Anna Caudill Profile picture
“There is no them. There’s only us.” (cou)rage against the machine. views=mine
Jul 13 4 tweets 2 min read
Make no mistake. When @nytdavidbrooks says “Somehow [God] seems to want Trump elected, because there’s just been this string of events,” he knows *exactly* who he’s playing to. This is the language of white Christian nationalism. It’s infected @nytimes. Democracy is on the line. Pay attention at 10:15. @nytdavidbrooks starts, “God is good, omniscient, omnipotent…but He seems to want Trump re-elected” & lists a series of events. He knows it connects with people who see declaration of God’s power as the beginning of a prophecy. 2/
Mar 17 8 tweets 3 min read
You want the origin story for @GovBillLee’s voucher scam? Reconstructionist Rushdooney & Christian leaders met with President Reagan’s Edwin Meese. Rushdooney & Tim LaHaye were furious Reagan would remove tax-exempt status from private schools that segregated on race. 1/ RJ Rushdooney was a reformed Presbyterian (@GovBillLee & @MarshaBlackburn sent their kids to a Presbyterian school), a pioneer of Christian Reconstructionism & the homeschool movement who believed government should be under the lordship of Jesus. 2/…
Dec 15, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
@DPCassidyTKC Intersectionality isn’t a cult, David. When I started advocating for adoptees, intersectionality was the word I learned from Dr Karyn Purvis of TCU, which describes the way different facets of a child’s (or adult’s) live cross one another to create unique & complex needs. 1/ @DPCassidyTKC For my sons, that means that I need to respect that they’ve lost birth family, heritage, language, food, all because of disability; that disability presents unique learning challenges; that the surgeries in their early years carry trauma & anesthesia issues…2/
Aug 22, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
👀 on @GovBillLee’s Tennessee, y’all! In a Civil Justice Hearing of the #SpecialSession that was *supposed* to focus on gun reform after #CovenantSchool shooting, State Troopers are seizing anything that can be construed as a sign from citizens. Crushing freedom of speech! And State Troopers were ordered to remove #CovenantSchool parents from the room because even after signs were banned, Tennessee citizens are not allowed to clap in the People’s House.
Aug 6, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
At first glance, some things I notice about the Comptroller’s report on TN school shootings. 1/ Here’s the link. (h/t @K12ssdb) I’m not combing through this entire thing today, but because @TNGOP Executive Committee did their little pro-murdering children resolution telling @GovBillLee to end Special Session, this can’t wait. 2/…
May 24, 2023 9 tweets 6 min read
Oh y’all. It’s so much worse. SO much worse. @Tennessean has threatened to sue #CovenantSchool, Covenant parents, & Covenant Church for attorney’s fees & expenses if the parents aren’t successful in keeping Audrey Hale’s writings unreleased. 1/ Trying to find a video link that I can post here, but on @NC5’s FB page, 5/23 at 4:24pm, there’s a post titled “The Covenant School document hearing,” in which Metro Law Director Wally Dietz provides a personal comment about @Tennessean’s threat to #CovenantSchool survivors. 2/
May 23, 2023 5 tweets 5 min read
@Gannett⁩ ⁦@Tennessean⁩ has ZERO business saying #CovenantSchool parents, whose children were murdered 3/27 or who survived, but are afraid to leave their classroom to even go to the restroom, choosing to wet themselves instead, are not victims. This is evil. Image #CovenantSchool parents sued to prevent the release of shooter Audrey Hale’s writings because even redacted, there is danger of copycats. The Allen TX mall shooter named Audrey as an influence.
