#wcsb meeting is back - missed a little bit since feed still isn't working. Golden says we can't solve covid.
We aren't going to solve covid when decisions are left up to local school boards. What we can do is mitigate, did that last year. (Jason Golden is the superintendent and is speaking now, just to be clear.) #wcsb
Golden gets interrupted and Chair gavels and tells a woman there's no talking. Golden says did summer school with about 1600 students, didn't have any positive cases in our school program. Audience claps.
Did have a couple in SACC (childcare program). Reflected community numbers which dropped during that time. We reflected that drop in summertime. In June, said he didn't see us recommending masks based on what everyone was seeing then.
Since that time, the CDC substantially changed their recommendations. Guidance is different than what it was last year. Recommended a layered approach. Had lots of talks with local health providers about implementation.
CDC starts with vaccinations as leading public health strategy to end covid-19 pandemic, and that's outside our control. They recommend universal masks. Tells guy in back to stop making gestures to the Board. Tells group to stop side comments. May remove people.
(sorry, Chair said that - not Golden.)
Golden is reading CDC guidance including all the recommended protocols. "Localities should monitor community transmission, vaccination testing, occurance of outbreaks as guidance on mitigation strategies.)
A few weeks ago, used language to strongly recommend masks which you've all seen based on our staff's review of CDC guidelines. Conditions have changed, we've monitored on daily basis.
Every authority have put this responsibility on you as Board members. Legal advice we've received is that masks requires a Board vote - they've put that burden on you, at least for now.
I haven't lived in your shoes and can't imagine it (as Board members) but I do see it as my responsibility to make a recommendation. Our health & safety team spent a lot of time to make a reco, based on CDC guidelines re: local considerations.
Got as much data as possible from schools. Gary Anderson and Mary Thompson in health dept will answer questions after reco....
Recommending you require masks for students, staff and visitors in elementary grade levels inside all buildings and buses effective Thursday, August 12th to give a day to prepare.
12-20 age group is increasing in vax here in our community. None of elementary students are vaxxed. Our community numbers have gone up since "encouraged" recommendation.
At elem level, nurses report 25 positive cases reported since been in school Friday (today is only Tuesday.)
Seen significant increase during start of school compared to what we saw last year at elementary level. Nurses have seen increase of symptoms in covid cases, and we're hearing the same from local hospitals.
Peers in middle TN are reporting similar increases in elementary level. Heard from state that if school has to go remote, it will count as an inclement weather day. Continuous learning plans are no longer an option.
(meaning kids can't keep learning while remote as they did last year.)
Room is unruly. The Chair needs to clear the room, frankly. This is ridiculously immature of those throwing a tantrum right now.
Man is escorted out by deputy. Room starts chanting "no more masks." I cannot fathom what the physicians in the room think while watching this after all they've been through. Room starts to clear out!
5 minute break been called. People yelling at the Board members. "There is a place for you people." "You don't have the authority." "We will not vote you back in" which is funny b/c guessing most of this room didn't show up to vote given low county WCSB election turnout.
More people yelling at Board members as they leave. (I'm going to show this to my kids as what foolishness looks like in grown-ups.)
Rick Wimberly D9 moves to approve staff recommendation. Elliot Mitchell D3 seconds. Moving to discussion.
Brad Fiscus D4 speaks first. Says we all want what's best for WCS. Agree that majority of students education happens best in classroom for teacher. We're expected to provide a free & appropriate education for all students without exception.
Virtual schools aren't an option for those quarantined or going remote, have to use inclement weather days. CDC and DOE recommend mitigation strategies. Vaccination strategy doesn't apply to our youngest students - 18,000 members of school system due to age.
Called TSBA today to get legal status of Board's authority given what we've all heard on this. Board is tasked with management of the schools, including shaping learning environments and ensuring health & safety of students in them.
Schools act in custody legally of students while child is in care of school, based on court cases/determinations. (this is education law 101, so we hear. Not personally experts but TSBA lawyers obviously are.)
Brad Fiscus will be voting to support the recommendation tonight.
Mr. Cash D2 up next. Doesn't know where to start. Thought we had a plan, commended Jason for that plan which was to go to school as normal as possible (um, no one told Delta variant about the WCS plan and to respect that! how dare it.)
Last November we had a big spike. Looked at school data and take it from there, school by school and it worked. (mandatory masks were in place then?)
Says we didn't even have a meeting on this. (that's what this is.) Got Golden's recommendation an hour before the meeting, trying to make decisions for all these children. Asks why we can't give this a chance to work using school data. These numbers are growing much faster, yes
but give this a chance to work "instead of putting that rag on your face." Crowd starts yelling again.
