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Aug 24, 2021 87 tweets 69 min read Read on X
Hi friends! I'll be online today at 1:00pm, cst, to start our discussion of #Criminology.

Let's start with a THINKING CHALLENGE: Should an employee taking a company pen home for personal use be considered a crime or not?

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
Good afternoon! Today I am going to introduce "What is Criminology" to my #CRJ105 students.

I hope you'll follow along! #MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
If you're a Twitter-Newbie, hopefully you're a little more acquainted after our "Welcome To The Course" yesterday.

If you still have questions, worry not! I'm here to help

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
Each week, I'll be covering a chapter from the text here on Twitter. I'm *TRYING* to simulate what our in-class discussions would look like. You can follow along in real time or at your own pace.

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
I do a variety of fun (??) exercises in these discussions. I like to ask poll questions, provide insight from "guest" speakers, and try to answer ALL your questions, as well

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
So let me get to know a little about YOU before we get started ...

Are you a Criminal Justice major?

I majored in History & French

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
Why are you reading this thread?

I'm here because ... well ... I'm teaching the class!

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
Let's get started!

Welcome to Criminology, today will be an overview of our first chapter in the text (Chapter 01) but also give some insight as to what you can do with criminology in the larger study of Criminal Justice

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
Many of my Moraine Valley CRJ students are interested in law enforcement. What are your career ambitions?

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
What area of study do you think plays the most significant role in understanding why people break the law?

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
Today we will look at criminology in terms of the economy, the environment, and globalization

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
What aspect of #Criminology is most interesting to you?

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
Let's add another THINKING CHALLENGE:

An innocent man be wrongly convicted
– OR –
a guilty man go free? WHY?

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries

What is the significance of the above question, wouldn't most of us not want either?

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
We are going to look at how Americans don't always agree what the primary goal of the Criminal Justice system should be.

Crime control
Rights protected?

We will examine a broad range of criminal behavior this semester, let's introduce a few of these top trending criminology topics

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
“The use or threat of violence directed at people or governments in response to past action and/or to bring about a change of policy that is consistent with the terrorists’ objectives.”

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
Terrorism is at the center of many forms of criminality that feed or are fed by terrorism.

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
Why should criminologists study terrorism?

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
What form of terrorism is most pressing to most Americans today?

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
What form of terrorism is of most interest to you?

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
We will examine the complex relationships between various forms of crime & their international impact

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
The globalizing era has produced an explosion in the volume of illegitimate commercial and financial transactions. North American and European banking and investment institutions have been flooded with laundered and ill-gotten gains

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
“Dirty” money cannot be spent freely. While there is evidence that terrorist weapons have been obtained by direct exchange for drugs, for dirty money, most expenditures by terrorists are for goods or services obtained on the free market

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
How does money laundering work? - Delena D. Spann


#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
Please don't leave me hanging that money laundering always makes you think of this scene ...

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
Cyberspace is there for everyone to use—or to abuse. And the abuses are increasingly being discovered and, indeed, legislated as crime

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
Have you been the victim of online identity theft?

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
The market in small arms is vast and mostly clandestine. What is new, however, is the market for weapons of mass destruction: nuclear, biological, and chemical.

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
In the issue of firearms, do you consider yourself to be ...

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
Smuggling would-be illegal migrants from less-desirable homelands to more promising lands of opportunity has become a huge criminal enterprise involving millions of human beings

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
THINKING CHALLENGE: What country is currently considered the #1 purchaser of human trafficking / sex for trade?

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries https://
Many of the countries of destination fear the growth of immigrant communities that might be terrorist havens. Even greater is the fear that terrorist organizations deliberately infiltrate their members into immigrant populations

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
Terrorists, especially those with millennial goals or of religious or political extremism, seek to destroy past cultures and to impose their own vision of culture.

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
There is no limit to the reach of criminological inquiry, because every human activity is capable of deviance that produces significant harm, thus requiring criminological scrutiny

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries

"Every human activity is capable of deviance that produces significant harm"

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries

"Every human being is born inherently good"

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries

"Basic human nature is collective, cooperative"

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
In 1885, the Italian law professor Raffaele Garofalo coined the term “criminology”.

The French anthropologist Paul Topinard used it for the first time in French in 1887

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
Criminologists use the term deviance to describe behavior that violates social norms, including laws.

