THREAD - CAN WE TRUST THE PLANNERS? Knock Iveagh is a site of cultural & historical importance 6,000 years old where an industrial wind turbine has been unlawfully erected. Here is part of the original Environmental Determination, where it states that this is so.
Here is the planner's hand-written list of statutory consultees & responses. Note how appears that 'protecting historic monuments' (now @CommunitiesNI@loveheritageNI has been taken off the list... Why do we think this? >>>
Because the final permission lists all consultees, in the same order as this list. And it is clear no response was received from HMU - that's because the consultation was not sent. Why wasn't it sent? Why wasn't this picked up on? It gets even worse though >>>
3 'PROFESSIONAL' planners checked this application & signed off on it. THEN for some *unknown* reason, they removed a condition designed to *protect the environment* into the future. WHY DID THEY DO THESE THINGS? >>>
Turbines are a lucrative business. Heritage could be seen by some as an impediment to 'green development'. How can a development be 'green' if it goes against environmental rules & *damages the environment* @NicholaMallon? >>>
This development has DISGRACED the planning system & wind industry. It has turned environmentalists OFF wind development & damaged public confidence. If no resolution is found b4 28/9 this matter will go to court. We are ready to #protectneolithicireland & we have NOTHING to hide
Very important to note that all the 'planners' involved in this shocking mess now work in councils & are still employed as 'professional planners' - at least 2 at SENIOR level. @deptinfra & @NicholaMallon have taken NO ACTION to repair the damage they've done. #saveknockiveagh