Anna Caudill Profile picture
“There is no them. There’s only us.” (cou)rage against the machine. views=mine
Jul 13, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Make no mistake. When @nytdavidbrooks says “Somehow [God] seems to want Trump elected, because there’s just been this string of events,” he knows *exactly* who he’s playing to. This is the language of white Christian nationalism. It’s infected @nytimes. Democracy is on the line. Pay attention at 10:15. @nytdavidbrooks starts, “God is good, omniscient, omnipotent…but He seems to want Trump re-elected” & lists a series of events. He knows it connects with people who see declaration of God’s power as the beginning of a prophecy. 2/
Jun 10, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Since David French is trending, a reminder he wrote an op-ed in @nytimes directly quoting from a private vigil for our friends killed in #CovenantSchool shooting, despite many signs posted that said no press allowed & security stationed at the doors. Everyone else honored it. Instead, let us turn our thoughts today to the prophetic witness of Rev James Lawson, who urged anyone who would listen of the #NonviolentMovementOfAmerica.

Mar 17, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
You want the origin story for @GovBillLee’s voucher scam? Reconstructionist Rushdooney & Christian leaders met with President Reagan’s Edwin Meese. Rushdooney & Tim LaHaye were furious Reagan would remove tax-exempt status from private schools that segregated on race. 1/ RJ Rushdooney was a reformed Presbyterian (@GovBillLee & @MarshaBlackburn sent their kids to a Presbyterian school), a pioneer of Christian Reconstructionism & the homeschool movement who believed government should be under the lordship of Jesus. 2/…
Dec 15, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
@DPCassidyTKC Intersectionality isn’t a cult, David. When I started advocating for adoptees, intersectionality was the word I learned from Dr Karyn Purvis of TCU, which describes the way different facets of a child’s (or adult’s) live cross one another to create unique & complex needs. 1/ @DPCassidyTKC For my sons, that means that I need to respect that they’ve lost birth family, heritage, language, food, all because of disability; that disability presents unique learning challenges; that the surgeries in their early years carry trauma & anesthesia issues…2/
Aug 22, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
👀 on @GovBillLee’s Tennessee, y’all! In a Civil Justice Hearing of the #SpecialSession that was *supposed* to focus on gun reform after #CovenantSchool shooting, State Troopers are seizing anything that can be construed as a sign from citizens. Crushing freedom of speech! And State Troopers were ordered to remove #CovenantSchool parents from the room because even after signs were banned, Tennessee citizens are not allowed to clap in the People’s House.
Aug 6, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
At first glance, some things I notice about the Comptroller’s report on TN school shootings. 1/ Here’s the link. (h/t @K12ssdb) I’m not combing through this entire thing today, but because @TNGOP Executive Committee did their little pro-murdering children resolution telling @GovBillLee to end Special Session, this can’t wait. 2/…
May 24, 2023 9 tweets 6 min read
Oh y’all. It’s so much worse. SO much worse. @Tennessean has threatened to sue #CovenantSchool, Covenant parents, & Covenant Church for attorney’s fees & expenses if the parents aren’t successful in keeping Audrey Hale’s writings unreleased. 1/ Trying to find a video link that I can post here, but on @NC5’s FB page, 5/23 at 4:24pm, there’s a post titled “The Covenant School document hearing,” in which Metro Law Director Wally Dietz provides a personal comment about @Tennessean’s threat to #CovenantSchool survivors. 2/
May 23, 2023 5 tweets 5 min read
@Gannett⁩ ⁦@Tennessean⁩ has ZERO business saying #CovenantSchool parents, whose children were murdered 3/27 or who survived, but are afraid to leave their classroom to even go to the restroom, choosing to wet themselves instead, are not victims. This is evil. Image #CovenantSchool parents sued to prevent the release of shooter Audrey Hale’s writings because even redacted, there is danger of copycats. The Allen TX mall shooter named Audrey as an influence.