Chair has to tell crowd AGAIN no more outbursts. good grief.
Golden says that's a reasonable question from Mr. Cash. Have seen that quick increase, don't know what future holds. Professional staff and saw numbers from first 3 days and it triggered that recommendation. Just made decision today.
This is a professional judgement call. Invites Ms. Thompson, head of nurses for the district, to speak. Cash confirms there's a motion on the floor asks to make another one. Is told he can amend the motion. "Asks to give it 3 more weeks to watch numbers very closely."
Garrett says that's not a proper amendment. Golden steps in (previously WCS attorney for years) to help clarify what Cash wants. Point of order made by D3 Mitchell - he's a Robert's Rules of Order expert :)
Everyone trying to understand Cash's intent in his amendment.
Cash makes a motion to defer the action by 3 weeks. Candy Emerson - District 8 - seconds. Will be a separate vote on deferring it or not. Now discussing specific dates to avoid another special called meeting. This is a hot mess.
Mitchell again on point of order - can't debate on a motion to defer. Vote is to table without a future date, which ends the meeting. Attorney Cook verifies that's correct. Only procedural questions can be asked at this point on the motion to defer.
Cleveland (D7) asks if we defer this, if plan could change. Golden says yes, plan could change between now and then. Cash again says a date would be good to have. Still clarifying the motion.
About to vote on the motion to table without a specific date: Yes means in favor of deferring. Fails, 7 No's. Only 3 voted yes to defer.
Sheila Cleveland up next to speak on original motion to approve staff recommendation on elementary masking.
Very much pro choice, like that middle and high school have options and are pro choice - mask up, get vaccinated, or enroll in online school. But have a problem with elementary schools don't have a choice without vaccinations, education for them suffers in online environment.
There are no choices for these families, especially in dual-income families where someone has to stay home if remote or online. Responsibility to keep all the kids safe is very important to me, and keep them in the classroom.
Jennifer Aprea District 5 up next - says for the record that absolutely hates masks, but required to wear them for issue in personal life. Hates conflict, sad to see where we are as a community with tension, anger, and frustration which we all share.
Have that this has become politicized, health & safety or our students isn't political. Virus doesn't care who it infects. Talked to D5 principals this week, all overwhelmingly agreed that this year covid is different. 20-25% kids were wearing masks and that won't work.
All said they'd rather be teaching in person vs remotely. What happens to these kids who are quarantined? Already seen this with a church camp in Nolensville, came to school, and it's going around. Appreciates reco for elementary but wonders about middle school 11-year olds
Ms. Thompson (nursing head is now answering that question): gives some history of hearing positive cases during first school days. 1st day alone heard multiple reports, same over weekend from nurses and principals. Monday - another significant increase.
says majority of students in middle school setting are eligible. (2/3 are.) Asks procedural question about amending to include everyone under the age of 12.
Mitchell seconds the motion. Motion is debatable.
Aprea: people tell me I'm doing this for personal reasons, this is proof I'm not b/c my kids are in elementary school. Watched Dr. Lisa Piercey and Commissioner Schwinn livestream from last Friday: "key word is parents. nobody debates the effectiveness of masks."
room is interrupting her constantly. Heard from parents of high risk kids who are afraid to say things publicly due to medically sensitive information - signed up to do what the code of ethics says to do.
...the medical professionals say that in order to stay in school need to have a temporary universal mask mandate. room is unruly and not listening. One woman is yelling.
I'm a former teacher and a mom, and need to listen to the medical experts. They all recommend we should be doing this to keep our kids in school.
Cash is up again. There are 2 sides to this issue. People can't even keep their boosters updated for the things that have to be done. (?) There are many vaccinated people now that are sick. (yes, but they don't end up in the hospital or dying.)
"Kids are gonna get sick." I don't agree with this amendment. - Dan Cash.
Rick Wimberly asks for a staff opinion. Golden says enforcement would be difficult with 6th graders. Says they're turning 12 every day during this year (mine turns 12 in May so this year is shot for her. no pun intended.)
Rick says that doesn't answer his question. Asks practicality question about how to know when they walk in who should have one on or not. Golden agrees but says it could be done.
Golden clarifies that they are not recommending that for 11 year olds in 6th grade.
Elliot Mitchell asks for numbers again on 12+ vaxxed in WillCo...approximately 61% according to Golden.
