No matter what your views are on the subject of vaccine- you must read the important words of the wise Adv. Michal Ackerman, regarding the unethical procedure:
“The diary of the hallucinatory Vaccine Refuser (I think that's what I'm called now, not exactly sure of the definitions):”
2/ “When I was pregnant with Neta, 12 years ago, my (charming) gynecologist at the time called me and warned me of a terrible epidemic that was about to break out in the name of swine flu, which is dangerous for all of us and especially for pregnant women.”
3/“At the time I didn’t mind getting Vnd at all, but I was very scared of injections, so I postponed the vaccine. One day he called me in a real panic, and told me that 4 young and healthy ppl had died in Israel that day, because of the swine flu and that I must get vaccinated”
4/ “Because of the pressure, that I felt, thinking I was going to be stabbed with a needle, I started reading and checking out what it was all about, because the headlines were really stressful.”
5/ “Then I found out that one of the victims of this “terrible plague”, a healthy young man, fell from a scaffold and died. And is counted as one of those who died of the plague.”
6/ “I gave up the vaccine.
The plague did not happen,
as is well known.”
7/“A few months later, Neta was born. Vaccines in the hospital - cool, I vaccinated her, don’t ask, don’t check. I Trust the Ministry of Health. Vaccines at one month of age - cool, vaccinate, don’t ask, don’t check, trust the Ministry of Health.”
8/ “After a month, when my brain started working again (partially), and I saw the huge list of vaccines that awaited my child in the first years of her life, I began to wonder why they were needed.”
9/“I am not a scientist, and I have never read a complete study from start to end. I am a lawyer, and I understand words. So I read the protocols of the Knesset committees and of the Ministry of Health before deciding on the subject of vaccines.”
10/“They are very difficult to find and are very inaccessible to the public, and yet I succeeded, and one I remember well, and it included the chickenpox vaccine.”
11/“The committee's deliberations explicitly stated that the consideration for introducing this vaccine into routine vaccines is economic. “
12/“Parents lose a lot of work days due to children suffering from chickenpox, and it costs the country too much money.”
13/ “Then I deliberated with myself and decided that I was an independent worker anyway and my children were homeschooled anyway, so I did not mind losing work days or how much money it costs the state, and I was not vaccinating my child.”
14/“Why do I write this long confession? Because I don’t put anything into my body, and certainly not into the body of my children, without the reasoning and the debate on it being transparent to me.
Without reading protocols. Without knowing why they want company A and not B.”
15/ “Why decide on a certain age as the right age to inject (e.g., jaundice B is injected on birth,even though it’s a sexually transmitted disease,or through infected used syringe,similar to AIDS. Why? To vaccinate more children without trusting parents,Illegitimate for me)”
16/ “Therefore, I don’t really care what studies say - there are some that say this and some that say the opposite, and I do not really care what the experts write, there are also some that say this and others that say that. It matters to me what is written in the protocols.”
17/ “And I will not know that in the next 30 years, since they were censored.”
18/ The text above is not intended to recommend that you vaccinate or not to vaccinate, it is not presented here as a discussion on the vaccine- but only for the purpose of discussing the ethical question of the confidentiality of discussions regarding vaccine and C19 policy
1/ One of the most important documentary films of our time was just published. It raises many important questions about chosen Covid policy, with very esteemed experts that suffered ad-hominem persecution since they first spoke their criticism, here are some of them:
״I was told: It's time to retire"
Prof. Eitan Friedman
Internal Medicine, Ethics
Professor of Medicine in the Department of Genetics and Biochemistry, Specialist in Internal Medicine and Medical Genetics, PhD from the Karolinsika Institute in Sweden.
Established the Ontogenetic Unit and Clinic for High-Risk Women at Sheba Hospital, serves as chair of the Ministry of Health's Supreme Helsinki Committee.
1. As promised “The ECMO Thread” in English:
New "ECMO discourse" in Israel- was recently introduced at news panels and quickly became the new pressure point.
"The unvaccinated will seize all the Acmo devices" -
1- נראה שליבה של @RMatsliah הוא במקום הנכון, והיא מצליחה להבחין בתבונה רבה בין הבחירה הבריאותית לבין מה שהיא מגדירה (בצדק רב) ״רוח רעה בארץ״.
חייבים להכיר תודה לרינה על היכולת להיות אדם במקום שבו נעלמו ונאלמו כולם. כל הכבוד רינה!
ובכל זאת,
2- הרוח רעה כ״כ שגם היא עושה זאת תוך השימוש במונח ״בלתי מחוסנים״ להבדיל מלא מחוסנים בחיסון לקוביד (או בחיסון המחקרי אם לדייק) - למונח ״בלתי״ אין הצדקה ויש אסוציאציות שליליות הרבה יותר גם מהשימוש הפשוט ביותר - לא מחוסנים.
3- למה משמש המונח בלתי?
בלתי מתקבל על הדעת,
בלתי נסבל,
(חתרן) בלתי נלאה,
בלתי מספיק ועוד.
זה מונח שנשתל בתודעה גם בקרב המבקשים לא להשתמש בשפת הכפייה האלימה והפוגענית כגון - ״סרבנים״
1. איך מגיעים ממדינה דמוקרטית למציאות האוסטרלית ? מתחילים בשתילת רעיון ״האוייב״ במושגים בטחוניים ובהדרגה מפמפמים אותם לתודעה באמצעות חברות לובינג ואסטרטגיה שפועלות לאחידות מסרים קצרים. במדינה כמו ישראל שגיבוריה הם אנשי צבא, זה קל. ראו שרשור >
2. מתחילים בהחדרת מילים ״נוחות״ יותר לציבור כמו ״סרבנים״ - המונח סרבנות (בפרט מצפונית) מוכר בתודעה הישראלית מסרבנות גיוס. ואכן, למרות שלקבלת טיפול רפואי יש *זכות* סרוב ואין חובת גיוס, בפרט כשמדובר במחקר רפואי - רבים מיהרו להשתמש בדוגמת חובת הגיוס לצה״ל ועוד יותר ב״סרבני חיסונים״
3. חשוב להבהיר: בישראל קיים חוק חובת גיוס - המנעות מגיוס היא סרוב לחובה. להבדיל - לא קיימת חובת השתתפות במחקר חיסונים בכלל, והחיסון פייזר בפרט. להיפך, הטענה היא שאין כפיית חיסון בישראל. לפיכך -
“Be prepared for a hit job on me on TV soon because of several tweets that I wrote -- after which I will probably be fired.Bummer. Yollan(da) decided to do a hit job on us. Likely @mdkatrsk as well.The price of telling the truth is dear. We'll have to weather through it” >
Dr. Zioni is an esteemed virologist, head of a department in Laniado Hospital, actively publishing opinions and research that offer other solution and policy to Covid19 @rzioni
* “Feed Denial” is what they call people on Israeli Twitter that oppose current C19 policy- it was satirically owned & used by said people, though it has no factual grounds.