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
The difference between crime and other forms of deviance is subject to constant change and may vary from one state or country to another and from one time to another

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
A crime is any human conduct that violates a criminal law and is subject to punishment.

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries

Who in a society decides—and when and under what circumstances—which acts that are already considered deviant in that society should be elevated to the level of gross deviance or crime, subject to punishment?

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
This brings us back to the start of our discussion, let's see how similar or different our views on what should - or shouldn't be - a crime

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
THINKING CHALLENGE: Should or should not be a crime?

Exchanging money for sex between two consenting adults

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
THINKING CHALLENGE: Should or should not be a crime?

Playing poker for money with friends

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
THINKING CHALLENGE: Should or should not be a crime?

Playing poker for money with friends

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
THINKING CHALLENGE: Should or should not be a crime?

An industrial company polluting a river

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
THINKING CHALLENGE: Should or should not be a crime?

Attempting suicide

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
THINKING CHALLENGE: Should or should not be a crime?

Smoking Marijuana

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
THINKING CHALLENGE: Should or should not be a crime?

Taking a candy bar from the store without paying for it

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
THINKING CHALLENGE: Should or should not be a crime?

An employee taking a company pen home for personal use

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
THINKING CHALLENGE: Should or should not be a crime?

Calling someone else a racially derogatory name

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
THINKING CHALLENGE: Should or should not be a crime?

Kneeling during the national anthem

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
THINKING CHALLENGE: Should or should not be a crime?

Entering a government building during a public protest

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
THINKING CHALLENGE: Should or should not be a crime?

Purposely, publicly using an individual's dead name

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
How do we come to an understanding about what behaviors are so heinous, they should be outlawed?

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
The consensus model. According to this view, certain acts are deemed so threatening to the society’s survival that they are designated crimes.

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
Consensus assumes that members of a society agree on what is right and wrong

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
Some criminologists view the making of laws in a society from a different theoretical perspective.

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
According to the conflict model, the criminal law expresses the values of the ruling class in a society, and the criminal justice system is a means of controlling the classes that have no power

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
Conflict theory encourages questioning how the system operates and who it benefits

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
Criminology is the body of knowledge regarding crime as a social phenomenon. It includes within its scope the process of making laws, of breaking laws, and of reacting toward the breaking of laws

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
Criminology is a discipline composed of the accumulated knowledge of many other disciplines

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
The study of making laws includes collecting and understanding criminal statistics

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
Do red light cameras work?

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
Criminologists examine what laws are effective at changing behavior

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
Sutherland, in saying that criminologists have to study the process of lawbreaking, had much more in mind than determining whether someone has violated the criminal law. He was referring to the process of breaking laws

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
There is no agreement as to why some people are prone to commit crime and others are not. Researchers have approached the question from different perspectives.

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
The study of reactions to lawbreaking demonstrates that society has always tried to control or prevent norm-breaking

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
Does imprisonment work?

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
The research has also revealed that society’s reaction to lawbreaking has often been irrational, arbitrary, emotional, politically motivated, and counterproductive

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
Scientists who study the criminal justice system are frequently referred to as “criminal justice specialists.”

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
The United States has well over 50 criminal justice systems—those of the 50 states and of the federal government, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, and the military
Crimes that have an interstate or international aspect are under the jurisdiction of federal authorities, and such offenses are prosecuted under the federal criminal code.

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
What aspect of Criminology seems the most interesting?

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
Crime, like life itself, has become globalized, and responses to lawbreaking have inevitably extended beyond local and national borders

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
The perception that the crime problem is increasing or decreasing rests on a fear of crime that is fueled by media portrayals

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
In fact, some criminological research demonstrates the futility of escalating punishments and often points to measures of quite a different nature as more promising, more humane, and more cost-beneficial

#MoraineValley #CRJ105 #ChangingBoundaries
What do Criminologists actually do?

What are YOUR career goals? How might understanding criminology help in your line of work?

#CRJ105 #MoraineValley
THINKING CHALLENGE: How does criminology help someone who wants to work in law enforcement?

#CRJ105 #MoraineValley
For my students, for credit, respond anywhere IN this thread with your thoughts, questions, follow-up.

