This Danish article surprisingly argues for boosters ("3rd shot") for *full* population, due to: 1) waning antibodies 2) "looks like vaccinated people in Israel, where they vaccinated long before us, are getting sick again."
Claim 1: Antibodies are *expected* to fall after infection/vax. But t-cells/B-cells remain. Waning antibodies is *not* equivalent to waning immunity. 2/6
Claim 2: "People previously vaccinated are getting sick again." This claim is based on early reports from Israel.
However the actual data as other places: >85% VE for disease, & VE waning non-significant. Vaccines work! 3/6
Boosters for vulnerable is desirable before Winter.
But for ethical & epidemiological reasons, most experts think boosters for healthy non-risk pop is *not* warranted.
The particular expert in the article disagrees, but Ab waning & Israel data do not justify this i.m.o.
Also, the article is written as if just a matter of time before all need boosters (the interviewed is part of the panel deciding). 🧐
Next time @DRNyheder conveys a scientific minority opinion on a topic with evident complexity & huge special interests, show #balance please.
Just for perspective: 99% of deaths were 50+.
The marginal extra-effect on deaths/hosp of mass-applying boosters to millions of healthy young/adults who *already* had 2 shots becomes unethical due to misplaced focus vs. other things killing people (incl. covid elsewhere).
Risk is exponential in age (99% deaths 50+) -this fact seems to still confuse some people proposing policy.
Reducing deaths & hosp this Winter by boosting old & vulnerable very important.
But those arguing for mass-boosting young/adults don't seem to understand exp functions.
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Det er meget problematisk, givet sagens vigtighed, at denne misinformation stadig spredes til store dele af den danske befolkning. Nedenfor faktatjekkes og korrigeres af hensyn til en ordentlig demokratisk samtale.
Påstanden er en omskrivning af en kronik, som estimerer *samlet* døde, hvis 1. bølge spredtes uhæmmet *helt uden" adfærdsændring, som omikron(?)(70%,0.5% IFR, 6 mio pop=21.000 døde). Kun titlen siger "redder" (som er misvisende, for nogen døde jo faktisk).…
Kronikken 1) antager, at original variant smittede som omikron (?) så tallet 70% opnås (faktisk meget mindre R0) 2) udelader forårseffekt marts/april 2020 (omikronbølgen var vinter) 3) definerer *al* adfærd (inkl. frivillig) som nedlukning (? Ikke videnskabelig definition).
Reg. this "wonder drug" @Telegraph article: 1) The article claims that "experts" suggest the "beginning of the end" of Alzheimer's disease.
There is no indication we are seeing an end to Alzheimer's disease. This is misleading, harmful hype, playing with patient fears and hopes.
2) The article claims that "most common side effects were headaches and the Aria swelling". In this risk "summary" deaths are omitted entirely. And while %efficacy is stated the substantial %adverse effects is omitted-critical benefit-risk context not reaching @telegraph readers.
3) It turns out the "end" claim comes from a single (!) interviewed expert (so not "experts", that is misleading why add the s?). So while obscuring the risk side, Argumentum ad populum is used here in a curious false-premise version of "appeal to many".…
Since IndieSAGE now tries to revise history to appear mainstream, a short thread on what they actually were, what they did, who they were associated with, and why it matters for science and our democracy. /1
First of all, IndieSAGE is a zerocovid group: It recommended zerocovid in England as late as Aug 2020 and members supported zerocovid even into 2021. Trying to revise history, claiming "advice was largely in line with SAGE" is thus misinformation. /2
Second, IndieSAGE is closely affiliated with World Health Network led by Yaneer Bar-Yam and Eric Feigl-Ding. The appendix with ~130 WHN co-signatures is a revelation to anyone interested in pandemic Twitter and lists all their partner ZC groups /3…
Below a list of misinformation from @DrEricDing from the zero-covid group World Health Network who has been repeatedly debunked by others, documenting the scientific problem of @peterhotez's endorsement.
Just noting that the editor has a company selling N95 masks so for legal reasons and in democratic/public interest it may be fair to label the below advocating for intense post-pandemic use of HCW masks as a commercial / marketing advertisement.…
Other views from same editor: 1) vaccines "last resort" that you "don't want to have to use" 2) chronic disability a "catastrophe for our species"; 3) "they killed the last queen by infecting her with covid"; 4) amplifying debunked Mpox fake news.
The editors of the "John Snow Project" were systematically involved in spreading monkeypox misinformation, incl. the fake news from Spain implicating community transmission that was debunked by e.g. @kallmemeg @MarionKoopmans
@benryanwriter @SaskiaPopescu
@US_FDA is likely to approve #lecanemab next week after advisors "voted" for efficacy. Yet while statistically significant, this effect is very small (2.5%) & below clinically meaningful (MCID) (figure by my dear colleague prof. Poul Høilund-carlsen). /1…
Also, the effect is very heterogeneous, raising the concern that the groups could not be treated as one in the prespecified endpoint, which would then be statistically inappropriate. A small very heterogeneous effect increases the risk of bias. /3