competition primarily between the US and China...’