Letter from a fetus:
Dear Republicans, tomorrow I get born, and I know I won't matter to you anymore after that so I wanted to write today, before I take my first breath.
See I am safe & warm & provided for here.
But tomorrow I won't be safe or warm or provided for anymore.
Tomorrow I'll need you so much more than I needed you today. It will be cold out there. There will be so many, many things that could hurt me and cause me pain.
I will have a face tomorrow.
I will have a skin color.
I will have a gender.
I will have a mind to educate & a soul to nurture.
I know tomorrow you will have a million reasons to hate & exclude & reject & despise me, so can I ask you a favor?
Don't save me.
I'm already saved, since I have never been born and I have no sin.
I'm already provided for, since I never needed anything from you. God has me covered 100 percent in here.
My troubles won't REALLY begin until you actually do have to do something to help me, because you'll say I'm not worthy, you'll say you just can't afford it.
You'll say "Who cares about that no good worthless born person."
Maybe I'll freeze to death in a dumpster tomorrow.
Maybe I'll starve to death in the 'greatest nation on earth'
Maybe I'll be sold to one of your "Christian" baby stores where I'll be trained to give good massages to fat old men who visit the Jupiter 'day spa'.
Maybe I'll grow up never learning to read or getting an education, or worse, never hearing the Words of God.
I have no sin today. But very soon I will have sin.
Tomorrow I will need the Words of Jesus, but you will say I'm not worthy, you'll build a wall to keep me out of your Christian nation.
So let me again implore you, don't save me.
I am already saved.
Tomorrow I won't be. Tomorrow I might become just like you.
Did you ever think maybe I would rather lose my flesh than lose my soul?
• • •
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I just had what I believe might actually be a genius idea to put an end to GOP war on women once and for all.
Let's start with the definition of the word abortion "Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus" (continued)
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