Ich mache seit 1 Monat nichts anderes als Tag + Nacht zu versuchen, Leute aus Kabul rauszubringen. Hunderte wenn nicht Tausende andere in Deutschland versuchen es auch. Doch die Regierung blockiert alles, wirklich alles, um diese Menschen zu schützen.
Unterlassene Hilfeleistung? Fahrlässige Tötung? Ich weiß nicht, wie man dieses Verhalten juristisch beschreibt. Ich weiß nur, dass weder CSU, CDU noch SPD in den nächsten Jahren mein Vertrauen zurückgewinnen werden können.
Der letzte Monat war MIT ABSTAND das verstörendste was ich in meinem Leben erlebt habe. Ich wusste seit meiner Zeit in Kabul, wie eiskalt + menschenfeindlich deutsche Politik sein kann. Was ich (und viele andere) jetzt erleben, ist ein komplett neues Level.
Aufgeregt + dankbar präsentieren wir euch die nächsten 10 Erstunterzeichnenden.
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1. Jeanine Michaelsen, Moderatorin
2. Welket Bungué, Schauspieler + Filmemacher, bekannt aus Berlin, Alexanderplatz
3. Nora Arnezeder, Schauspielerin, bekannt aus Army of the Dead
I decided to share anonymous snippets of the conversations I'm having with friends in Kabul. I still don't feel like people get how horrifying the situation is, and why our governments have to act NOW - and not in ten days.
"I don't worry about me anymore. I'm already completely crazy anyway. I won't be fine again, ever. I just want my kids to have a life."
"My daughter asked me: 'if Taliban come to our house, will they kill all of us?' I didnt know what to tell her. I just had no answer."
Ein Brief ehemaliger GIZ-Mitarbeiter:innen aus Afghanistan:
"As you are well aware, we lost valuable time. All of us who are known to have worked for projects of
different commissioning parties (BMZ, AA, BmVg, and BMI) already needed protection ten days ago and ...
... we certainly need protection today. Your policy change comes late and many of us already had to seek
refuge or hiding places while the time window for evacuation is closing as more time passes.
We still have no information where to turn to while the situation in Kabul deteriorates as we speak. Soon it might be too late. Please act now to avoid an irreversible situation where your inaction is the reason for lives lost.
The court at the time ruled that both of Mahsa's killers should be sentenced to 30 years in prison.
On the other hand, the government promised to help me, but I did not receive any help from them and I was disappointed. After that, I lost my temper and my wife also got nervous. Also, since then, I have never had a good life. Even my children do not leave home out of fear.
As you know, our country was taken over by the Taliban and all the prisoners of Afghanistan were released, including the two killers of Mahsa, and they both joined the Taliban. Ever since this happened, they have been calling me and threatening me and my family with death.
"Dear Ronja I am feeling like burning in hell, all of my friends has been rescued by the countries they worked but Germany and GIZ doing nothing for us yet..."