'@BBCgmu cancelled the debate with Professor Siân Griffiths this morning, so here is a thread instead
There is no case for coercing or treating people who choose not be vaccinated differently!!
@sajidjavid confirmed this week that the covid fatality rate is now 0.096%
'@ONS blood sample survey conducted with @UniofOxford show that 92% of adults (16yrs+) in Northern Ireland now have antibodies, either via vaccination or recovery from covid
The latest leading causes of death data for England & Wales show that covid is 9th, behind dementia & various cancers; influenza & pneumonia was higher in 8th place
Points above show that coercion to get vaxxed is trying to fix a problem that doesn't exist
In fact, use of coercion/mandates is counterproductive, as seen by the fact that up to 70k staff are expected to quit care homes following mandate in England