-La erupción continuará alternando episodios de mayor y menor explosividad
-Hay dos coladas activas en este momento, una al N y otra al S. Colada norte más fluida va por encima de una anterior. Colada sur, más lenta, se mueve por terreno no ocupado por una anterior.
Summary of the current state of the eruption in #LaPalma, from the press conference after the scientific committee meeting:
-The eruption will continue alternating between more and less explosive episodes. This is normal and expected in this kind of eruption.
-There are two active lava flows: the northern one has more fluid and fast lavas that move over a previous lava flow, while the southern one is slower and is moving on ground not previously taken by a previous flow.
-The cone has experienced significant change in this past week and these constructive-destructive episodes will continue to alternate.
-Ash fall dominated by western winds at medium heights, so ash fall will continue to be expected on the eastern side of the island.