1. No, it wasn't a joke. I think Blade $BLDE is one of the most underappreciated and undervalued stock in the market.
Revenue: 54%
Seats Flown: 45%
Largest organ transplant aviator in the country
2. In just two years since entering the organ-transplant space, it has grown organically to be the largest player in the country. Its scale and platform has allowed it to outcompete and consolidate a fragmented regional industry. There is >70% of this market left to capture.
3. Despite the success in medical, investors are concerned about the impact of Transmedics' (TMDX) vertical integration and declining BLDE revenue over the past two quarters. Understandable... but they have it wrong.
1. I've looked through hundreds of discarded deSPACs and think Blade Air Mobility $BLDE is one of the most unappreciated and undervalued stocks in the market.
2. The company trades at a basic market cap of $209 million at $2.78/share, compared to $166 million of cash on the balance sheet at year end. The market says this business is worth almost nothing... which is odd...
3. Because the company has grown revenue ~3x in two years from $67m in 2021 to $225m 2023. Some of this growth has come via acquisition, but the biggest driver is its medical segment, where the company is the largest air transport provider for organ transplants in the country
Blackstone Mortgage Trust $BXMT reported 4Q23 results this morning.
Here are the implications for Arbor Realty Trust $ABR, before they report this Friday the 16th...
Bears should take note...🧵
$BXMT and $ABR have similarities - floating rate mREITs, both under scrutiny and the subject of short reports by @muddywatersre and @viceroyresearch, respectively. Some overlap in assets. Both reports make similar arguments around overstated collateral and future credit losses.
This morning $BXMT reported a significant build in credit provisions for the second quarter in a row.
The provision eliminated all GAAP profits for the quarter, resulting in a net loss of ($0.01)/sh