Virus research: Germany and the EU are also working together with bio-laboratories in Wuhan
Virusforschung: Auch Deutschland und die EU arbeiten mit Bio-Laboren in Wuhan zusammen…
<< EU maintains two virus archives in one of the bio-laboratories in Wuhan. The project is funded by the EU investment program "Horizon 2020". A German-Chinese high-security laboratory also works in the city. But the international public hardly knows anything about it. >>
<< The European Union played a major role in promoting the WIV..The European Union set up, promoted, and financed a 'European Virus Archive' and a 'Global Virus Archive' in the WIV. >>
<< 'Horizon 2020' is the largest EU research and innovation program of all time with..80 billion euros in funding for seven years..One of the important tasks of 'Horizon 2020' is establishment of the 'world's most complete virus collection' and an associated database in Wuhan.">>
"When the internal debt for the athletics program at Rutgers University jumped from $40 M to $120 M in one year, it raised a red flag..Our research ultimately led to a story revealing that Rutgers athletics has quietly racked up $265 M in debt"
""[T]he athletic debt included not only $70 M for new capital projects, but also $84 M in made to athletics to cover..annual deficits..sports programs had been running year after year. They had taken another $48 M in loans from..the Big Ten"
"In other words, Rutgers..was covering shortfalls by adding to..debt payments, which could create even larger deficits in the future. an annual practice, with larger and larger loans planned as expenses such as coaches' salaries grew while revenues..tanked."
"There are many things not know about the..pandemic—including..whether it began with natural spillover..or..laboratory incident..But we do know one thing now beyond debate:..gain-of-function..experiments on..bat viruses were taking place in Wuhan"
"This research, carried out in labs that did not have maximum level of biosafety, was increasing the infectivity of laboratory-created diseases by constructing chimeric coronaviruses — despite strong denial of such practices by the key Chinese scientists."
"And the bio-engineering was being funded by United States taxpayers — channelled through a charity run by a British scientist — despite similar denials from America’s most senior public health officials that they supported such..activities in Chinese labs"
"US and Chinese researchers funded by the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases created viruses in a Wuhan lab that exhibited over 10,000 times higher viral load in humanized mice, records released by the agency show."
"The US nonprofit group EcoHealth Alliance notified..NIAID..that between June 2017 and May 2018 it had created three lab-generated chimeric SARS-related coronaviruses in China that exhibited 'significantly higher' viral loads, documents first reported by The Intercept show"
“Three EcoHealth/WIV lab-generated viruses exhibited >10x to >10,000x higher viral load than the starting bat virus in humanized mice..One EcoHealth/WIV lab-generated virus exhibited higher pathogenicity than the starting bat virus in infection studies with humanized mice."
"Scientists working under..NIH grant bat coronaviruses combined..genetic material from a 'parent'..virus..with other viruses. They twice submitted summaries..that showed..three altered..viruses..reproduced far more quickly than..original virus"
"The Intercept consulted 11 scientists who are virologists or work in adjacent fields and hold a range of views on both the ethics of gain-of-function research and the Covid-19 origins search."
"All but two of the scientists consulted agreed that, whatever title it is given, the newly public experiment raised serious concerns about the safety and oversight of federally funded research"
"Human error can lead to incidents or accidents that release a deadly virus into the community. According to my research, data from two sources show that human error was the cause of 73.5% and 79.3% of incidents leading to potential exposures in BSL-3 labs"
"A needlestick occurred in the ABSL3+ laboratory while the researcher was attempting to collect tissue culture supernatant..A decision was made to home quarantine the individual"
"[D]ocuments..obtained..after..a..FOIA 'unequivocally' that NIH grants were used to fund controversial gain-of-function (GOF) research at the Wuhan Insitute of Virology in China—something..Fauci has denied."
"Multiple sections of the grant proposals and grant progress reports make it clear that the grants funded gain-of-function research of concern in Wuhan"
"Two especially noteworthy sections are page 28 and Figure 35 of the year four progress report on the first five year grant term (1R01-AI110964) and page 3, Figure 6, of the proposal for a second five-year grant term (2R01-AI110964)"