@Tennessean would claim anyone whose loved one is murdered is not a victim of crime. Image
May 23, 2023 18 tweets 10 min read
Last night I attended #AfterCovenant, a moderated discussion on what comes next for my community as far as change on gun violence in the wake of the #CovenantSchool shooting, in which my friend was murdered. 1/
Video here:
I was grateful that Dr. @alexjahangir led by describing the current situation in America as a public health crisis & comparing the need for legislative response to this crisis to the legislative response that happened when cars were the leading cause of death for young people.2/
May 13, 2023 16 tweets 6 min read
Ok. I’ve tried to answer this for more than a week & been overcome every time. 47 days have passed since my friend engaged a shooter in the hallway of the private Christian school where she was headmaster. The shooter murdered her. #CovenantSchool 1/ I am grateful that Kathy White, deaconess at @CPCnashville, spoke up about the need for meaningful gun reform. That she & the alumni of Christ Presbyterian Academy, where she & @DavidDark & I taught alongside Katherine Koonce, called on @GovBillLee to value children over guns. 2/
May 2, 2023 13 tweets 8 min read
The thing about #CovenantSchool that should scare every last Tennessean is no matter how exclusive your private school, no matter how Christian, no matter how armed the teachers are or how well-prepared staff are, a shooter can still kill your kids, & @TNGOP won’t help you. 1/ Image In fact, if you enroll your kids in a TN private Christian school, & teachers are armed, & active shooter prep exceeds police expectations, & a shooter *still* kills children, you don’t *dare* approach your @TNGOP supermajority on your children’s behalf. 2/
May 1, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
A state official came at me in my DMs over the weekend b/c I RT’ed a post about an issue I’ve advocated around for 7 yrs & it’s made me pause on every post, QT, RT, or like since. Will they see this post? This RT? Will I get a letter from an attorney? Another angry DM? 1/ They know health information about my son that i don’t want made public. If I RT this post about them, will they tell the public my son’s most personal information? Will they say a word & my husband loses his job, our health insurance, our home? 2/
May 1, 2023 12 tweets 6 min read
Why on earth would *anyone* in Christian leadership think highlighting sexual abuse in public schools to say “see, clergy sex abuse ain’t so bad” is appropriate? It is *never* ok for even one child to be sexually abused by clergy. This comparison endangers children in church. Look at the engagement this is getting. PCA influencers & an editor for PCA polity amplifying, drawing more shocked folks. The result is distrust in public schools…but worse, the growing sense that sexual abuse in our churches is over-hyped. This is dangerous. 2/ ImageImageImageImage
Apr 12, 2023 13 tweets 5 min read
One Black man hugs a crying white woman & the whole damn lot of them show up. Let’s spell out what this means. 2 weeks ago, my friend #KatherineKoonce was murdered as she tried to protect her students & colleagues from a shooter. 2/
Apr 12, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
This is why I talk about my friend #KatherineKoonce. ⁦@BillHaslam⁩, who once spoke at @CPCnashville⁩ about how politics affects personal relationships, wants America to believe @tngop were as scared of peaceful protest as 9yos of actual gunfire.… In 2021 @BillHaslam toured TN on his book about “the redemptive role of faith in politics.” Now he’s sad nobody applauded his op-ed after #CovenantSchool massacre. There’s a reason nobody clapped. His words are cheap.…
Apr 11, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
For anyone saying the #CovenantSchool massacre has been hijacked by @brotherjones_ & @Justinjpearson, let’s just dispel that right now. @TNGOP refused to care for Nashville in our darkest hour even when the slain were friends of the highest officials. @GovBillLee abandoned us. 1/ Nobody worried it was about race when Tom Ingram, whose lobbying firm Ingram Group is running #CovenantSchool PR, told Charleston’s Black community “The next time something awful happens in places like Baltimore or Ferguson, I think we actually will remember Charleston.” 2/
Apr 3, 2023 14 tweets 11 min read
On Monday, my friend was murdered in the #CovenantSchool shooting, along with a janitor, 3 children, & a substitute teacher. I was frustrated with Bill Lee’s response, & I said as much.
Let’s review what has happened in the week since. A thread. 1/ @steveharuch reached out, & I told @ThisIsNashville about my friend #KatherineKoonce & how I hoped #Nashville & Tennessee would be led through this darkest of times by @GovBillLee & @MarshaBlackburn, who were in community w/ Katherine & me at #Covenant’s sister school. 2/
Mar 29, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
Let the reader understand. I am responding to Meg’s posts by way of addressing the behavior for hire from her, Matt Walsh, & Ben Shapiro. They are paid influencers whose product is outrage for the purpose of driving voter engagement. It is a deadly commodity @GovBillLee supports. Salem Media Group offers a similar product for an overlapping market. They know that they can & must be attractive to would be influencers. This has evolved from blogging lifestyles. I’ve attended many workshops on building an influencer brand.
Mar 19, 2023 20 tweets 8 min read
A little about me for new followers. I taught high school 10 yrs, 8 of which were at a PCA school. I left teaching to adopt 2 disabled children from China. After being named Marsha Blackburn’s CCAI Angel in Adoption in 2013, I felt a responsibility to steward that honor. 1/ In those early years, I focused on the Adoption Tax Credit, testifying for a Congressional Hearing as a guest of former US Representative Diane Black. I became especially interested in the unique learning needs of adoptees. 2/
Jan 12, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Today, @GovBillLee’s administration altered the 2022 State of the Child Report to suppress factual reporting on DCS crisis. They replaced data gathered from TN Comptroller’s audit with a quote about ideal foster care goals. This is a shocking indifference to children’s lives. 1/ The original report highlights findings from the TN Comptroller’s 2022 DCS audit, a report published every 2 years to give lawmakers a review of Dept of Children’s Services. That audit was presented to lawmakers in a 12/14/22 hearing I attended.

Nov 8, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Y’all. It’s a sea change. Whaaaaat is this even. OHMAGOSH OHMAGOSH OHMAGOSH GUYS ITS OOOOOOONNN 🍿 🍿 🍿