#CRJ105 #MoraineValley
Include the link to your tweet in the discussion board. Extra credit if you include a picture of your pet(s) with your twitter comment

#CRJ105 #MoraineValley
This concludes our introductory look at Criminology, our next discussion, next week, we will look at measuring & defining #crime.

#CRJ105 #MoraineValley
Overall, how would you grade today's discussion?

#CRJ105 #MoraineValley
Thank you for following along. RT-ing the poll questions is greatly appreciated, as the most participation, the more discussion. Have a great afternoon, all!

#CRJ105 #MoraineValley

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More from @michelle_furlow

Oct 17, 2022
Good afternoon! Join me on Tuesday, 10am, cst, to discuss the development of subcultures. What subculture sounds interesting to hear more about?

#CRJ105 #Criminology #Chapter06 #SubcultureTheory
Oh boy, I'm going to need some ENERGY from y'all this morning! I took a photo to share that I'm ready to teach ... and THIS was the result ...

#LookingLessThanEnthused #SendCoffee #LetsTryThisAgain #CRJ105 Image
Oooookay, take two! Let's try this again. Good morning, got your coffee ready?

Let's discuss ...

#CRJ105 #Criminology #SubcultureTheory #Chapter6 Image
Read 98 tweets
Oct 4, 2022
Happy Tuesday! Tomorrow at 2pm, cst, we are taking a look at social class, crime, and the #AmericanDream.

Do YOU believe in the American Dream?

#CRJ105 #MoraineValley #SocialStructure #Strain
Hello! I had office hours in A109 this morning, now I'll be here live tweeting for criminology. I'm glad you can join me

#CRJ105 #MoraineValley #SocialStructure #Strain
I'll be updating the grade book for Unit 02, I should finish tomorrow, so keep an eye on your grades, I'm happy to answer any questions.

Let's jump into #StrainTheory #CRJ105
Read 41 tweets
Sep 26, 2022
Happy Monday, all!

Tomorrow morning, Tuesday, at 10:30am, cst, we will be introducing Psychological Trait Theory.

To jump start the discussion, how would you describe MY personality? Your thoughts not listed here? Add in the comments!

#CRJ105 #PsychologicalTraitTheory
The results are in! The internet has spoken, apparently I am perceived as ...

#PsychologicalTraitTheory #Criminology #CRJ105
What? Friendly?



Yeah, who says!?!

#PsychologicalTraitTheory #Criminology #CRJ105
Read 74 tweets
Sep 12, 2022
Good morning, friends! Join me at Wednesday, 9/14, 1:30pm, cst, to discuss juveniles as victims, offenders, and participants in the JJS.

THINKING CHALLENGE: What is the biggest challenge facing juveniles today?

#CRJ107 #JuvenileDelinquency
A great discussion this morning in #CRJ105 where we discussed the tenets of the #ClassicalSchool, now onto Juvenile Delinquency #CRJ107 Image
I'm so delighted you could follow along today. For a quick roll call, are you ...

#CRJ107 #JuvenileDelinquency
Read 63 tweets
Sep 12, 2022
THINKING CHALLENGE: From your common sense, why do people break the law?

Join me at Tuesday, 9/12, 10:30am cst, today to discuss!
#CRJ105 #MoraineValley
Good morning friends, thank you for joining me to discuss the history of Criminology, covering Chapter 03.

#HistoryOfCriminology #CRJ105 #Criminology Image
Before we get started with Unit 02, I wanted to check in how the course is progressing for you so far. Now that we've got one unit under our belt, how is online learning treating you?

#CRJ105 #CRJ105CourseSurvey
Read 97 tweets
Sep 5, 2022
Join me at 10:30am, cst, tomorrow, 9/6: Did One Group of Undercover Cops Try to Arrest Other Undercover Cops?

Police chief: "This is probably one of the most embarrassing things in this department since I’ve been appointed."

#CRJ105 #MoraineValley #MeasuringCrime
Good MORNING Criminology fans, I'm here in the home office, excited to get started talking about the #MeasurementOfCrime, who else is feeling the return to work after the long weekend?

#CRJ105 #MoraineValley #MeasuringCrime
Well coffee up, we have a lot of fun concepts to discuss this morning ...

I hope you join me as we take a look at Chapter 02, #TrueCrimeVSUrbanLegend and the #MeasurementOfCrime

#CRJ105 #MoraineValley #MeasuringCrime
Read 76 tweets

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