4/ How can aerosols infect through airborne transmission? (by inhalation)
5/ What is the main difference between aerosols and droplets?
6/ How long can virus-containing aerosols linger in the air?
7/ Virus-containing aerosols are impacted by airflow and ventilation
8/ Racing with time: how long do infectious viruses survive in aerosols?
9/ Filters work well to remove infectious aerosols from the air (commercial HEPA or cheaper fan + filter like Corsi-Rosenthal box):
10/ Solar radiation and artificial UV light disable aerosols by damaging their genetic material. (But ventilation and/or filters are preferable to artificial UV whenever possible)
11/ Virus-laden aerosols can enter and deposit in the bronchiolar and alveolar regions of the lungs (also in the nose and upper respiratory tract):
12/ ACE2 is the cell entry receptor that binds and guides SARS-CoV-2 to invade cells
13/ Crowding indoors is a key element for superspreading events
14/ Why did so many people get infected despite mask wearing? (not wearing it tight to the face, or low quality filter)
15/ Surface disinfection CANNOT block airborne transmission (and is a waste of time and money):
16/ Plexiglas barriers may trap higher concentrations of aerosols! (and INCREASE, rather than decrease, transmission of the virus)
17/ How to stop airborne transmission?
- Keep distance (helps but not enough by itself)
- Ventilation, filtration (+UV in some cases)
- Masks w/ attention to fit to the face
- Avoid indoor crowding
19/ There are many requests to translate to other languages. So far they are only in English, but I am inquiring if we can make the editable files available, will post here if so.
20/ If you want to download all the comic images at once, they are available in this folder:
21/ And for people more inclined to learn about the details, check out the literature references etc., this thread explains the @ScienceMagazine paper in more detail:
23/ TRANSLATIONS: if interested in translating the comics, pls complete agreement in folder below, & send it to @ChiaWang8 at chiawang@mail.nsysu.edu.tw:
Translation to Indonesian, Thai, Dutch, and Sinhala is already underway. Help for others needed
CO2 (above ~400 ppm outdoors) indicates the amount of exhaled air (& virus) trapped in a space
Also per recent scientific results by @ukhadds, CO2 helps SARS-CoV stay infectious in air much longer
@united flight boarding, pretty terrible!
2/ This is the trip so far:
-Low outdoors
-Pretty high ~2000 in @RideRTD bus to airport
- ok ~800 at @DENAirport, except restroom ~1500. Not sure why restrooms at this airport are so often poorly ventilated
- Then boarding on @united, ventilation OFF, so huge increase till ON
3/ For details of the recent results on how and why CO2 makes SARS-CoV-2 stay infectious much longer in the air, see this recent thread by @ukhadds
1/ "After four years of fighting about it, @WHO has finally proclaimed that viruses, including the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID, can be spread through the air"
3/ "Words matter. When people heard that COVID might spread on surfaces, they wasted time wiping down groceries. People who misunderstood airborne spread needlessly wore masks on outdoor walks and veered off sidewalks to avoid their neighbors."
1/ New paper in @ScienceMagazine: "Mandating Indoor Air Quality for Public Buildings"
Explaining current status of indoor air quality standards (in short: bad or non-existent), the huge health benefits that would arise from them & proposing a path forward science.org/doi/10.1126/sc…
2/ "People living in urban & industrialized societies, which are expanding globally, spend more than 90% of time indoors, breathing indoor air (IA)."
"Most countries do NOT have legislated indoor air quality (IAQ) performance standards for public spaces"