We spent Week 03 introducing the Classical School (Rational Choice Theory) and then Week 04 the Positivist School (scientific study for the betterment of human behavior).
Today we will focus on Biology, then we will lay down on a couch & talk about our mothers next week (Tuesday, 9/28, approximately 1:30pm) to highlight Psychology
Bio-criminology is the study of the physical aspects of psychological disorder:
~biochemical abnormalities,
~abnormal brain waves,
~nervous system dysfunction
The XYY syndrome received much public attention because of the case of Richard Speck. Speck, who in 1966 murdered eight nurses in Chicago, initially (but incorrectly) was diagnosed as an XYY chromosomal male
One way to separate the influence of inherited traits from that of environmental conditions would be to study infants separated at birth from their natural parents and placed randomly in foster homes
Do your genes, rather than upbringing, determine whether you will become a criminal? Adrian Raine believed so – and breaking that taboo put him on collision course with the world of science
The debate over the relationship between IQ and crime has its roots in the controversy over whether intelligence is genetically or environmentally determined
Some studies also relate premenstrual syndrome (PMS) to delinquency and conclude that women are at greater risk of aggressive and suicidal behavior before and during the menstrual period
Anecdotal reports, in addition to more scientific investigations, link criminality to diets high in sugar and carbohydrates, to vitamin deficiency or dependency, and to excessive food additives
In 1979, Dan White, who confessed to killing the San Francisco city mayor (George Moscone) and a City Councilman (Harvey Milk), said his behavior was precipitated by an addiction to sugar-laden food
Neuro-criminological studies have included studies of cerebral structure, brain wave studies, clinical reports of minimal brain dysfunction, and theoretical explorations into the relationship between the limbic system and criminality
Advances in brain imaging made accessible by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and other imaging technologies (for example, positron emission tomography, or PET scan) offer dramatic new insights into the brains of criminals.
The neurophysiological factors criminologists once were exclusively concerned with—for example, EEG abnormalities and minimal brain dysfunction—raised fewer concerns
Before we get started with Unit 02, I wanted to check in how the course is progressing for you so far. Now that we've got one unit under our belt, how is online learning treating you?
Good MORNING Criminology fans, I'm here in the home office, excited to get started talking about the #MeasurementOfCrime, who else is feeling the return to work after the long weekend?