All these Harry Jaffa students turning out to be or signing on to the be the house intellectuals of Trumpism raises the question of whether Jaffa himself would have gone full MAGA. What makes it a tantalizing question is that Jaffa died only a few months before Trump …
2/ announced his campaign in the summer of 2015. So we almost found out. I suspect the answer is that yes, he would have ended up full MAGA, red hat and all. I’m no Jaffa expert but I did spend two or three months in 1989 talking to him almost every day. I was a research …
3/ assistant that summer at a place called The Salvatori Center, a small think tank affiliated with Claremont McKenna College where I was a research assistant for Jaffa and the founder of the center and I think the first president of CMC a guy named a George Benson.
4/ I was mainly there because it was something to do near my home but also because I was very into everything about Abraham Lincoln and I’d been put on to the straussian/Jaffa stuff by one of my high school teachers. In any case, Jaffa was a very charming guy and we talked …
5/ about Lincoln and natural rights a lot. Some of the stuff seemed hard to figure. Once he told me that we could be pretty sure homosexuality violated natural law since it was one of the few things that Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Aquinas agreed on. In any case …
6/ the best reason to think that Jaffa would have been a hardcore Trumper is that so many of his students turned out to be. Not conclusive. But certainly indicative. And how would he have justified it? Well, I think like everyone else: Democrats are super bad, are …
7/ a threat to the nation’s founding principles, a lot of hand waving and … well sometimes the disease is so bad you need strong medicine. And that’s Trump. I could imagine him making some analogy to Lincoln needing to limit habeas corpus to save the Union.
8/ This is really the path to Trumpism for all these guys. The other side is worse. And that justifies Trump. Also, MAGA. Of course, what makes all of this so comical is that these guys present themselves as being the custodians of the constitution and The Federalist …
9/ Papers are treated as something like their bible. And if you’ve actually read The Federalist Papers you’ll know that maybe half of them are about Donald Trump. And they don’t like him. But people find a way to get to where they want to go. Thoughts @HeerJeet ?
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The Times deceiving its readers about the latest debt ceiling stand off illustrates a broader point. Are we surprised pretty much the entire GOP backed an effort to throw out the results of the 2020 election and is changing laws and in other ways setting the stage ...
2/ to succeed in doing so for 2024? We shouldn't be since this is the same party which has for the last decade or so repeatedly played a game of chicken by threatening to default on the national debt. That was a big warning sign and continues to be. But the GOP ...
3/ has lied on the conventions of journalism to pretend those things aren't happening or to portray them as the products of "gridlock" or "bipartisans gamesmanship". So these criticisms aren't just about score settling or point keeping. They actually endanger the country.
This isn’t my experience. But I can understand someone feeling this way. First of all living through a epochal pandemic sucks and people are entitled to their experience. But there is something very hard abt the last three months. We spent almost a year in various …
2/ levels severe mitigation. And it kept getting worse. Outside of NY the winter was far worse than the early months. But all along people were hiding their time for the vax, for relief. Then the vaxes turned out to be more effective than anyone cld have hoped.
3/ Then unless you were very old you had to wait your turn. And that sucked. But relief was on the way. When people got vaxed you could see they felt like they were entering an alternative universe where the pandemic was in thx rear view mirror. So many of us can …
With everything coming down to this week, most of something is vastly preferable to all of nothing. The rest of the party will have to come down from their number to get Sinema and Manchin and Gottheimer on board. The problem is that these three are not making any counter.
2/ They’re not making it possible to come to a compromise agreement. They’re essentially saying pass our bill and maybe we’ll do something or maybe we won’t. I am still cautiously optimistic that they will put something on the table and there will be a global agreement.
3/ It will mean jettisoning some big things. And that will be very tough for the rest of the party and the White House to manage because some things will get jettisoned and others won’t. And keeping everyone else on board when some ones are getting gored and others …
There’s another dimension of this story worth addressing. It’s largely a press failure. But Dems have done too little to correct it. Again and again this battle has been portrayed as between “progressives” and “moderates”. So AOC and Bernie vs Manchin and Sinema.
2/ Thats almost totally false. Maybe not every last thing in the recon bill. But the package actually has overwhelming support in both caucuses. Overwhelming. It is literally the Presidents agenda. There are some quibbles over the SALT tax. There are some differences over …
3/ the exact scope of the climate package. There are some Dems quibbling over whether some of the social safety net programs will be made permanent. Those are real disagreements. But they’re mostly negotiable and they mostly don’t touch the scale of the package.
this is very very key. what’s changed over the summer is that Dem mods have spent months calling the package too extreme etc. they’ve also created a drawn out process that has allowed the idea to take hold. the contrast with the covid rescue bill is instructive.
2/ the bill was,popular. Dems were United behind it. It passed quickly. Done and done. Remains popular. now there’s an element of circular logic here. Pols need to be able to say there are things they don’t support obviously. They also need to be able to negotiate. But here …
3/ we get to something pretty key. The hold ups from the sinemas and Manchins have never been policy focused. Their mostly positioning, which is to say focused on creating good political outcomes for themselves. They obviously wouldn’t agree that that is the case.
I've been looking at other Sinema polls over the last 8 months. They vary over the course of the year unsurprisingly. But what's consistent is very tepid support from Democrats. Usually in the neighborhood of 50%. From your own party, that's terrible.
2/ What's notable though is that Sinema seldom does any better with Independents. Again, it varies. But she's seldom any better with indys than her colleague Mark Kelly. Usually worse. So the premise that she appeals to indys and people who like bipartisanship doesn't ...
3/ really bear out. In the polls she does relatively well on ... the ones where she has net positive approval overall where the makes up ground is with Republicans. Not independents but Republicans. Given when these polls come over the course of the year, the roots of this ...