Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, @GruaAbuseArkive is famous in #Gojal her hatred against mountain people and for her xenophobia. She calls for violence as shown on her Facebook "blog"
Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, @GruaAbuseArkive shows a rabid rabid racism against the religious and ethnic minorities of northern Pakistan.
Hijacking #BLM movement, Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, @GruaAbuseArkive the brown skin colonialist from Karachi wants the cleansing of Northern Pakistan from all western visitors.
Now, Ramla Akhtar, aka Rmala Aalam, @GruaAbuseArkive says she supports #Gojal girls while she would be an actionnist (super activist) against feminicide. But she dis not organize nor attend any demonstration for #Adiba in Shimshal, Gulmit, Gilgit, Islamabad or Karachi.
There was a time a freshly graduated urban student from #Karachi 🏙️ (#Pakistan 🇵🇰) upper urban middle class, with an expensive British education, had a real talent for writing fictions and for advertising an expertise...1/20
Photo: Casey Horner
...she did not have thru her re-formulation of trendy topics. Surfing the wave, she considered herself as a #Writer and as a #Consultant.
Unfortunately, nobody in “patriarchal #Pakistan 🇵🇰”, as she says, was ready to hire a young... 2/20
Photo: #BernardGrua@BernardGrua
a young professional #female with no experience for the jobs she was pretending to. Her career disillusions and her unsuccessful personal life caused her severe depressions with more and more frequent mental disorders. 3/20
Photo: #BernardGrua@BernardGrua
What a no-culture brown monkey does not want to understand is that, in France, we have a strong enforcement of "presumption of innocence"- law June 15, 2000, and that defamation is strongly condemned for 140 years - law from July 29, 1881. It is tougher than in the US.
No responsible person would ever take the risk to fall under these laws violation by echoing allegations not supported by a decision of justice. Defamation on social media is dangerous in France, for its author. Ramla Akhtar's hate speech campaign will never work in France.
Make no mistakes. In June 2019, a 🇵🇰colonialist cybercriminal was warned she will have to leave #Hunza if she continued her hate speech against local people & foreign visitor. Six months after, she was expelled from #Gojal and became a tramp roaming between Gilgit and Rawalpindi.
Makes no mistakes the 🇵🇰colonialist cybercriminal spreading her hate speech while escaping the law for 2.5 years is countered.
We are putting an increasing pressure on this outlaw so that she tries to invoke the protection of justice, which she has been laughing at for so long.
We push her towards legal institutions because it is the best way to expose her crimes, to imprison her and to protect Sofia, her biological daughter.
She didn't believe her expulsion from the Gojal was inevitable. And yet ...