If you feel that your emotions became numb and dull,
That you lost your emotional connection with something that usually brings you joy,
Then this thread is for you.
10 Psychology Backed Ways to Fight Absent-Mindedness:
1. Exercise 2. Don't rely on technology 3. Sleep 4. Soak Up Some Sun 5. Get the Help You Need 6. Be sociable 7. Make lists 8. Do one thing at a time 9. Play Games 10. Stop talking and start DOING
1. Exercise
Research suggests a strong link between regular exercise and brain health.
Working out not only boosts blood flow,
but can also reverse the reduction in brain size that naturally occurs as we age.
2. Don't rely on technology
There's research to show these technologies are changing the shape of our brains,
and the way they function.
I recommend people turn off their email alerts:
only check your inbox three or four times a day,
rather than being constantly distracted.
3. Sleep
Our brains need rest to process information and turn it into memory.
When we deprive ourselves of sleep so that we can get more things accomplished,
we are adding gasoline to the memory-loss fire.
4. Soak Up Some Sun
Time in the sun has been linked to the release of serotonin in the brain.
Serotonin is known to have a positive impact on:
- Person’s mood,
- The relaxation response, and
- The ability to focus.
So, start treating sunshine as a valuable commodity.
5. Get the Help You Need
Be intentional about getting in touch with close friends.
You might even consider a few counseling sessions,
until you feel you are back on solid ground.
6. Be sociable
Socialising is mentally promoting cognitive functions such as:
- Reasoning
- Intuition
- Thinking, and
- Feeling,
All of which help create a reserve of brain cells,
And encourage the formation of new connections in the brain.
7. Make lists
Sometimes when I have things flying around in my head that I need to accomplish,
I get overwhelmed, And then nothing gets done.
That’s why I immediately start making a list when I start feeling that way!
8. Do one thing at a time
When you do too many things at once,
none of them is done particularly well.
Do one thing at a time so you can make sure
That you complete everything you are doing.
9. Play Games
In addition to giving yourself a much-needed mental health break
Games tend to sharpen brain skills.
These include:
- Processing speed
- Decision making
- Response time
- Planning, and
- Strategizing.
Card games & board games can be fun and recharge your brain.
Talking about it is great but it doesn’t count.
What does count is to start doing it!
This will all take a little bit of work but if you follow these tips,
You will eventually become much more organized.
Lastly, if you liked this thread,
and you’re serious about improving your lifestyle and mental model,
once and for all,
Mental models are the most important ideas of each science.
It is the way of thinking of the greatest in history.
With the help of books, etc,
It will internalize mental models in your head in a way that you will use them automatically.
It’s therefore quite important that you figure out
how to improve focus and concentration.
Enter the following pointers,
Each of which is designed to give that brain a boost
or at the very least prevent it.
9 Tips to Become Super Focused:
1. Train your brain 2. Meditate 3. Exercise 4. Organise Your Area 5. Prevent Distractions 6. Sleep Better 7. Improve Your Diet 8. Take a break 9. Create Goals
You can read all the anxiety advice in the world,
but none of it matters unless you take action.
Here are 21 ways to calm yourself,
restore the inner peace and make yourself happy.
Psychological Ways to Calm Anxiety:
1. Surround yourself with positive people 2. Take a rest when you felt tired 3. Think about your dreams 4. Avoid the comparison 5. Prioritize your tasks 6. Be silly sometimes 7. Practice self-love 8. Take daily walks 9. Meditate