@Tennessean would claim anyone whose loved one is murdered is not a victim of crime. Image
May 23, 2023 18 tweets 10 min read
Last night I attended #AfterCovenant, a moderated discussion on what comes next for my community as far as change on gun violence in the wake of the #CovenantSchool shooting, in which my friend was murdered. 1/
Video here:
I was grateful that Dr. @alexjahangir led by describing the current situation in America as a public health crisis & comparing the need for legislative response to this crisis to the legislative response that happened when cars were the leading cause of death for young people.2/
May 13, 2023 16 tweets 6 min read
Ok. I’ve tried to answer this for more than a week & been overcome every time. 47 days have passed since my friend engaged a shooter in the hallway of the private Christian school where she was headmaster. The shooter murdered her. #CovenantSchool 1/ I am grateful that Kathy White, deaconess at @CPCnashville, spoke up about the need for meaningful gun reform. That she & the alumni of Christ Presbyterian Academy, where she & @DavidDark & I taught alongside Katherine Koonce, called on @GovBillLee to value children over guns. 2/
May 2, 2023 13 tweets 8 min read
The thing about #CovenantSchool that should scare every last Tennessean is no matter how exclusive your private school, no matter how Christian, no matter how armed the teachers are or how well-prepared staff are, a shooter can still kill your kids, & @TNGOP won’t help you. 1/ Image In fact, if you enroll your kids in a TN private Christian school, & teachers are armed, & active shooter prep exceeds police expectations, & a shooter *still* kills children, you don’t *dare* approach your @TNGOP supermajority on your children’s behalf. 2/
May 1, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
A state official came at me in my DMs over the weekend b/c I RT’ed a post about an issue I’ve advocated around for 7 yrs & it’s made me pause on every post, QT, RT, or like since. Will they see this post? This RT? Will I get a letter from an attorney? Another angry DM? 1/ They know health information about my son that i don’t want made public. If I RT this post about them, will they tell the public my son’s most personal information? Will they say a word & my husband loses his job, our health insurance, our home? 2/
May 1, 2023 12 tweets 6 min read
Why on earth would *anyone* in Christian leadership think highlighting sexual abuse in public schools to say “see, clergy sex abuse ain’t so bad” is appropriate? It is *never* ok for even one child to be sexually abused by clergy. This comparison endangers children in church. Look at the engagement this is getting. PCA influencers & an editor for PCA polity amplifying, drawing more shocked folks. The result is distrust in public schools…but worse, the growing sense that sexual abuse in our churches is over-hyped. This is dangerous. 2/ ImageImageImageImage
Apr 12, 2023 13 tweets 5 min read
One Black man hugs a crying white woman & the whole damn lot of them show up. Let’s spell out what this means. 2 weeks ago, my friend #KatherineKoonce was murdered as she tried to protect her students & colleagues from a shooter. 2/
Apr 12, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
This is why I talk about my friend #KatherineKoonce. ⁦@BillHaslam⁩, who once spoke at @CPCnashville⁩ about how politics affects personal relationships, wants America to believe @tngop were as scared of peaceful protest as 9yos of actual gunfire.… In 2021 @BillHaslam toured TN on his book about “the redemptive role of faith in politics.” Now he’s sad nobody applauded his op-ed after #CovenantSchool massacre. There’s a reason nobody clapped. His words are cheap.…
Apr 11, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
For anyone saying the #CovenantSchool massacre has been hijacked by @brotherjones_ & @Justinjpearson, let’s just dispel that right now. @TNGOP refused to care for Nashville in our darkest hour even when the slain were friends of the highest officials. @GovBillLee abandoned us. 1/ Nobody worried it was about race when Tom Ingram, whose lobbying firm Ingram Group is running #CovenantSchool PR, told Charleston’s Black community “The next time something awful happens in places like Baltimore or Ferguson, I think we actually will remember Charleston.” 2/
Apr 3, 2023 14 tweets 11 min read
On Monday, my friend was murdered in the #CovenantSchool shooting, along with a janitor, 3 children, & a substitute teacher. I was frustrated with Bill Lee’s response, & I said as much.
Let’s review what has happened in the week since. A thread. 1/ @steveharuch reached out, & I told @ThisIsNashville about my friend #KatherineKoonce & how I hoped #Nashville & Tennessee would be led through this darkest of times by @GovBillLee & @MarshaBlackburn, who were in community w/ Katherine & me at #Covenant’s sister school. 2/
Mar 29, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
Let the reader understand. I am responding to Meg’s posts by way of addressing the behavior for hire from her, Matt Walsh, & Ben Shapiro. They are paid influencers whose product is outrage for the purpose of driving voter engagement. It is a deadly commodity @GovBillLee supports. Salem Media Group offers a similar product for an overlapping market. They know that they can & must be attractive to would be influencers. This has evolved from blogging lifestyles. I’ve attended many workshops on building an influencer brand.
Mar 19, 2023 20 tweets 8 min read
A little about me for new followers. I taught high school 10 yrs, 8 of which were at a PCA school. I left teaching to adopt 2 disabled children from China. After being named Marsha Blackburn’s CCAI Angel in Adoption in 2013, I felt a responsibility to steward that honor. 1/ In those early years, I focused on the Adoption Tax Credit, testifying for a Congressional Hearing as a guest of former US Representative Diane Black. I became especially interested in the unique learning needs of adoptees. 2/
Jan 12, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Today, @GovBillLee’s administration altered the 2022 State of the Child Report to suppress factual reporting on DCS crisis. They replaced data gathered from TN Comptroller’s audit with a quote about ideal foster care goals. This is a shocking indifference to children’s lives. 1/ The original report highlights findings from the TN Comptroller’s 2022 DCS audit, a report published every 2 years to give lawmakers a review of Dept of Children’s Services. That audit was presented to lawmakers in a 12/14/22 hearing I attended.

Nov 8, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Y’all. It’s a sea change. Whaaaaat is this even. OHMAGOSH OHMAGOSH OHMAGOSH GUYS ITS OOOOOOONNN 🍿 🍿 🍿
Nov 5, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
People @GovBillLee refuses to meet with—a 🧵:

Black constituents and elected TN Legislature officials in the Black caucus 1/ Constituents opposed to the death penalty, who have gone through all the proper channels to meet. 2/