Aprea moves that temporary mask requirement is for anyone under the age of 12. Board is voting. 5 yes, 5 no. Motion fails as they need 6 votes since there are 2 absent Board members (Angela Durham and Eric Welch.)
(may be 7. I need to clarify that actually. anyone know?)
Jay Galbreath (D6) asks about exemptions. Golden says they'll still honor them. Chair asks crowd again to behave.
Galbreath asks what recommendation is on end date for temporary restriction? Golden doesn't have one, will be monitoring case growth and severity. Will make a recommendation when we believe the need has ended, Board have that power to do so as well.
Golden: If this passes, will provide weekly updates to the Board. Galbreath: is reco on the opt-out to honor forms from last year? Yes. Chances of those medical or religious exemptions having changed is slim (it's perjury to sign the exemption form if neither applies).
Galbreath asks if there's an opt out for staff: for medical or religious reason as well. Galbreath: so vaxxed teachers "not saying they were co-erced because I'm not" who made a decision to get vaccinated, will any exceptions for them?
Galbreath: main reason is to protect students who aren't vaccinated, then can adults have option not to wear one? (Vaccinated adults can transmit the virus to others.) Mandy Thompson confirms those vaccinated can still get covid.
Galbreath: why are we letting middle and high schoolers who can get vaccinated go without masks? Golden: Is there medical value wearing masks protecting elementary aged students? Galbreath says if yes, then there's value in making everyone wear a mask b/c everyone can spread it.
(Jay Galbreath just made the case for universal masking in all schools.)
Mandy Thompson: CDC says both need to be wearing masks, the exposed person and the positive person. Galbreath: understood.
Asks Golden when he would have made a recommendation without this special meeting. Work session is this Thursday in 2 days, would have had this discussion then.
Galbreath asks about seating charts. Golden: no plans. One of mitigation strategies trying to sustain is the 3-foot distancing and cohorts so students stick to tables with same kids as much as possible. Galbreath moves to add expiration date to masks.
Cash seconds the motion. Galbreath says desire is to avoid last year's situation where everything is based on judgement (versus what?) and require a positive vote to renew vs. a positive vote to cancel.
Motion is for mask requirement to end on date of September Board meeting so a vote will be needed to continue temporary mask requirement. Wimberly asks for staff recommendation. Golden says he could live with it.
Garrett asks what the staff would use to recommend a sunsetting of the requirement. Golden clarifies he said "i could live with it" logistically. They'll look at positive cases in elem schools, severity, impact of virus in schools, hospitalizations, lots of factors.
Fiscus asks if we see a spike in middle and high school if recommendation may change. Golden says we'll monitor that, number 1 goal is to have kids on campus. Continuous learning plans are gone as an option so don't have as many tools to accomplish that.
Says short answer is yes, we'll monitor and consider it as needed.
Board now voting on amendment to sunset masking criteria on Tuesday at 11:59pm 9/21 to go into effect on Wednesday. Board could vote to renew at 9/20 #wcsb meeting. 9 yes, 1 no. (couldn't see who the no was.)
Nancy Garrett (d12 and chair) was single no vote. Now back to main motion on elementary mask requirement.
Sheila Cleveland asks about elementary teachers. Can we do something for vaccinated teachers when at front of the room so kids can see their mouths when they're teaching? Mandi Thompson says yes, when outside the 6 foot distance that's fine.
Cleveland asks to confirm that no kids have to wear masks. Confirmed. Says we need to focus school by school numbers like last year again as a recommendation.
KC Haugh (District 11) says surprised to be in this situation as we thought we were out of this, even 3 weeks ago thought that. Hard to find middle ground on all of this. We have a social contract on this, we don't send our kids to school when sick & this is on that continuum.
The crowd is yelling back at everything he says - Chair asks deputy to keep an eye on who's speaking out as she can't see from her perspective.
Asks people to be kind and empathetic to those who disagree. We've heard all the voices. Hope we're back to where we were in May in a month or two. Wouldn't wish long term covid cases on anyone or be responsible for that happening to any kid in this community.
The situation has changed. If different kind of masks work better than others, let's focus on that and do some education.
Galbreath wants to amend motion. Teachers that are safely distanced (at least 6 ft) may remove masks indoors and an easier way to get exemptions which attorney Cook says defeats the main motion.
Galbreath is saying it's mandated unless you opt out and then you don't have to wear the masks. So offer them a choice. Which means it's not mandatory?
Cook reiterates it's an improper motion. Allowing people to opt out means they're not required. "We'd require them but not for the people who requested not to wear them." This is seriously happening.
