~ tale of love

#jikookau where jeon jungkook is the infamous genius badboy of the college with anger issues, little did anyone know that after every fight jungkook always ends up going to the muted shy topper of arts department, park jimin who fix him with badanges and hugs.
want me to?
A/N :
- Genre: romance, fluff, angst, smut.
- NSFW or 🔞 scenes will be marked.
- its all fiction, don't take anything seriously.
- pls don't use members names, censor them or use emojis.
- do engage and quote, it motivates me.
About jeon jungkook:
• the famous yet genius badboy
• kinda reserved yet well known
• have rude and intimidating aura
• has everyone wrapped around his fingers
• chemistry major
• friends with all boys
• meets jimin dramatically and goes soft for him only Image
About park jimin:
• muted for more than 10 years, lost his speaking ability due to an accident but can hear
• shy, reserved, socially anxious
• topper in arts department, known for being the one who expresses his emotions best in his drawings
• knew jungkook for long Image
Kim taehyung and Kim seokjin:
• college's most hottest couple
• jungkook's friends for years ImageImage
Jung hoseok and min yoongi:
• new hottest couple in town
• friends with jungkook for years ImageImage
Kim namjoon:
• beauty with brain
• single gay with loads of people on their knees for him
• oldest friend of jungkook Image
00:00 ~ he gives me the home I crave for
#jikookau #kookminau Image
00:01~ with them I'm myself
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImage
00:02 ~ he let me be his home
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00.03 ~ when you're with the right person, it all feels warm
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
~ 1 month back ~
00:04 ~ the world is way too unfair to some people
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:05 ~ it was my first time meeting an angel
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:06 ~ sometimes talk with them if of no use
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImage
00:07 ~ I'm not drunk, I'm just trying to remember
#jikookau #kookminau Image
00:08 ~ I don't stay in people's memory
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:09 ~ I was so close to him but he never saw me
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImage
00:10 ~ zoning out is not something I do but that face is all I'm trying to focus on
#jikookau #kookminau Image
00:11 ~ when they're annoying as fck but I smile because of them
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:12 ~ anyways they're annoying
#jikookau #kookminau Image
A/N : can you all tell me how the au is going so far? I mean is it worth to keep going or am I boring you all? I really want to know. 🥺
00:13 ~ everyone needs a personal space to rant out the frustration
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:14 ~ the show must go on
#jikookau #kookminau Image
00:15 ~ there are millions of bystander on a show you organize unintentionally but no one steps up to help
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:16 ~ I always wish the best for you
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:17 ~ not everyone is your fan
#jikookau #kookminau Image
00:18 ~ always try to listen to the both sides of story
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
A/N: well I just realized it's time for run bts to drop, imma get back to writing after watching it, let's see who is the spy in the game 🤭
00:19 ~ it sucks when your family is like this
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImage
00:20 ~ rants rants rants
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImageImage
00:21 ~ life's tough bruh
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImage
00:22 ~ you called your angel, he's here
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:23 ~ even if no one worries for you, I'll always care
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:24 ~ pls take of me, I need you
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:25 ~ but we will meet in coming future
#jikookau #kookminau Image
00:26 ~ accepting our own flaws is the toughest thing
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImageImage
00:27 ~ something is better than nothing
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:28 ~ I have grown up lmao
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:29 ~ people who annoy me the most are my best caretaker
#jikookau #kookminau Image
00:30 ~ keeping my check on him
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:31 ~ too many mouths to speak against you
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:32 ~ people who talk against you are you biggest fan 😉
#jikookau #kookminau Image
00:33 ~ another visit from the angel
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:34 ~ the strings pulling us closer and closer
#jikookau #kookminau Image
00:35 ~ they have my back
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImageImage
00:36 ~ I'm confused about my intentions
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:37 ~ I just want to be loved
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:38 ~ misunderstanding develops on false assumptions
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImage
00:39 ~ I feel like I found you
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:40 ~ I found you
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:41 ~ it was the sound of my heartbreak
#jikookau #kookminau Image
A/N : so they finally met 😭 well that's all for today. Pls do tell me how's the story going and thankyou all for reading and supporting me. You all are best who motivates me to write better and better. I love you all. Stay tuned for more fun. 🥺❤
00:42 ~ oldest is the most tired one
#jikookau #kookminau Image
00:43 ~ all gays do is bicker and flirt
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImageImage
00:44 ~ my heart just let me trust you
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:45 ~ I'm glad I'm your first
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:46 ~ why am I enjoying teasing you
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImage
00:47 ~ calling it a home would be an understatement, his arms were heaven
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:48 ~ all I feel is comfort with you
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImageImage
00:49 ~ bickering
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:50 ~ saved you close to me
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:51 ~ you're my happy moment
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:52 ~ my friends are hopelessly horny
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:53 ~ I witness a mUrdeR
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:54 ~ going soft for the person I always adored
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:55 ~ angel
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:56 ~ sometimes a flaw feels like a burden
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00: 57 ~ tw // mention of bullying
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
tw // mention of f!ght

