Relieved to get a vaccine booster today at the Williamson Co. Dept of Health, esp since my high-risk 16yo’s school has no virtual option & no mask mandate this year. His school starts tomorrow.🧵
It is nothing short of miraculous that our son is alive. He was born in 2005 w/ what his specialist calls “the most severe birth disorder compatible with life”-a 1 in 400,000 condition. Within that, his variables place him in the 5th percentile. 2/
It is a tragedy of our age my son was displaced from his birth family because they lacked access to adequate health care for his disability. The care facility that received him made his name a prayer, in case he died on the drive to the hospital.
He lived. 3/
By the time we learned of him, he had been to Singapore and the US for surgeries. Every time, his name was a prayer. “Heaven protect.”
He lived. 4/
The day of his adoption, the horrific Sichuan earthquake shook our hotel, busted pipes, & drove us out of the city offices. We drove the streets for hours, praying we would not have to sleep in the park for the week, w/ no access to running water for his care.
He lived. 5/
As near as we can tell, he’s had 20 surgeries in his 16 years. @Shane_E_Caudill and I have taken turns sitting up too many nights to count when he was ill, praying he’s make it, or begging God for mercy as he screamed in pain in hospital.
He lived. 6/
Too many times to say, I held back the sobs until I stepped into a restroom. Sometimes they’d catch me in the middle of the grocery store, on an aisle by myself. It wasn’t fair that this little soul had to lose everything & still endure so much pain.
He lived. 7/
Through it all, our community was there. The school where I taught @GovBillLee’s kids before YoYo joined us, where @MarshaBlackburn’s son graduated before I was hired. Our church, where our Sunday school prayed and made our house accessible when we adopted again.
He lived. 8/
So many times this child walked a dark road & we didn’t know what would happen next. Even this summer, when he saw his specialist for the 1st time since 2019. A complication necessitated urgent surgery. We’d have caught it sooner, but for the pandemic.
He lived. 9/
And now, @GovBillLee, your politicization of masks in this pandemic threatens the life our community has sustained, the life that women of faith an ocean away fought to protect, the life my own has been poured out for.
Make no mistake. When @nytdavidbrooks says “Somehow [God] seems to want Trump elected, because there’s just been this string of events,” he knows *exactly* who he’s playing to. This is the language of white Christian nationalism. It’s infected @nytimes. Democracy is on the line.
Pay attention at 10:15. @nytdavidbrooks starts, “God is good, omniscient, omnipotent…but He seems to want Trump re-elected” & lists a series of events. He knows it connects with people who see declaration of God’s power as the beginning of a prophecy. 2/
@nytdavidbrooks How do I know this about @nytdavidbrooks’ words? I grew up in a nondenominational charismatic church started by a Pentecostal pastor in the 70s. I was “anointed” as having the “gift of prophecy,” in 7th grade—elders spoke it on me when I was 12. It’s a formula David leverages. /3
Since David French is trending, a reminder he wrote an op-ed in @nytimes directly quoting from a private vigil for our friends killed in #CovenantSchool shooting, despite many signs posted that said no press allowed & security stationed at the doors. Everyone else honored it.
Instead, let us turn our thoughts today to the prophetic witness of Rev James Lawson, who urged anyone who would listen of the #NonviolentMovementOfAmerica.
Look here, @CommunityNotes. French says in *his* NYT piece he went to a vigil at Christ Presbyterian Church Tuesday 3/28/23, a day after the Covenant shooting. If his wife insists he went to one Monday 3/27, the day of the shooting, I’m not the one lying.…
You want the origin story for @GovBillLee’s voucher scam? Reconstructionist Rushdooney & Christian leaders met with President Reagan’s Edwin Meese. Rushdooney & Tim LaHaye were furious Reagan would remove tax-exempt status from private schools that segregated on race. 1/
RJ Rushdooney was a reformed Presbyterian (@GovBillLee & @MarshaBlackburn sent their kids to a Presbyterian school), a pioneer of Christian Reconstructionism & the homeschool movement who believed government should be under the lordship of Jesus. 2/…
@GovBillLee @MarshaBlackburn @brmorris mentions the argument Rushdooney & his friends gave Reagan’s Chief of Staff Ed Meese for their right to discriminate in their private schools—it’s their religious freedom!! We’ve seen this argument again & again since then. 3/
@DPCassidyTKC Intersectionality isn’t a cult, David. When I started advocating for adoptees, intersectionality was the word I learned from Dr Karyn Purvis of TCU, which describes the way different facets of a child’s (or adult’s) live cross one another to create unique & complex needs. 1/
@DPCassidyTKC For my sons, that means that I need to respect that they’ve lost birth family, heritage, language, food, all because of disability; that disability presents unique learning challenges; that the surgeries in their early years carry trauma & anesthesia issues…2/
@DPCassidyTKC Each of those strands intersect to create complex challenges that love or prayer alone can engage. The author of the universe has given us so much; the least we can do is honor God’s own image in one another & why our neighbor’s needs might not be the same as our own. 3/
👀 on @GovBillLee’s Tennessee, y’all! In a Civil Justice Hearing of the #SpecialSession that was *supposed* to focus on gun reform after #CovenantSchool shooting, State Troopers are seizing anything that can be construed as a sign from citizens. Crushing freedom of speech!
And State Troopers were ordered to remove #CovenantSchool parents from the room because even after signs were banned, Tennessee citizens are not allowed to clap in the People’s House.
What’s that, you say? Why yes, the #CovenantSchool parents removed from the room included Katy Dieckhaus, whose 9yo daughter was killed, and @SarahShoop33.
h/t @rhonda_harbison
Here’s the link. (h/t @K12ssdb) I’m not combing through this entire thing today, but because @TNGOP Executive Committee did their little pro-murdering children resolution telling @GovBillLee to end Special Session, this can’t wait. 2/
Here’s a graph of TN school shootings in the last 25 years (since 98/99). The Comptroller includes in the definition any time that a gun is brandished or shots fired on school property & shootings that happen at school sponsored events off campus. (details in report footnotes) 3/