Golden does not recommend approval of that. But will honor religious and medical exemptions as previously stated.
Galbreath tries again. Wants students to have exemptions following grandfather procedure. Unclear on what this means. Cash seconds though nonetheless (dare him to explain what he just seconded. No offense.)
Aprea: Clarifies grandfathering in last year's exemptions, and opening back up for same process as last year. Yes. Fiscus: Asks Golden if this amendment needs to be made that you've already stated these are going to happen? Golden says not really, but do it if you want to.
Golden confirms this will increase burden on teachers to enforce masks but they've determined it's worth it for the students.
Nancy Garrett asks about fraudulent exemptions - asks Golden what recourse there is if someone submits a false form? Says concern is shared, but operate under assumption that families act in good faith. Had 1,500 total last year, 60/40 religion to health exemptions.
Rules governing district is it's not appropriate to question the exemptions. A Board has the power to say no religious exemptions (@MetroSchools just did this)
Fiscus proposes that a teacher must wear a mask or a face shield when teaching in front of the classroom. Aprea seconds. Lots of discussion on this.
Candy Emerson: (missed some, had to step away for a few.)..."Brad, you have no business coming into this. So upset over this. We are just dividing one another over all of these mandates." Reader: Brad Fiscus is a former teacher.
Emerson is almost crying. Begging "please don't do this." Fiscus response: "I taught for 13 years in both middle and high school. If I was teaching today I'd ask to wear a face shield so I could teach. The virus doesn't care if I want to harm the student or not...."
Fiscus: "I was a biology teacher. I know all about how viruses mutate."
Emerson: "You were not trained to teach in a kindergarten or lower elementary school. You were fabulous at what you did, I know. But you didn't teach with little people."
Galbreath asks Fiscus, trying to find an acceptable amendment language that makes everyone happy. Golden clarifies face masks are the standard for teachers.
Fiscus agrees. We're not sure what the new language is. Fiscus withdraws amendment, Aprea agrees. "Teachers will be given the option for a face covering or face shield and may remove it when at a safe distance." Golden, this is a shift away from everyone wearing masks.
Emerson: "6 feet? Are we measuring everyone now? This is getting so politic [sic] about things."
6 feet is the scientific recommendation, not a political one.
Fiscus clarifies to Galbreath: that was not what I intended. It's that they can remove their mask when safely distanced, and will be provided a face shield if they prefer to wear one. I was not done speaking, but I was rudely interrupted b/c they were making fun of my child.
Fiscus: I signed up for decorum in public discussion. My ask was for a shield or a mask in that circumstance of a safe distance.
Mitchell tries to reset the room. Galbreath tries to interrupt and Mitchell reminds him he has the floor. Tempers are starting to rise after over 2 hours of constant crowd interruptions and disruption.
Back to original amendment. Voting. 7 yes, 3 no. Amendment passes to teachers and safe distance removing masks, and exemptions being grandfathered in and same process applying. They just agreed to do the same thing as last year after all that.
Back to original MOTION for temporary elementary mask mandate. Mitchell asks if this pertains to staff in central office, Golden says correct - only if they enter an elementary building.
Mitchell thanks colleagues and says they've demonstrated that they come at these things with sincerity and genuine curiosity, this has been painful to say the least.
Galbreath: "Please don't hate me. Is it possible to make an editorial change about non teachers?" Golden says they'll apply it to staff as well. No formal amendment needed.
Galbreath apologizes. Says intention was to talk about some of this since Friday but this is usually done in policy meetings and work sessions and everyone has to sit through the sausage making.
Asks about changing the mandate to be a face covering or a face shield (which is not the CDC/AAP recommendation. So he's proposing another amendment.
Golden says CDC guidelines/recommendations say mask, not face shields, would require an amendment. Mandy Thompson says CDC has not changed, face shield is only used when someone medically can not wear a face mask. Mask is a better form of protection. Golden does NOT recommend.
Now going into efficacy of face shields. Moved for a vote. No one can even read out what the proposed amendment is.
amendment: to require masks *or face shields* in elementary school.....they'll vote on the face shields part, which Golden and staff do not recommend per CDC guidance.
3 yes, 7 no. Amendment fails.
Now Galbreath says he's going to finally share his comments. ?? Says FSSD declined masks last night (there was no vote, we don't think.)
Galbreath: have thousands of people who won't be happy with this vote (which would be true either way this went.)