00:58 ~ I'm a coward
#jikookau #kookminau Image
A/N : that's it for today, sorry for delayed last two updates, I had some work. But oh well koo and mini packet are so cute I'm going to cry 😭 you all tell me how's the story so far. And I want to thank again for supporting me. Stay tuned I love you all 🥺❤
00:59 ~ they always have something weird to say
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:60 ~ it takes seconds to go down memory lane once again, it hurts
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:61 ~ he is the only I want to find and fix
#jikookau #kookminau Image
00:62 ~ let me come to you
#jikookau #kookminau Image
00:63 ~ allow me to give you back something in return
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:64 ~ I'm just scared
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:65 ~ some sad thoughts keeps filling up my mind
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:66 ~ overthinking is a disease
#jikookau #kookminau Image
00:67 ~ I'll never break my promise
#jikookau #kookminau Image
00:68 ~ need is better than want
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImage
00:69 ~ he must be the reward of my good deeds
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:70 ~ and i tried my best to be there for him
#jikookau #kookminau Image
mood rn: Image
00:71 ~ they always have my back
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImage
00:72 ~ well two offers are colliding
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImage
00:73 ~ cutest bickering
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:74 ~ emotions
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:75 ~ I'm glad I have understanding people in my life
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImageImage
00:76 ~ nervous as if going for asking hand in marriage 😭
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:77 ~ the house felt like home after so long
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:78 ~ I wish I had been there for him
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:79 ~ is that what love feels like?
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
A/N : well thats it for today, I just wanted to remind that the story is very soft with not much twists and plots, I'll keep the genre a soft romance and I hope you all are enjoying it. Do engage, it gives me motivation and thankyou for constant support. Love you all 🥺❤
00:80 ~ just being with you is healing
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:81 ~ you keep making me feel special
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImage
00:82 ~ you're confusing me
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:83 ~ I expected more than I should
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:84 ~ idiot in love
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:85 ~ never had any friend
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:86 ~A.W.K.W.A.R.D
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImage
00:87 ~ 😔
#jikookau #kookminau Image
00:88 ~ having you close to me is more than enough
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImage
00:89 ~ you have me- forever
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:90 ~ the boy a mother could trust
#jikookau #kookminau Image
00:91 ~ a surprise for me?
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:92 ~ the promise (reference taken from jimim's actual promise song)
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:93 ~ who do I?
#jikookau #kookminau Image
I love suffering and make you all suffer Image
00:94 ~ can't even process at the moment
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:95 ~ more and more promises
#jikookau #kookminau Image
00:96 ~ he is my best moment
#jikookau #kookminau Image
00:97 ~ everytime I find my way back to you
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImage
00:98 ~ I feel the burden less when I share my heart with you
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
00:99 ~ goofing around with you is my way of loving you
#jikookau #kookminau Image
01:00 ~ complete when with eachother
#jikookau #kookminau Image
01:01 ~ selection is a very difficult job
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImageImage
01:02 ~ a mess was waiting for him
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:03 ~ unfamiliar encounter
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
A/N: oh no why I got so cruel in the end, my baby doesn't deserve any pain. :(( anyways thats all for today, there won't be much angst or plots but few scenes would be heartbreaking as I love to make us all suffer hehe. Thankyou for your support, stay tuned, love you all 🥺❤
01:04 ~ guardian angel came to protect me
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:05 ~ the world actually has nicer people
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:06 ~ he promised me he will be there for me
#jikookau #kookminau Image
01:07 ~ I never hide anything from him
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:08 ~ you're a b!tch
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:09 ~ and I want to open up to you completely
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:10 ~ unbitch
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:11 ~ I got exposed
#jikookau #kookminau Image
01:12 ~ something is cooking behind the backs
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:13 ~ his compliments takes me to cloud 9
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImage
01:14 ~ they both are eachother's reward
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
A/N : taking a small study break, I'll upload furthur a little later :))
A/N : shit my study break went too long. actually I had unexpected guests as home -.- Image
01:15 ~ it's hard to confess in front, so I did secretly but you heard me
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:16 ~ the new person in my life is too sweet
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImage
01:17 ~ bickering on tl is fun
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:18 ~ more bickering
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:19 ~ I'm scared of my nervousness
#jikookau #kookminau Image
01:20 ~ that's how my friends sets up my birthday party
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:21 ~ got the first best wish
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:22 ~ cat ran on my keyboard
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:23 ~ well the other one hit the shot
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImage
01:24 ~ it's a surprise they think I'm alive
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImageImage
01:25 ~ I'm trying to be ok on my own
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImage
01:26 ~ you all are out of my life for forever
#jikookau #kookminau Image
01:27 ~ your family portrait is complete without me
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImage
01:28 ~ and I always rush to heal my lover
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:29 ~ I'll rush to him whenever he needs me
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:30 ~ always complete when I'm with him
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
A/N : they're so adorable, I'm crying:(( thats it for today, sorry for delayed update. I do as soon as I'm able to make out time. Thankyou for supporting. You all are amazing. I love you all 🥺❤
