A while back (2019) I did a deep dive about Jody Wilson Raybould.
I found a lot. So many people believe she is an ethical indigenous woman.
She is indigenous and she is a woman, but she’s as crooked and corrupt as they come. And it breaks my heart to reveal that.
I wouldn’t want people getting the idea that all indigenous women are crooked and corrupt.
But it’s not just Jody. There are a few others with a hidden agenda that have captured the ears and hearts of many Canadians.
What’s ironic is none of them consider themselves Canadian.
Every indigenous person in Canada has their own reconciliation hopes and a backstory to make it necessary to reconcile. Jody and her faction of First Nations have every right to be angry, bitter, vengeful and full of contempt.
But operating with a hidden agenda is wrong.
I cannot support the FN hidden agenda. Because it denies my community full participation in reconciliation and UNDRIP.
And I’m not going to be silenced by threats or intimidation by calling me a colonizer or a “pretendian” which is a particularly harsh & disrespectful epithet.
I watched the events recorded in this mega thread in real time. I watched how it unfolded. Confused by the conflict, I thoroughly researched JWR and the SNC scandal.
I did not find a liberal scandal.
But I did find a very extensive CPC scandal that JWR actively sought to keep covered up.
Most people don’t remember past events. But when you assemble past events in one long 100+ tweet thread, it becomes quite simple to recognize the danger Canada is in.
With Cindy Blackstock and JWR re-emerging as key propagandists, protected by gender and ethnic identity as shields, during the 2021 federal election, to humiliate, assassinate character and make exceptionally deceptive partially true accusations, this thread is timely.
It’s long, but it’s worth your time if you commit to reading the attachments as well as the tweets.
If you’re serious about understanding indigenous issues, this will give you a broad overview and specific issues and how divided the 4 different indigenous communities are.
It’s a myth that all indigenous peoples in Canada share an affinity along with traditional beliefs.
They don’t.
Much of that is caused by the divisive and unequal treatment each community has received.
Historically the federal govt has treated each community differently.
Métis amd non status FN did not have Treaty Status until 2016. Yes you read that correctly. 2016 not 1916, 2016. Five years ago.
Until that point, Métis and non status FN were essentially ignored by the federal government and provincial governments. They were invisible.
That changed 5 years ago.
But, just like the CHRT correctly concluded that Children in FN CW were underfunded, so was everything else. Resources were scarce and racism high.
That 2016 decision to extend treaty status to Metis and non status FN has significantly expanded the indigenous population.
500K Métis and 250K non status. Almost doubling the indigenous population overnight.
It was not well received in some factions of the FN community.
Yes that means there are tensions. Conflict. Even more now than before because Liberals have made an extra 750K people party to reconciliation and UNDRIP reparations.
I’m being transparent about this. People with a hidden agenda are not transparent about their hidden agenda.
That hidden agenda includes the dismantling of Canadian constitution, including removal of the Indian Act, Treaty Rights, Human Rights and Freedoms and the judicial system.
It includes the return of land title and power to First Nations (excluding Métis and non status FN).
Individual First Nations would then be able to create their own laws, judicial system, administration and version of governance. Dividing the nation from one unified federation to 630 mini nations.
Generally when people hide their agenda, imposing a modern democracy is not high on the agenda.
And this radical faction of the FN community is no exception.
I don’t know what it would mean. But this is the Land Back movement.
I do not believe people with such venomous hatred are looking to create a welcoming nation for people who are not members of their FN.
Bear in mind, this is not every FN or every FN individual. And in the grand scheme of things it was indigenous land first.
But 37 million other people live here in Canada. The majority have roots here at least 30 years old. Rather than throw an entire nation into crisis, shouldn’t this be a public debate and joint decision?
Many don’t want it to be. Many are conducting the planning in silence.
I prefer a unified Canada. I don’t want to be anything other than Canadian.
There are too many inherent national security risks of annexation by adversarial entities who are promising relief from poverty and racism in exchange for guaranteed access to natural resources.
And a whole 2 continents who have made this deal with the devil with little to show for it but a few wealthy & corrupt indigenous people and a lot of war, suffering, violence and poverty for everyone else. (Africa & South America).
Anyway here is a long and interesting read about Canadian politics, known as the good guys, but actually kinda corrupt, petty, conspiratorial and as criminal as GOP.
Before putting out such a controversial post about a convoy leader vilified and criticized for his crass remarks and bigoted beliefs, you should check for a legal opinion of what this means.
There are a lot of Canadians angry about his sentence.
Is Pat King let off the hook for the biggest constitutional challenge in our collective lifetimes; the alleged attempted coup d’état of the duly elected Liberal federal government 3 months post election?
Or did his sentencing delay include time for him to be “Queen for a day”?
I don’t know the answer to that question. But then, none of us but the judge, defence council and prosecutor do.
It’s winter. I get that Canadians are a bit impatient waiting for the spring to emerge. Americans even more so.
“The destruction of a nation or of an ethnic group by means such as "the disintegration of its political and social institutions, of its culture, language, national feelings, religion, and its economic existence”.
Same thing happened when Ottawa sent immigrants to AB & SK.
The people who came to western Canada didn’t know they were being exploited as place holders to keep Americans from invading the territory.
They appreciated the opportunity to become land owners. It didn’t matter if they were subsistence farmers, they got to own stolen land.
It means we must play smarter and stop delivering the expected negative behaviour.
It means we must use critical thinking.
Trump wants to establish the belief that Canada’s LPC government is promoting drug trafficking.
That’s absurd of course, but we’re in a hybrid info war.
Resistance to Trump’s demands for border security reinforces that narrative in his supporters. The more the left resists, the more Trump’s supporters are convinced it’s true.
Hillier is Canada’s Michael Flynn. So a different “czar” is required.
How much foreign funding was used to elect UCP to a majority? And does that funding negate the entire election’s results because a foreign source paid to influence voters. Specifically Christian Nationalist voters.
Doesn’t this put us in a similar position as Romania?
A foreign funded campaign appealing to Manichean interpretation of traditionalism: “far-right contestation prevails: pro-Europeans versus sovereigntists, Westernisers versus patriots, elites versus the people”.