Today I will unmask designers of planned protests like CAA and farmer protests and Dismantling Global Hindutva conference.
Just take time of few minutes. I promise you won't regret it after reading this. #UnMaskCommunists
1. In 2011 communists in the USA had started the 'Occupy Movement'
They have occupied many cities. 'Occupy Wall street' was the biggest and longest protest at that time. Protesters had occupied wall street for months.
2. Ania Loomba daughter of communist parents and professor at Pennsylvania university had played a very crucial role in this protest. Her communist husband Suvir Kaul was also part of this.
3. You can see how she has participated in Occupy movement.
4. This couple has made an umbrella organization of many different dubious organizations 'the 'Coalition Against Fascism in India' (CAFI) in august 2019.
See the list of their partner organizations. propaganda historian Audrey Truschke is also part of this.
5. in September 2019 Narendra Modi Ji visited the USA. This communist CAFI and their partners have organized a protest against Modi Ji. Just read what was their statements for this protest. you will have an idea of their mentality and propaganda.
6. Ania Loomba and all other NRI communists are working hand to hand with the communist party CPI(M).
She is also well connected with other Indian communists which are working in different fields like journalism and education in India.
7. Now let me show you an interview of Ania Loomba on his role in occupy movement in 2011. She talked about the strategy to use women in protest!
8. The same strategy was applied in CAA and farmer protests. is it just a coincidence?
9. Be it the farmer protest or the CAA protest, they were started by communist organizations and more people and organizations joined as per their personal goals. E.G. Khalistani in farmer protest and Muslim organization in CAA protest.
10. Communist farmer organizations of Punjab, Hariyana, and UP has started to misinform farmers about new farm law just after it was passed in parliament.
11. After few days as per their well-planned strategy to occupy the Delhi borders, they have occupied it.
12. In occupy wall street movement they have a tent city to stay in. They have their own newspaper. They have a medical facility and they have a library on the protest site.
13. The same things were also available at farmer protests too. Do you think this is possible without detailed planning? do you think all this is just a coincidence?
14. A girl who runs this newspaper Trolley Times is the daughter of communist parents. Her mother Jasbir Kaur is the leader of the communist farmer organization.
15. The Wire, NDTV, Newsclick, and other leftist propaganda news agencies have glorified this type of woman as per the strategy of Ania Loomba.
16. In occupy, wall street movement they have planned massive rally and named it 'Day of action'
17. Similarly in India, they have planned a 'Global day of action' and do a rally in Delhi on 26th January.
18. This gang of Ania Loomba, communist politicians, communist professors and students, communist propaganda news websites, and their journalists are the architecture of well-planned artificial protests like CAA and farmer protests.
19. This Ania Loomba and her gang were also behind the Hindumisia event Dismantling Global Hindutva. You can read my detailed thread on it here.
20. The plan of this communist is very clear. They want to remove Modi and BJP from the government. They are trying to instigate farmers, Dalits, Muslims with their propaganda. They want civil riots so they can dismantle BJP, RSS, and Hindus.
I am an individual researcher and working to expose anti-India and anti-Hindu cartels.
I depend financially on donations by supporters and common people only.
Your small contribution will help me to continue my work.
You can UPI - vgajera@ybl
Thank you 🙏
Unmasking foreign agents who are working as journalists!
In December 2023, Hannah Ellis Petersen, a reporter from the British newspaper The Guardian, met Pakistan's high commissioner and discussed 'mutual interest.'
2. Just after a few months, she came up with the story to target India.
3. Yesterday, again, Hannah Ellis Petersen came with a hit job article.
This time, her co-author is a deep state-funded communist agent, Ravi Nair.
1. Here is the list of so-called Independent journalists funded by USAID-funded Earth Journalism.
This list has the names of 86 Indians who write articles on their pay roles.
Do you know where their articles are published?
To know read this thread now👇
2. See how USAID funds millions and works closely with Interviews Network, the parent outfit of Earth Journalism Network.
USAID funds it to create its assets worldwide.
3. When I checked the biodata of so-called Independent journalists, I was shocked to see that most of them write propaganda articles for websites like The Wire, Aljazeera, and other IPSMF-funded websites.
1. Here is the extremely important investigative thread
No one should miss it👇
2. A propaganda podcast, 'Khakiland,' is created by Islamist sympathizer Maktoob media in support of rioters like Tahir Hussain, Umar Khalid, Khalid Saifi, and many others who attacked Hindus with preplanned riots.
They are repeatedly publishing such propaganda stories.
3. Creator of this propaganda podacast are Shaheen Abdulla and Aslah Kayyalakkath.
Both of them are founders of the radical propaganda website Maktoob Media.
People associated with the terrorist outfit HAMAS are whitewashing the terrorists who are in jails in India.
Shockingly, Apple and Spotify also gave their platforms to radicals to whitewash the crime of rioters.
Here is the extremely important investigative thread
2. A propaganda podcast, 'Khakiland,' is created by Maktoob media in support of rioters like Tahir Hussain, Umar Khalid, Khalid Saifi, and many others who attacked Hindus with preplanned riots.
3. Creator of this propaganda podacast are Shaheen Abdulla and Aslah Kayyalakkath.
Both of them are founders of the radical propaganda website Maktoob Media.