Here's a small thread of 5 useful but undocumented things you can do in #p5js (because they use drawingContext, the vanilla #javascript canvas API):
1. drawingContext.createLinearGradient() lets you create a gradient with as many colors as you want, at any angle you want, and lets use it as a fill style!…
2. drawingContext.filter = `blur(${10 * pixelDensity()}px)` blurs everything you draw, and does it so much faster than the js-based blur() filter in p5 that you can use it in animations!…
3. drawingContext.shadowBlur, shadowColor, shadowOffsetX and shadowOffsetY let you add drop shadows to anything that you draw…
4. After drawing a shape, calling drawingContext.clip() will use that shape as a mask for anything new that you draw after that!…
5. A few push() calls deep and want to know where the mouse coordinate is in local coordinates?
const matrix = drawingContext.getTransform();
const localCoord = matrix.inverse().transformPoint(new DOMPoint(mouseX*pixelDensity(), mouseY*pixelDensity()));