The Retso print comes in red (masculine) & blue (feminine). It is associated with hunters, those who work & mbira musicians If you dream about it, you have a Karanga or Ndau ancestor & need it for healing particularly if your illness cannot be diagnosed & spiritual protection.
It can be worn by anyone but is mostly worn by healers in Zimbabwe. The pyramid pattern links back to Kemet. The colours red, black & white the colours of Anu/Antu, the original human ancestor. The Shona word for people is vanhu meaning descendants of Anu like the Nguni Bantu.
The grey one with white spots is known as guru re hanga. Hanga means guinea fowl in Shona. It’s not very common, worn mostly by indigenous healers. It would carry the same qualities as the impangela print worn in SA.
I’ve been exploring @mindvalley courses starting with Duality with @jeffreyallenjp. It has really taken my energy work to another level. The meditations are simple. I do them at night before I fall asleep. 😴 no longer need the prescription meds for my chronic insomnia.
This was my daily reality at work for months. However, shadow work & more recently energy work has allowed me to be able to maintain my sense of self & self worth & not be overwhelmed by the bullying tactics. I found the strength to stand up for myself & keep going.
Energy work is a profound way to influence your reality. Recovering from narcissistic abuse as an empath is a lot of work. I am able to manage my chronic pain. I can get through the day on 1 cup of coffee & tea. I am able to visualise, plan & execute with much less effort.
I used to believe that the worst casualties of corruption & misrule in Zimbabwe were the divorced couples, broken families & people dying needlessly because of lack of medical care. Now catching up on spirituality content, I think our humanity - ubuntu is the greatest casualty.
Exhibit 1 -
Chenai was a slay queen who had an affair with a married man. The man’s wife went to a healer in despair after telling her to stop seeing her husband. The healer did the work & Chenai fell desperately ill. She apologised & asked for the healer to reverse the curse/
Exhibit 1 cont.
The healer instructed her to do certain things with her family. A lot of money was required to reverse the ritual. I will share why in another post. The family either chose not to or couldn’t come up with the money - USD300. Chenai died.
My fundamentalist fellow Christians love to quote Deuteronomy 18 & 28 regarding divination, sorcery & witchcraft. This is a classic example of using biblical texts as proof to support one’s opinion. However it is important to understand the origin of the book of Deuteronomy.
Deuteronomy was written by the priests during the Jewish exile to Babylon. This was after the siege of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. Judah had been a vassal state of Babylon for years. The siege was in response to an ill-advised rebellion against Babylon by the king.
Jeremiah was the prophet during this time & had spoken the Word of the Lord that they would be defeated & would either die in the city during the siege or be captured & led into exile. He was imprisoned for not supporting the rebellion like the other prophets & politicians.
Good morning and Happy Sunday.
Learning that Satan also has his agents planted in churches as bishops, ministers & preachers, even prophets was mind-blowing but makes a lot of sense. It explains why certain evils are committed in, covered up and perpetuated by the church.
Those who have experienced trauma due to what happened to them in church will understand. Just because the person wears a robe, a uniform or holds a position doesn’t make them holy. No one is perfect & we must all strive for holiness & have faith & work out our salvation.
It’s important to test all the spirits as John advises in 1 John:4 to see whether a servant of the Lord is operating under the Holy Spirit or another spirit because many false prophets have gone out into the world. We test the spirits by comparing the teachings to the Bible.
What to do if you suspect you’re a victim of destiny-swapping.
Consult a spiritual healer you resonate with or go to a spirit-filled church for deliverance. You need to remove the accumulated negative energy & cut the spiritual cords that are used to drain your positive energy.
I recommend the following from my experience: 1. Spiritual cleansing with a spiritual bath, steaming and purging 2. Pray with candles for spiritual ties to be broken along with any curses or hexes. If your health allows it, do any kind of fast.
@mthandeni09 It’s interesting what priests have to say based on snippets of information that emerge in exorcisms. I believe there is a hierarchy in Satan’s kingdom just as you have a hierarchy in heaven because evil is highly organised & disciplined in its approach to corrupt the world.
@mthandeni09 In the story of the destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah, the issue of homosexuality is said to have been the reason for its destruction. However, when you read the story, it seems the bigger problem was the violence. The men gathered at Lot’s house intending to rape his visitors.
@mthandeni09 The visitors turned out to be angels sent to rescue Lot & his family before the destruction of the 2 cities. There must have been so much negative energy generated by the violence & fear that negative entities were thriving on, so a cataclysm was necessary to cleanse the land.