01:31 ~ just being grateful to have you in my life
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImage
01:32 ~ wish we had enough courage to say it on face
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:33 ~ my phone is filled up with you but I won't accept it
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:34 ~ running out of ideas sucks
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:35 ~ I got the excuse
#jikookau #kookminau Image
01:35 ~ I want to see your smile when we meet
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImageImage
sorry i accidently write two times 01:35, the thread is not broken, pls don't be confuse :((
01:36 ~ let's see how much I make you happy
#jikookau #kookminau Image
01:37 ~ on the way to witness the smile
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:38 ~ on the journey of opening up to the world
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:39 ~ but I always get embarrassed of my flaw
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:40 ~ why things doesnt go the way I want them to be
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImage
01:41 ~ the world surely has nicer people
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:42 ~ now I know what's in your heart for me
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:43 ~ I came to make you smile but tables turned
#jikookau #kookminau Image
01:44 ~ you mal my functions
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImage
A/N: gonna take a little break my phone ain't charged, pls wait a bit. Thankyou 🥺
01:45 ~ i missed him so much that he appeared in front of me
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:46 ~ hugging you once again gave me back my life
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:47 ~ happy moments of my life
#jikookau #kookminau Image
01:48 ~ I want to keep you close to me forever
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImage
01:49 ~ I'll always wait for you
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImage
01:50 ~ I was given the dare I was actually grateful for
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImage
01:51 ~ if he kisses me then am I prettiest for him?
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:52 ~ my favorite taste
#jikookau #kookminau Image
A/N: well that's all for today, hope you guys are enjoying it. Thankyou for all your support. You guys keep me going, I love you all so much. 🥺❤
01:53 ~ finally the moment was there
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:54 ~ now everyone getting to know
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:55 ~ I want to kiss you again and again
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:56 ~ I'm hiding
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:57 ~ but we still ain't together
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:58 ~ shooting my shot again and again
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImage
01:59 ~ I want to tell you something
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImage
01:60 ~ they all are so nice to me
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImage
01:61 ~ well he is built like that
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:62 ~ malfunctioning is my new hobby
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:63 ~ now I'm known among everyone
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:64 ~ I still pray you love my surprise
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:65 ~ nervous
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImage
A/N: my head is aching, can I take a break for a while? I want to write furthur updates relaxed and in good mood, pls :))
01:66 ~ we are going on a date
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImage
01:67 ~ and I started confessing to him
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImage
01:68 ~ I confessed finally
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImage
01:69 ~ and I told him I'm so proud of him
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:70 ~ I hope you like my surprise
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImage
A/N : ok so I tried writing a bit, I'll upload it now 🥺
01:71 ~ the damage was simultaneously being healed by his voice
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImageImage
01:72 ~ let's talk about past
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:73 ~ let's talk
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImage
01:74 ~ you were the one who helped me first
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:75 ~ you saved me
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:76 ~ memory lane hurts
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImageImage
01:77 ~ it hurts to even think about it
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImageImage
01:78 ~ after years I saw him with most beautiful smile
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImage
01:79 ~ you were my savior
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImageImage
01:80 ~ come to meet me pls
#jikookau #kookminau Image
01:81 ~ I promise to protect you forever
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:82 ~ being with you, silence is the best moment
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:83 ~ my boyfriend is an art
#jikookau #kookminau Image
01:84 ~ caught in 4k
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:85 ~ he is dating me now yes
#jikookau #kookminau Image
01:86 ~ he kiss him alot
#jikookau #kookminau Image
01:87 ~ your song in my voice
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:88 ~ he has always been a better person
#jikookau #kookminau Image
01:89 ~ confession on tl going strong
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
01:90 ~ forgiveness is not an easy thing
#jikookau #kookminau Image
01:91 ~ my best person
#jikookau #kookminau Image
01:92 ~ the Christmas eve
#jikookau #kookminau Image
01:93 ~ we are complete because we have eachother
#jikookau #kookminau ImageImage
Thankyou so much, I love you all, do tell me how was the story. 🥺💜 Image

You can check my other aus here. 🥺💜

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More from @jikook_snack

Dec 12, 2022
|| are we meant to be? ||

#jikookau where some stranger named jk saved jm during the art exhibition they visited with their own friends but the place soon became a war zone. Jk took his chance with jm but jm was already set to marry someone in few days.
10 years later bonus.
A/N: read before starting.
. It's a fiction, nothing is real.
. No hate for any members or characters.
. Always censor names pls.
. Genre: angst, fluff, heartbreak, marriage, no cheating.
. Strangers to lovers.
. Endgame?
. Hope you'll support me till end.
Thankyou 🥺❤️
Read 4 tweets
Dec 9, 2022
a mini #jikookau where: ImageImageImageImage
not me getting random idea of cute jikook au once again 😭
01. ImageImage
Read 21 tweets
Nov 22, 2021
a short au ~ I was scared 💝

#jikookau where:
Read 60 tweets
Oct 16, 2021
short au ~ please stay ☘

#jikookau where: ImageImageImageImage
~ 1. ImageImageImageImage
~ 2. ImageImageImage
Read 54 tweets
Aug 27, 2021
~ lovers at gym | one shot |

#jikookau where ImageImageImageImage
bonus 1. Image
bonus 2. ImageImage
Read 13 tweets

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