Updating the bucket chart of daily number classification shows just how much the recent performance has accelerated, with multiple >10M days interspersed between >6M days.
All data is at intervals between PIB 7pm data.
I’ve summarized the month of August itself separately and written an article about it:
The following chart reports monthly vaccination dose performance so far. A mere 4 days in, September already has almost 33 million doses, enough to vaccinate the eligible population of Canada, or Aus+NZ combined.
I had stopped showing vaccine availability with states data as it was briefly stopped being reported.
Tl;dr - It has now resumed and the trend is again visible.
The float is higher now, but 45-50m is reasonable given it is less than a weeks inventory now:
Let’s step back and look at how vaccination coverage numbers look vs major regions .
Half a billion people (well past 50%) adults with at least a dose, adding ~1% a day peak rate.
Note the slope of various entities as it matters in subsequent posts on this thread.
The 7DMA data now looks a little comical, with the Indian rate exceeding combined rates of others, whose combined population exceeds India’s.
As a result, Indian rate per person also exceeds them. The “but we have more people” argument doesn’t quite work well now.
In my article on @SwarajyaMag summarizing August, I described the pronounced acceleration in Indian supply vs EU/US.
Vaccine prod faces scaling problems. @SerumInstIndia struggled earlier and @BharatBiotech is working hard now. They need support, not backseat criticism.
This is the prior quarter (June-August) performance vs Europe and North America.
Europe = entire continent incl UK, not merely EU
NA = US + CA + Mex
From almost matching Europe, to exceeding 2 continents combined, in 3 months. That is the acceleration seen from India.
Many artifacts are visible in the previous picture: 1. Dramatic growth in supply and daily vaccination in India 2. Moderation in the west - both production and consumption.
A simple explanation is ‘well they’re almost done, we have a long way to go’. Let us examine:
Projections come with caveats:
* previous table doesn’t count booster doses etc.
* simply projects forward September vaccination rate estimates.
In short, disclaimers apply.
Bottomline: Indian completion timeline currently aligns with western ones.
For September, known data are:
52-55m doses carried over from Aug
200m SII est
35m BB est
Thats ~250M doses + float. Month-end total ~900M.
The estimated 100M second doses will take fully vaccinated pop over 250M.
Fast forward 15 years to 2000. Not a lot has changed. It wasn't a mischaracterization'for India to be viewed on par with Sub-Saharan Africa well into the 2000s - income wise India was middle of this pack . That's just how bad things were 50 years into the republic.
Things were not much better looking at Asia in 2000. Pakistan was way ahead, with a GDP PPP per capita higher than even China then. Only Cambodia had a lower income in the ASEAN.
India was poorer than Haiti at the turn of the century. All of the Americas were richer.
The IPL is also far more lucrative in revenue per game, despite the fact that with a mere 74 games, it’s in the bottom 5 of sports leagues by number of games played per season.
Each of those games is a money spinner. Let’s look at how much.
In terms of total revenue, the IPL ranks a reasonable 13th position among global leagues, despite having so few games in a single season.
There are only three countries on the planet with $1 trillion+ exports - China, USA and Germany. Even Japan is around $850-900B in FY 2021.
India jumped ~10 ranking places to provisionally #8 this year. Positions 4-7 are Japan, UK, France and Netherlands - all $700-900B.
India began 1949 the 9th biggest exporter.
It left the top 10 by end of that year.
It left the top 20 in 1957.
It reentered the top 20 in 2010, but didn't rise further until 2017-18 when it was 18th ranked. 2021-22 saw a big jump to 8th position.
Today was a day of symmetry as the vaccination total hit 175 crore (1.75 billion), exactly on day 400 since start of vaccination. This corresponds to an average of almost 4.4 million vaccinations a day, over four hundred days.
The monthly total to date is now almost 88 million. February should easily cross 100 million and will likely finish at around 125 million. This is expected as it is predominantly second dose + boosters. March will be much higher as the 12+ group becomes eligible.
With even the second dose numbers not very high now, the daily average over the past week was just 4 million - multiple days towards the end of week being around 3.98 million, and thus still in the 3.x bucket.