2. The pub provides comprehensive technical guidance and policy insights, with a particular focus on small-scale farmers, towards developing the fruit and vegetable sector to achieve the SDGs.#IYFV2021
3. The pub raises awareness on the critical role of fruits and vegetables in food security, nutrition, livelihoods and incomes of small-scale producers...#IYFV2021
6. The pub will convince the reader to care about fruit & vege and to see that the small-scale production of these crops is fundamental to achieving sustainable development goals.The reader will learn about the challenges & rewards for producers, sellers, & consumers. #IYFV2021
8. Chapter 2: options for farm management to ensure that production is sustainable including genetic resources, seed systems, management of water, soil, nutrients, and control of pests and diseases. #IYFV2021 @FAOAfricaADG@lmakombe
9. Chapter 3: options to integrate small-scale commercial fruit and vegetable farmers into socially inclusive value chains, including innovative post-harvest handling services, market linkages, and reducing food loss and waste. #IYFV2021 @panasheila
Chapter 4: options for practitioners and policymakers at different governmental, institutional and social levels to promote the sustainable production and consumption of safe, nutritious, and affordable fruit and vegetables. #IYFV2021@MoLAFWRR_Zim@RuramisoM@ZFyfcz
Chapter 5: key interventions and innovations to facilitate the sustainable production of fruit and vegetables in low- and middle-income countries across the world. #IYFV2021
This publication takes readers on a journey introducing them to a diverse array of fruit and vegetables through colorfully illustrated studies from around the world. #IYFV2021
@FAO encourages @MoLAFWRR_Zim@basera_john to translate the pub into local languages making it easily and fully accessible & utilizable within the local communities and contexts @DonaldTchidoori