So far so easy. imho still way too many editions and versions for personal use.
Other things don't get old...
On the other hand, I will, waiting here. ;-)
And suddenly the look and feel changes.
This was a long list of countries, but no possibility to enter the corresponding letters. You either have to scroll endlessly, use arrow up/down or page up/down - which still takes way too long.
Same thing with the keyboard layout. This just takes too long.
"Want to add a second keyboard layout"? triggers responses like 'yes' or 'no' in me, with some degrees of freedom 'Add layout' is acceptable. 'Skip' is not.
And yeah, I know of the approach to give buttons a meaningful description instead of the yes/no scheme. But given that question... Nope.
"Keyboard added. What do you want to do now?" would be more fitting.
It was checked for updates for a while, then this screen followed.
What would happen, if you choose 8 chars as the host name and add 0x1b as the last char (Domain Master Browser). Is their input sanitized?
Reboot without warning. I don't like this.
Again waiting.
Still waiting... but better looking.
And now things start, which I presume to not like at all.
Going for home account.
Yeah. This.
Why in god's holy name should I want this?
The arrow on the top only takes me back to the choice between personal and work account.
Let's quickly create some sock puppet identity.
Going on. Windows Hello is mandatory?
Nope, I cannot cancel it. I have to enter a pin, by clicking 'Cancel' I get back to the screen before this one.
So let's use 1234.
Which of course is not possible.
1111 isn't either.
Nor is 4321.
But 1212 is valid.
Yeah, we *really* need that scrollbar there!
And again: why will there be 500 screens like this following? Why not put it on one?
Here we need the scrollbar. The other possible option is 'Required only'.
I am missing "None"!
... question to this screen and the last one: I don't want ads in my OS. I don't want to have tracking abilities in my OS (also not on mobile devices).
Why can't one turn these off completely? 😡
I'd really like to know, what these options change in my installation, er, sorry, 'experience'. So far the experience is not so great.
Options are:
- Entertainment
- Gaming
- School
- Creativity
- Business
- Family
Well. Backups are important, OneDrive actually is convenient...
Even though I keep myself asking, what happens to my online files, if some ransomware runs through \Users\<user>\OneDrive\ ...?
Turning it off.
And here start the ads. 😒
How fast do you push updates these days?!?
Yeah, I was to fast for the background to load in the first screenshot...
Looking at the changing screens... Why U no dark mode?
Old friend... *sigh*
2 reboots, then finally:
And again. ?!?
And again.
Being stuck at 83% feels... like I have done that once or twice already.
I never got this. If 100% are reached, I am finished. I should never be able to see "100%" for longer than the blink of an eye.
By the way: this was not what I meant with "dark mode".
Boy, you'd think they somehow got the time zone right after I chose the right location...
At least they publicly show my email address.
And yeah, I will not use that address again. ;-)
Hm. Confirming pins without enter still feels wrong.
Yeah, another few minutes getting even more things ready...
Why not simply press F2 and see the details of the installation?
Having a look at my ressources. Looking good. ;-)
That's like a fortune cookie!
And no, I haven't seen good things up until now. (personal opinion)
I missed the screenshot of "Almost there".
This is the next one:
And nothing happens. No welcome screen, no nothing. Interesting.
I knew I wouldn't like the position of the Start Menu icon. This has to be in any given corner for rage mouse start menu opening. (Yeah, admitted: I don't use a mouse for that, but you get the point.)
"You need to activate Windows before you can personalize..."
But I can select different themes. And change other stuff.
But not the position of the start menu icon.
Gaming developers: please start unconditional support for linux. Thanks.
Starting Edge (which is as usual, so no screens), downloading Vivaldi... ;-)
... I wish I had a #Razor here... so no quick exploiting for now. 😏
Right click on the taskbar has almost no options left. Not even task manager.😒
Uh. I forgot to actually show the start menu.
Chaning default apps sucks.
This sucks even, if I click "Set as Default" in the browser - which just takes me to the above screen.
And this concludes my Win11 installation for now.
More updates after this screen. But I accentaly hit HostKey-R (reset) instead of HostKey-E (screenshot).
Ein Twitterer hat mal ein paar auf den Deckel bekommen, weil er die Situation in Schulen mit Befehlsempfaengern in der NS-Zeit verglichen hat. Heute stolpere ich ueber….
Dort heisst es: "Sie hätten versuchen müssen, sich zu entziehen, und Sie hätten sich entziehen können."
Jetzt mache ich mich auch einmal unbeliebt.
Ich glaube nicht, dass <beliebige Personengruppe einfuegen> ueberzeugt ist, das "Richtige" zu tun.
Ich glaube viel eher, dass <Personengruppe> ueberzeugt ist, dass deren Vorgesetzter schon das "Richtige" tut - und daher erneut die sehr bequeme Situation geschaffen wird, dass man ja selbst nicht denken muss. Denken ist anstrengend.