This tweet has created a problem for theocratic fascist Mike Flynn. His reference to “Seven Rays” which comes from occultists like Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey has angered dominionist antisemites like Rick Wiles.
Rick saw my video and compares Mike Flynn to Satan. 🤭
Rick Wiles agrees with me and @jszimhart that this phrase comes from theosophy. I have to say, I’m surprised they gave me media credit. Apparently the original video is no longer online.
I’m guessing Rick Wiles is not the only one one Flynn pissed off.
There is a lot more detail about “Seven Rays” here.
Rick Wiles gives Mike Flynn what is — in Rick’s mind — the ultimate insult by comparing Flynn to Gen Milley.
And just in case you think Rick Wiles is fucking around, he literally makes a cross with his fingers like you do to vampires after he says Flynn’s name.
Rick Wiles says about Flynn: “Have nothing to do with him.”
On this very specific point, Rick Wiles and I agree.
LOL. Flynn is getting a lot of shit for this on his @telegram feed. Please drown me in this tea.
When you’ve lost GhostEzra — a despicable antisemitic QAnon account. Disturbing to see my name in there.
Mike Flynn is still getting shit for his “Sevenfold Rays and Archangels” prayer. He angrily says he “recited a prayer to saint micheal.” [sic]
This may be true, but it would be in an occult version of St. Michael, like “I AM.”
“Sevenfold Rays” is not a Catholic phrase. At all.
So the question is, why is Flynn praying to a theosophical version of St. Michael? And since he said “recited” we can gather it’s not the first time he’s done so.
Flynn can believe anything he wants in his prison cell, but I think his millions of Christian victims should know.
Is Flynn literally following the same basic belief system that informed the Nazis? Theosophy was an influence on Nazi Germany, and on “the I AM Activity” which paralleled the Nazis in America.
“I AM” is deeply entwined with QAnon.
Are all of the Flynns in “I AM”?
In case you’re unfamiliar with this particular cult, I AM is still alive and kicking and indoctrinating entire families. These are the people who pray to Archangels and Seven Rays. Not Catholics.
This is Russian propaganda, from controlled opposition, designed to make liberals shy away from demanding answers from the administration about this election.
This is disinformation, designed to gatekeep the left & shame us into silence. It’s also a great reason to keep digging.
Straw man attacks on edge cases. Taking extreme ideas & claiming it represents anyone asking questions. Repeating “conspiracy theory” over & over until it sticks. All propaganda.
But don’t worry “a Trump-staffed FBI will still take the threats seriously and investigate them.” 🤦
You see, anyone asking questions about the election are just “shellshocked liberals” “coping” with reality. Just “accusations from liberal influencers.”
“Stop worrying about the Fourth Reich, libs, the mid-terms are coming!”
🚨Mike Flynn is proceeding with his plan to steal the election
Flynn invokes the “total setup” of J6, goes on a racist diatribe about Kamala Harris & predicts victory for Donald Trump.
“There should be no reason we shouldn’t know this evening.”
Mike Flynn says he “feels” like 2016 when he helped steal an election, points to his white skin while he talks about “our DNA,” and tells people that after today is “when the real sacrifices begin.”
There’s barely any fig leaf over what he’s really doing here—mobilization.
As I have documented *extensively* Mike Flynn and his network have been trumpeting the benefits of Donald Trump’s assassination since Sept 2023. It’s systematic, intentional stochastic terrorism.
He’s all but promising it before the inauguration.
Wake up. Trump is going to hand our economy over to the PayPal Mafia, who created Satoshi as a LARP, like Q, to mask their plan to eliminate the dollar and replace it with a digital Ponzi scheme that will explode the economy.
“Ross” Ulbricht created “Silk Road.”
🚨This lunatic screaming “WE MUST CRUSH JIHAD!” at Trump’s Nazi rally controls the underlying security to Bitcoin. He’s Trump campaign chair.
Trump’s entire team is infested with organized crime connected to Thiel, Musk, the Russians, and the Saudis.
“Satoshi” is not a person. It’s made up by guys who covertly recreated the original purpose of PayPal as Bitcoin.
Peter Thiel is the closest we have to the Antichrist. If Trump gets into office, his monkey JD Vance will quickly have the nuclear codes and the fucking TREASURY.
I just spent two days covering this ReAwaken event. It’s the 24th time I’ve done it. It just gets worse & worse.
This is a death cult led by a deviant collection of American terrorists that has captured the minds of a vast swath of the country.
This is American ISIS.
If you’d like to support me, please subscribe to my website My content is free but paid subscribers keep me alive. 🇺🇸
There are two central tactics at the heart of this anti-American psychological warfare operation: create terror of white replacement & create a desire for the destruction of the separation of church & state.
Flynn’s “ReAwaken” events are a large menu of ways to kill yourself.
This guy is still milking the ashes of his father who was sued out of existence for killing people with Laetrile, a 60 year old hoax by the John Birch Society.
Left: Flynn’s Russian propagandist using the “attempted assassination” against Trump for material just now.
Right: Vem Miller’s IG with the Shaman and Ivan Raiklin.
This “attempted assassin” really gets around.
Either this is the clumsiest fake assassination ever conducted, or there is a massive investigation to do into Vem Miller.