Says we're failing students emotional development. (editorial comment again - my kids being quarantined multiple times was failing their emotional and mental health more so than a piece of cloth that barely phased them when all other kids wore them, too.)
What's SO sad about this whole thing is this county should be well over 54% vaccinated by now. We wouldn't be in this situation if we had more herd immunity.
Rick Wimberly: Been getting a few emails and haven't gotten to pay the attention to them that I'd like. (They report 1-2 a minute coming in for over a week solid.)
A man wrote, if we choose to require masks what's the worst that can happen?
Nancy Garrett thanks the first responders who have stayed for the duration of the meeting - so appreciated and efforts are so respected. Corrects Galbreath's FSSD comment - they don't have overcrowding issue WCS has, lots of empty classrooms and more social distancing space
...wants everyone to know, that people always think they're the majority but that may or may not be true. During the last week, have tallied every email and filed in a folder for masks or against masks 1 per person as best as possible.
...there are people who are not here because it's risky for them not to be here. They need a voice in this meeting as well. As of today at 3pm, 781 emails requesting masking. Had 348 emails against masking.
....they aren't here and there are reasons. Public schools educate every child. Email received today: Child is actively in chemotherapy. Being a part of school as a normal kid is part of healing. He deserves that.
Cleveland: mental health issues are near and dear to my heart. What's more damaging to kids is being sent home, not seeing their peers, not getting their education than wearing a mask. Saw how that affected them, which informed her decision on this.
Aprea: Told a few parents that I'd share this as a reason as to why supporting masking. Shares story from a parent about her kid who has heart issues when playing sports 8 months after catching covid. Another father shared his 11 year old still has long hauler symptoms.
was diagnosed this summer with covid-triggered narcolepsy and will be on medication for the rest of his life. Says she's not willing to put any of our kids at risk for these things, and we need to listen to the experts.
Galbreath: Can't believe we're about to be the 4th county in TN with mask mandate. This is going overboard and we're making medical decisions on behalf of our kids. People saying "no more masks" just really want a choice for their kids. (do they want a choice on seat belts too?)
Aprea: When a parent's choice impacts another kid, it's no longer their choice. I didn't choose to bring peanut butter into a nut-free classroom when a single kid in daughter's classroom had an allergy.
Galbreath: I appreciate that, Jen. 🤨 Feel like everyone gets to make the choice for them, let's start talking about actual PPE and not cloth masks so everyone can make their own choices (this is not what the CDC recommends.)
....I don't want these kids to be fearful of someone else and look at them as a place where germs can go. (??)
Wimberly calls the question. THE VOTE will now take place! Motion: "To require masks for students, staff and visitors at elementary grade levels effective Thursday 8/12 to end 9/21/21. Teachers safely distanced at least 6 feet may remove masks....
and exemptionsn will be grandfathered in.
Vote tally: 7 yes, 3 no. Motion passes, meeting is adjourned. @WCSedu passes an elementary school mask mandate effective this Thursday.

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10 Aug
Meeting will start in 8 mins! Stay tuned here for a pretty rapid fire live tweeting session of the meeting - we're fully charged up this time and should make it to the end! 🤞

or you can watch it yourself on the livestream at
(still waiting on livestream to start....803 people waiting to be "let in" on youtube)
Read 51 tweets
18 May
Back at it, starting a new thread for #wcsb hour #2.
Voting to approve tonight's agenda. 12-0. #wcsb
Voting to approve consent agenda (items they don't individually vote on, lumped in as a package): 12-0. #wcsb
Read 28 tweets
17 May
Livestream of tonight's #wcsb meeting - starting in about 15 minutes, will be live tweeting from this thread, public comment is one of the first agenda items.
ps internet connection is sloooooow so be patient with us if this has some fits tonight.
Chairperson Nancy Garrett (D12) announces to public commenters that they'll have 1 minute to speak, each. Believe there are a LOT (dozens?) signed up to speak....
Read 67 tweets
17 May
Lots of parents and WCS community members here 1+ hour before the #wcsb meeting showing signs of support for diversity efforts:
People lined up for public comment sign-up:
Read 6 tweets
13 May
We'll be live tweeting the #wcsb work session tonight at 6pm CST - be patient with us as we're a bit rusty! Agenda & livestream links can be found here: wcs.edu/domain/1164
key items of interest: Safety Planning after the 2020-2021 School Year; 2021-22 budget, Curriculum (not sure what this agenda item entails?)
Word on the street is there's a anti-mask rally in front of the #wcsb work session....looking for updates and will share if we have them.
Read 169 tweets

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